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SMART test utility

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Automated Test


  1. Verify each S.M.A.R.T. command by issuing the commands to the drive.

  2. Issue SMART commands in random order and random number of times.


This test verifies that the drive returns the correct error code and works with different command combinations.

Run Time:

Log File:

System Restart Required: No

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows Server 2003

  • Windows XP



Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above)

  • Software components included with the device that is being tested

Hardware Requirements

The test tool requires the following hardware:

  • Device to be tested

  • Computer that meets the minimum software requirements

  • Windows keyboard

  • Two-button pointing device

  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz

  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:


The test tool runs on the following processor architectures:

  • x86

  • x64

  • Itanium

Running SMART test utility

Run test as a DTM job.

Command Syntax

Command option Description

smarttst <drive number>


Code Tour

File Manifest

File Location




Test Assertions

SMART_GET_VERSION: bReserved should be zero.

Test Assertion GUID: e195012d-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SMART_GET_VERSION: bit 3-31 in fCapabilities should be zero.

Test Assertion GUID: e195012e-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SMART_GET_VERSION: a call with a NULL handle should fail.

Test Assertion GUID: e195012f-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SMART_GET_VERSION: a call with bogus handle should fail.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950130-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SMART_GET_VERSION: a call to DeviceIOControl with handle to device and bogus IoControlCode should fail.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950131-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SMART_GET_VERSION: a call to DeviceIOControl with handle to device and null IoControlCode should fail.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950132-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SMART_GET_VERSION: bogus lpvInBuffer should not cause failure.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950133-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SMART_GET_VERSION: pass NULL for LpvOutBuffer should fail.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950134-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

ENABLE_SMART: Bytes returned should match SENDCMDOUTPARAMS structure.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950135-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

IDE_IDENTIFY: Bytes returned should match IDENTIFY_DATA.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950136-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

ATAPI_IDENTIFY: If supporuted, should succeed.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950137-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

READ_ATTRIBUTES \ READ_THRESHOLDS: number of attribute bytes should match for both calls.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950138-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published


Test Assertion GUID: e1950139-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published


Test Assertion GUID: e195013a-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

RETURN_SMART_STATUS: Bytes returned should match sizeof(SENDCMDOUTPARAMS) - 1 + sizeof(IDEREGS).

Test Assertion GUID: e195013b-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

ENABLE_DISABLE_AUTOSAVE: Enable Attribute AutoSave successful should be successful and bytes returned should match SENDCMDOUTPARAMS structure.

Test Assertion GUID: e195013c-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

ENABLE_DISABLE_AUTOSAVE: Disable Attribute AutoSave successful should be successful and bytes returned should match SENDCMDOUTPARAMS structure.

Test Assertion GUID: e195013d-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

EXECUTE_OFFLINE_DIAGS: If supported should succeed and bytes returned should match SENDCMDOUTPARAMS structure.

Test Assertion GUID: e195013e-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

DISABLE_SMART: should be successful and bytes returned should match SENDCMDOUTPARAMS structure.

Test Assertion GUID: e195013f-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

SAVE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES: should be successful and bytes returned should match SENDCMDOUTPARAMS structure.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950140-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published

DeviceIoControl calls should behave as expected.

Test Assertion GUID: e1950141-c8ea-11da-94f5-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0004 ATA/ATAPI based devices meet ATA/ATAPI protocol requirements

Additional Information: Content will be published



Build date: 9/14/2012