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Dynamic Partitioning (DP) Simulator and Test

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.


There are two test tools in this package:

  • A CPU simulator with hot-add capability that tests a driver's compatibility with the hot-add CPU feature. For example, drivers should not import KeNumberProcessors and allocate per processor arrays based on that value.

  • A tool that tests driver compatibility with S4 IRP processing. Typically, drivers should request a D3 IRP in response to an S4 IRP, and they should stop DMA transfers and shut off their interrupts.


The CPU simulator with hot-add capability starts the system under test with one processor and starts the remaining processors at system runtime. Drivers that are aware of the number of CPUs must behave appropriately. Drivers that are not aware of the number of CPUs and do not have per processor data or try to utilize processor affinity should be unaffected.

The tool for testing driver compatibility with S4 simply forces S4 power IRPs to all driver stacks, waits for all stacks to complete their D3 IRPs, and then resumes normal operation with the conventional startup sequence, as if the machine was resuming from the hibernate state. However, a hiberfile will not be written and the machine will not power down.

Run Time:

Log File:

System Restart Required:

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 or Windows Server for Itanium-based Systems (IA64)



Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above)

  • Software components included with the device that is being tested

Unsupported Software

  • Any device that has a driver that indicates that it cannot be power managed to the operating system causes the Device DP Simulator Test to fail. Specifically, if any driver in the system specifies that it is CM_DEVCAP_NONDYNAMIC, the Device DP Simulator test fails.

Hardware Requirements

The test tool requires the following hardware:

  • Device to be tested

  • Computer that meets the minimum software requirements

  • Windows keyboard

  • Two-button pointing device

  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz

  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:

  • 2 processors

  • 4 or more cores

  • 1 GB or more of system RAM


The test tool runs on the following processor architectures:

  • x64

  • Itanium

Note   Except for Para-Virtualization drivers (as defined by Logo Requirement Policy-0020), physical devices and their associated drivers being tested for Server Logo or Signature may not be tested in virtual machines using any form of virtualization. This is because not all virtualization products support the underlying functionality needed to pass the tests relating to Multiple Processor Groups, Device Power Management, Device PCI functionality, etc.

Running Dynamic Partitioning (DP) Simulator and Test

A multiprocessor machine meeting the requirements above is required for these tests. Run the automated test jobs on such a multiprocessor machine.

Additionally, the system must either be an x64-based system (AMD64 or Intel64), or IA64-based (Itanium 2 or later). Windows Server 2008 R2 does not support Itanium 1 (Merced) processors.

For testing your device or driver to obtain a logo for Windows Server 2008 R2, the requirement is that the test system supports the minimum requirements defined above. These system capabilities are required in order for the "Dynamic Partitioning (DP) Simulator and Test" to run, which is required for all server supported device and driver categories. You do not need a system that actually supports DP capabilities to test your device.

If a pool of systems is used to test devices, at least one system in the pool must support the minimum requirements defined above. Additionally, that system must contain the device and driver being tested. As long as the driver is the same on all systems in the pool, the schedule will be created to run against all systems.

For those tests that do not include a driver to test, such as testing a hard drive, the Driver Test Manager (DTM) scheduler will constrain the DP test to run on the default system. The default system is the first one listed. Test personnel, in this case, should ensure that this first system meets these minimum hardware requirements.

Warning   Any device that has a driver that indicates that it cannot be power managed to the operating system causes the Device DP Simulator Test to fail. Specifically, if any driver in the system specifies that it is CM_DEVCAP_NONDYNAMIC, the Device DP Simulator test fails. The failure might include error information that states, "The PnPReplacePartitionUnit() failed with 0x57, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER" or error information that shows "0x80004005, Unspecified error".

To isolate the problem, execute the DP Simulator test without the adapter and driver that are being tested in the system. If the test still fails, the system might contain a driver that is non-dynamic. Remove or disable devices until the test passes. If you cannot make the test pass on the system that is failing, use a different model or vendor system for device testing.

Test Assertions

Test Assertion GUID:

Windows Logo Program: SYSFUND-0129 Server system includes necessary devices and functionality

Additional Information: SYSFUND-0141 Drivers must operate normally when processors are dynamically added to a server. Effective Date: June 1, 2007 Form Factor Old ID: NEW Standalone Rack Status: Open Logo R R A driver that queries for the number of processors in a server must correctly handle dynamic addition of processors. Processor aware drivers must register for notification of hot-add processor events and must adjust any per-processor information they maintain accordingly. The legacy KeNumber Processors variable must not be used. Design and Implementation Note: More information about this requirement is given in the Driver Compatibility for Dynamic Hardware Partitioning white paper, which is available at the WHDC Web site. SYSFUND-0142 Drivers must support Resource Rebalance requests. Effective Date: June 1, 2007 Form Factor Old ID: NEW Standalone Rack Status: Open Logo R R A system wide resource rebalance can be executed on Windows Server 2008 R2. This can occur when a processor is dynamically added to a server. Device drivers must honor the resource rebalance flow and the Plug and Play requests that are dispatched as part of the flow. Device drivers must queue all IO requests during the resource rebalance operation. Design and Implementation Note: For more information, see the WHDC Web site and the Windows Driver Kit on MSDN. SYSFUND-0143 Drivers must support Query Power and Set Power Management requests. Effective Date: June 1, 2007 Form Factor Old ID: NEW Standalone Rack Status: Open Logo R R During transition into hibernation (S4) system sleep state, device drivers receive power requests from the operating system. A server is placed into a 'pseudo' S4 state with Windows Server 2008 R2 during a processor or memory hot-replace operation. Device drivers must honor the Query Power and Set Power requests that are dispatched as part of this operation. Device drivers must queue all IO requests during this pseudo S4 operation. Design and Implementation Note: More detail is available in the Driver Compatibility for Dynamic Hardware Partitioning white paper, which is available on the WHDC Web site.


You may receive an error message similar to the following:

"SimpleIOStress Failed! -> IcmpSendEcho() had too many consecutive timeouts. Win32=1214 - The format of the specified network name is invalid."

This failure can be caused by network latency, which can be improved by trying one or more of the following steps:

  • Disable DHCP and use static IP addressing.

  • Place a router or switch directly between the controller and client.

  • For redundant network paths, add an additional NIC connected to the network.

You may receive error the following error message when the Dynamic Partitioning Hot-Replace Test fails the "Quiesce System" task:

"Replace - ReplacePartitionUnit() failed"

You can load a standard VGA driver for the display, which prevents the system from going to sleep (or "Quiesce").

Install the fully-featured display driver for your graphics card so that power management works correctly. If the test continues to result in the same failure, check for legacy devices by copying pnpcpu.exe from DTM Controller's Tests, and running "pnpcpu -showlegacy".



Build date: 9/14/2012