frankarr - an aussie microsoft blogger
Ponderings from the Pacific Northwest by an Aussie Geek who works at a software company
Former Yahoo chief takes ninemsn reins
Welcome to the family Tony.... Sydney Morning Herald Former Yahoo chief takes ninemsn...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/21/2006
Global Corporate Challenge : Team Microsoft 3359 hits the lead
It's been a tough 58 days, but today a small victory for Team Microsoft 3359. We're ahead of all our...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/20/2006
The MeeGo Inverted Pyramid
It's like the food pyramid, but inverted. Some of the people working hard to make Tech.Ed 2006 a...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/20/2006
OMG! I'm an ad campaign
The following posters have been appearing all over the building Scary [ Currently Playing : Doctor...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/20/2006
Challenge Accepted, Problem Solved, Let's move on
Well, Paul stepped up to the challenge and solved his own problem. Good to see industrious types out...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/19/2006
A TechTalkBlogs suggestion
Paul Stovell posted a suggestion for TechTalkBlogs. Sounds like a good idea. My suggestion back to...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/19/2006
Thumbpress : Nice
Big shout out to my buddy Cam for his recent post about Thumbpress, which is a utility to grab a...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/19/2006
All aboard the Zune Meme
I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories, Urban legends, rumour mongering and memes. That's why...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/19/2006
Tech.Ed's Dazzling Dell Deal
All the computers that will be used as part of Tech.Ed 2006 will be offered for sale, on a first...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/19/2006
The first commercial extensions for EWD developed in Australia
I got the following email this evening -----Original Message-----From: xzmedia.comSent: Tuesday, 18...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/18/2006
Where did the day go?
Today was my first day back in the office following my little holiday Phew - the day zoomed past. It...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/18/2006
Feedburner acquires Blogbeat
I signed onto my blogbeat control panel and saw the following: My blog stats site has been aquired....
Author: frankarr Date: 07/17/2006
Tech.Ed Meego : Do I See what you See?
Our little Tech.Ed Meego thing has prompted some interesting observations. Dave Lemphers posted his...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/16/2006
Global Corporate Challenge : Walked 1,005,291 steps in 54 days
It's been 3 weeks since I posted an update on our adventures in the Global Corporate Challenge So,...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/16/2006
Tech.Frank gets ready for Tech.Ed
Now, everyone can wear my shirt if they like Get your own
Author: frankarr Date: 07/16/2006
NAB Not detecting IE7
I bank with the National. I use their online banking service to pay bills. I keep getting presented...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/16/2006
On Holidays - See you soon
I'm taking a week off. It's school holiday's here in NSW, so it's time for me to spend some time...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/07/2006
UMPC and Tablet PC Application Contest : Develop and Win a UMPC
Cool contest. Looks like it's a global one too UMPC and Tablet PC Application Contest Develop and...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/06/2006
fy07 kick off
every year, we start the new financial year with a company wide's the day for the fy07...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/05/2006
WDG : Update for Best Practices for Developing Web Applications Event
The nice folks from WDG are putting on a little show and tell in a few weeks time. David Lemphers...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/05/2006
What is Atlas? Glav tells all
It's good to see our TechTalkBlog Trio have started with gusto. We've had the intros from Glav,...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/05/2006
Browsers used by visitors last week
I looked at the browsers visiting my blog a few months back Time to revisit - here's a breakdown of...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/04/2006
100 days of Berno the Intern
Berno, our intern, posts about his 100 days in the job Here's an acrostic poem as my tribute B...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/04/2006
TechTalkBlogs, a Suspicious Website?
Geoff Appleby noticed that TechTalkBlogs bought up a Suspicious Website alert via IE7's Phishing...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/04/2006
Where are the Aussie Gadgets for Windows Live ??
Title says it all -- Surely we can't let the kiwis take the lead. I was mocked by people today. Some...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/03/2006
Lucha Libre : Adobe/Macromedia v Microsoft Expression
A debate has broken out within the comment of one of my recent posts. How Cool! In one corner, the...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/03/2006
New MVPS downunder
Some new MVPS were announced over the weekend. Andrew Brisbane : Microsoft Office, FrontPage Trevor...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/03/2006
TechTalkBlogs : New Guest Bloggers
I alluded to this last week, we will be introducing a new guest blogger on TechTalkBlogs. Well,...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/03/2006
SQL Down Under Code Camp - October 7th and 8th
Dr Greg Low, local Regional Director and recent award winner has put out the call for an upcoming...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/02/2006
TechEd, Tech.Ed or Tech·Ed ?
I struggle with this every year. What's the right one?? TechEd - CamelCase Tech.Ed - CamelCase with...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/01/2006
Windows Vista: Windows Presentation Foundation hands on lab
Community activity around WPF: Dimension Data Learning Solutions and Microsoft would like to...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/01/2006
Hello FY07, Farewell FY06
July 1 marks the start of the new financial year. It's like the start of a new season in footy. We...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/01/2006
Demystifying Microsoft .NET Development Platform - free seminar
The good people at Dimension Data Learning Services (DDLS for short) have a free seminar coming up....
Author: frankarr Date: 06/30/2006
TechTalkBlogs : +126 days
We're at the end of financial year and TechTalkBlogs, has been around for 126 days. I didn't do a...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/29/2006
My Network of Trusted Professionals
Back in May, I posted my LinkedIn stats It's the end of the month of June - how's "My Network of...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/29/2006
Some User Created Flair for Tech.Ed
Following my post about the 'official' flair for Tech.Ed, a number of folks left me...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/29/2006
Keeping Tabs on the Team
One of the benefits I find with blogging is that it gives me a way to not just communicate with 'the...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/29/2006
I got a call from Cameron Reilly yesterday while he was recording a recent Gday World Podcast. It...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/29/2006
Blogbeat is temporarily offline. Sorry for the interruption.
I headed over to BlogBeat this evening to check on some stats and got the following..... Blogbeat is...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/28/2006
Another lost stylus
Today I lost another stylus from my i-mate K-JAM. That's the 6th one I have lost. I even wrapped...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/28/2006
Show some Tech.Ed Flair
We've got over 1,700 folks registered for Tech.Ed 2006 in Sydney so far. That's just outstanding!...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/28/2006
SWMUG new website : Coming up Windows Mobile Developer Day (Sydney)
James' lets us know that SWMUG has finally got their new website up and running. Cool! Another...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/27/2006
Hubdog : Didn't pass the 7 day test
I've removed Hubdog from my K-Jam. It didn't give me anything over my existing RSS reader. Sure, it...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/27/2006
Day 33 of the Global Corporate Challenge
We've past the first month of the Global Corporate Challenge. Update time! Let's see how we're doing...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/26/2006
WinFX may now be in .NET Framework 3.0, but I have the WinFX foam blocks
Kleefy sent me these cool blocks from his recent trip to Boston Thanks Kleefy!! We all know that...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/25/2006
Giving Thanks : A Meme Grows
Darren Rowse started a little meme, in which we give thanks to our top referrers. I got a ping from...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/25/2006
More Stories from Media Reviewers Workshop
I've spotted a few stories online that came from the Windows Vista and 2007 Office System Beta 2...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/23/2006
Hubdog : a new product / service for Pocket PC users
I got a note during the week about a new app/service called Hubdog. I like the slogan .. fetch :...
Author: frankarr Date: 06/22/2006