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Removable Storage Testing

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The procedures in this section describe how to test your removable media device for correct functionality with the Microsoft Windows operating system. These procedures use the Microsoft Windows Logo Kit (WLK) and the Driver Test Manager (DTM). To ensure the full functionality of the device, you must run all of the tests that the DTM identifies as required for the device. If your product provides bus-specific support, you must run the appropriate bus-specific tests in addition to the standard tests.

Note  You must use the latest version of the WLK to compile your driver for it to pass testing and obtain a logo.

Using the Test Procedure Help Topics

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The test procedures in this section are divided into the following types of topics:

Preparing: The preparing topics describe how to configure the system or systems for Windows logo testing.

Running: The running topics describe how to run the tests for your device or system.

Troubleshooting: The troubleshooting section provides information to help you diagnose failures, warnings, or errors with the test.

Removable Media Device Tests

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The tests that you must run depend on the capabilities of the device or system that you are testing. The following table contains all the tests that might be required for your test device.

Media Lock Test X X X X X X X
Anti-Virus/File System Filter Test Kit (IFS Test) X X X X X X X
Disk Stress X X X X X X X
Syscache Test X X X X X X X
Device Fundamental Test X X X X X X X
Run INFTest against a single INF X X X X X X X
Media Status Notification Test * X X X X X X X
SMART test utility X
SATA IO Sig Test X
1394 Configuration ROM Test X
CardBus Card Configuration Space Register test X
CardBus Card Common Silicon Guidelines test X
CardBus Bridge Power Management Register Test X
SCSI Compliance test X
SCSI Compliance Test 2.0 (LOGO) X
USB Address Description Test X
USB Descriptor Test X
USB Device Control Requests Test X
USB Device Framework (CV) Test X
USB Enumeration Stress Test X
USB Selective Suspend X
USB Serial Number X
USB Specification Compliance X
USB Isochronous Alternate Interface Presence X
USB HIDView (CV) (Manual) X
USB System Suspend Resume Test X
USB Enable Disable Test X
USB Driver Level Re-Enumeration Test X
USB-IF Test Certification ID Check X
Flash Memory Assessment Test X
Enhanced Storage Logo Test ** X


* Run this test if the device supports Media Status Notification.

** Run this test if the device is an enhanced storage class device.

Run time

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Approximately 24 hours.

Note  Individual test descriptions are included in Storage Tests.

Hardware Requirements

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The following hardware is required for removable media device testing. You might need additional hardware if the test device provides bus-specific support. To determine if there are additional hardware requirements, see the test description for each bus-specific test.

  • One test system with the following parts:

    • The minimum requirements that are published for the test operating system
    • One logo-compliant ACPI BIOS, with ACPI enabled by default
    • One host controller with the appropriate bus interface for the test device
    • If the preceding host controller is not bootable, one bootable bus controller (for example, an SCSI controller). If the controller is bootable, you do not need an additional controller.
    • One monitor, one keyboard, and one mouse (or any pointing or drawing device)
  • One removable media device (that is, the test device)

  • One DVD or CD drive with at least 8x speed

  • One hard disk drive of the same bus type as the bootable controller for the test system, with at least 36 GB of space

  • One cable to connect the test device to the host controller

  • Two blank pieces of media, or the appropriate type for the test device, that are prepared for use

    Note  If the test device has more than one port, you must have media for every port.

  • If the device is connected through USB, one USB 2.0 high-speed hub


To test a device andobtain a logo for Server Device qualification, the system that you are using to test the device must support four processors and at least 1 GB of RAM. These system capabilities are required for the Dynamic Partitioning (DP) Simulator and Test and the Multiple Processor Group test to run. You do not need a system that actually supports DP capabilities or has more than 64 processors to test your device.

If you use a pool of systems to test devices, at least one system in the pool must contain four processors and at least 1 GB of RAM. Additionally, that system must contain the device and driver that you are testing. As long as the driver is the same on all systems in the pool, the schedule is created to run against all systems.

For those tests that do not include a driver to test, such as testing a hard disk drive, the DTM scheduler constrains the DP test to run on the default system. You should manually configure this system to have multiple processor groups. The default system is the first system that is listed. In this case, you should make sure that this first system meets these minimum hardware requirements.

Note  Except for Para-Virtualization drivers (as defined by Logo Requirement Policy-0020), you cannot test physical devices and their associated drivers that are being tested for Server Logo or Signature in virtual machines by using any form of virtualization. This requirement exists because not all virtualization products support the underlying functionality that is required to pass the tests that relate to Multiple Processor Groups, Device Power Management, and Device PCI functionality.

Software Requirements

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The following software is required to run the removable media device tests:

  • One of the following operating systems:
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2)
    • Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Enterprise Edition
    • Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Datacenter Edition
    • Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
    • Windows Server 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition
    • Windows Server 2003, Datacenter x64 Edition
    • Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems
    • Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Datacenter Edition for Itanium-based Systems
    • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Any drivers that are not available with the operating system
  • The current release of WLK

Tester Knowledge Requirements

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

To run the removable media device tests, testers must know how to perform the following actions:

  • Install the operating system from the product CD.
  • Install and operate the test device.
  • Install DTM client.
  • Start tests from the Device Console window of DTM Studio in Submission mode.



Build date: 9/14/2012