frankarr - an aussie microsoft blogger
Ponderings from the Pacific Northwest by an Aussie Geek who works at a software company
Responses from Where are all the developers??
Last week, I wrote a post Where are all the developers?? This generated a load of comments, and I...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/07/2006
My Searching Habits Have Changed - I now use Wikipedia a lot
I've noticed that when I am looking for information, rather than using a search engine, I am using...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/06/2006
Filling up my Clix
I've been putting some stuff onto my new toy, the iRiver Clix. I put on some of my favourite music,...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/05/2006
ROM build for K-JAM Australian devices
My K-JAM had been performing poorly lately. Each day I would get some weird intermittent problem. It...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/03/2006
Berno's off to India for the Imagine Cup
Our hard working intern Berno has been kicking a bunch of goals recently. As a result, some good...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/03/2006
The Tech.Ed apps keep coming
Outstanding MVP Bill McCarthy has posted a a slick smart client app TechEd 2006 session picker with...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/03/2006
Slow Post Day
Today was a lovely day. I got to get out of the office and meet customers. I love doing that. I also...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/03/2006
Got My Latest Gadget : iRiver Clix
I sent my dear wife down to the local DSE on a errand for me today. When she got to the store, the...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/02/2006
Day of the Long Tail
Shout out to Michael Kordahi, aka Delicate Genius for pointing out the following video on YouTube In...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/01/2006
Adam Cogan stars on DotNetRocks TV (dnrTV!)
Adam Cogan, local Regional Director, has been featured in a number of the recent dnrTV! episodes....
Author: frankarr Date: 08/01/2006
Tech.Ed Meego Palette of Choice
Curious as to what the options and accessories you have available for your Tech.Ed Meego? Well be...
Author: frankarr Date: 08/01/2006
Tech.Ed Opening Address : Anne Kirah
One of my many jobs at Tech.Ed this year involves the opening event on August 22. As part of this...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/31/2006
What's the team been up to ?
Quick summary of the latest posts by each of my team. Note the dates of their latests posts Who What...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/31/2006
My Network of Trusted Professionals : July LinkedIn Update
It's the end of the month, so here's my LinkedIn Update, following fron my June Update You are at...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/31/2006
Tech.Ed Student Day : August 22nd
For the past few years, we have run a Student Day during Tech.Ed. We've held this on the day before...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/31/2006
Tech.Ed Australia 2006 - Where are attendees from?
Data time. Last week I went through the top 10 names and the distribution of boys and girls. Today,...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/31/2006
Tech.Ed Session Picker in WPF
Paul Stovell sent me a teaser on the weekend, a screen shot of an app he was working on Today he...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/31/2006
Tech.Ed Blogger Brunch : What would you like to hear
I’m working on a Tech.Ed activity we’re calling the Tech.Ed Blogger Brunch. Essentially, we will...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/31/2006
TechTalkBlogs : +157 Days
Wow, it's been a month since I looked at the TechTalkBlog stats. It's been alive for 157 days. I...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/30/2006
Confirmed : I'm a Guest Speaker at ASCCA conference
I got the confirmation email today. I'm speaking at the 8th ASCCA conference in September. You've...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/30/2006
OMG : Internal Ad Campaign continues
So, I went down to grab some breakfast from our bistro and saw this The internal ad campaign...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/30/2006
MVPs ponder "WHY VISTA ?"
A number of MVPs are putting forward their opinions on the 'why vista' question. Ken Schaefer Why...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/29/2006
Touchstone Getting Some Attention
A few weeks ago, Chris Saad gave me a demo of his BIG idea - Touchstone. Touchstone is a small...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/29/2006
Photosynth : The Coolest thing I've seen in ages
"What if your photo collection was an entry point into the world, like a wormhole that you could...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/29/2006
1,000 Posts
Drumroll please. This is my 1,000 post on My 1st post here was on...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/28/2006
Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss, Dr and Prof : All together at Tech.Ed
Time to look at some more data. Yesterday, I went through the top 10 names. Did you notice that they...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/28/2006
Starbucks and Peri Peri : What a Collection!
Paul Woods has created a WLL Collection for all of us Every Starbucks in Australia Every Nandos in...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/28/2006
MSDN Australia News and Events : Now in a blog
A new blog has appeared - MSDN Australia News and Events I wonder what that will be about? [...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/27/2006
Oz team off to Delhi for Imagine Cup
Nice to see our Imagine Cup Winners getting some coverage. Oz team off to Delhi for Imagine...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/27/2006
Hi David, Welcome to Tech.Ed
Last year I had a bit of fun with the Tech.Ed registration stats What a surprise - Mr dominate the...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/27/2006
MiniCLR - CLR to Mac OS X for WPF/E
I saw this over on Bruce McLeod's blog this evening.... Nathan Herring has blogged about his move...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/26/2006
TechEd 2006: Content Completed!
Kleefy was so excited last night, he couldn't keep it quiet any longer. A big milestone was met....
Author: frankarr Date: 07/26/2006
DirectX8, DirectX9, DirectX10 -- What's the Diff??
I got a query in email today from a local developer I am looking for information about changes/bug...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/25/2006
Do My Eyes Deceive Me?
qu'est-ce que c'est? Dr Neil has more -- A nice collection for Tech.Ed Attendees [ Currently Playing...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/25/2006
w00t - Egress v3.0.0 is out
Egress is the application I use to read RSS feeds directly on my PocketPC. Just spotted this -...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/25/2006
Got Gridenvy ?
Mitch piqued my interest. I'm now on the grid! [ Currently Playing : Yah Mo Be There - James Ingram...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/25/2006
[aus-dotnet] : Web site developoholic wanted
The following email flew by on the aus-dotnet mailing list. It generated a bunch of discussion on an...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/24/2006
Looking under the covers with Process Explorer
I'm sure you would have all cauight the news last week that Microsoft acquired the good folks from...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/24/2006
Guest Columnist : What Should I Write About ??
I've been asked to do a regular column (actually more like a page) for a local tech enthusiasts...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/24/2006
Zapr: Meeting Followup
I had a coffee and a chat with the charming Michael Liubinskas, CMO for Zapr. I have a couple of...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/23/2006
Ready to build that robot?
There is now a local Aussie supplier of all the bits you need to bring those cool robots featured at...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/23/2006
Zapr : Really Simple Sharing
I'm having a meeting today with the good people of Zapr. What is Zapr? Zapr is an Internet...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/23/2006
Codiing4Fun meets Flickr
Coding4Fun has a neat article - Flickr-ing about with .NET - which looks at having some fun with the...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/23/2006
Geeks Versus Suits
eWeek grabbed me with this headline Geeks Versus Suits: The Great Boardroom SchismCompanies need to...
Author: frankarr Date: 07/21/2006
Coming Zune
We all love a good pun in a URL
Author: frankarr Date: 07/21/2006