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Media Lock Test

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Manual Test


The Media Lock Test is a user-mode application that tests the functionality of locking mechanisms on SCSI-removable devices of type CD-ROM and direct access (for example, a Iomega Jaz or Zip drive). This test issues SCSI passthrough Prevent/Allow medium removal commands.


This test verifies if the device supports the media lock command properly. The test locks the media by using the Prevent/Allow medium removal command and then verifies if the media is locked. This test is a manual test and needs manual intervention.

Run Time: 20 minutes

Log File:

System Restart Required: No

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows Server 2003

  • Windows XP



Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above)

  • Software components included with the device that is being tested

Hardware Requirements

The test tool requires the following hardware:

  • Device to be tested

  • Computer that meets the minimum software requirements

  • Windows keyboard

  • Two-button pointing device

  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz

  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:

  • SCSI-removable devices


The test tool runs on the following processor architectures:

  • x86

  • x64

  • Itanium

Running Media Lock Test

  • Run this test as a Driver Test Manager (DTM) job.

You will need to manually intervene for this test.

Command Syntax

Command option Description

mlocktst.exe <drive>


Code Tour

File Manifest

File Location




Test Assertions

Device must expose a drive letter and permit the test to open a handle to the drive."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c2-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must support SCSI Inquiry, with SCSI Peripheral Device Type of direct-access (00h), CDROM (05h), Optical (07h), or Simplified direct-access (0Eh) and expose the Removable Medium bit."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c3-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must report "Medium not present" when no media is loaded."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c4-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must report 'transition' to ready, or media change when media is inserted"

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c5-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must report disk geometry when issued IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY"

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c6-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must report media status with Test Unit Ready as defined in SCSI-2 specification."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c7-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must support a button\mechanism for ejecting media."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c8-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must transition to ready state within 45s after media is inserted."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4c9-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must mount media after media is inserted."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4ca-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must transition to no media state within 45s after media is ejected."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4cb-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must dismount media after media is ejected."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4cc-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must properly implement front panel button."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4cd-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must support the 'Prevent' command to lock the media."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4ce-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must support the 'Prevent' command to unlock the media."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4cf-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must support the 'Start stop unit' command to eject the media."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4d0-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Media must not be accessible after issuing the 'Start stop unit' command to eject the media."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4d1-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Media must physically eject from the device after issuing the 'Start stop unit' command to eject the media."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4d2-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Issuing the 'Start stop unit' command to eject the media when media is locked should fail with status: ASC=53h, ASCQ=02h."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4d3-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Media should remail accessible after a failed eject command."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4d4-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Device must properly support Prevent/Allow and Start/Stop SCSI commands."

Test Assertion GUID: 8902c4d5-c50d-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements



Build date: 9/14/2012