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Day of the Long Tail

Shout out to Michael Kordahi,
aka Delicate Genius for pointing out the following video on

In celebration of the publication of Chris Anderson's book, "The Long
Tail," The old world of media faces an invasion from another planet. The
horror. The horror. (By Michael Markman, Peter Hirshberg, Bob Kalsey)

Watch the

The July 2006 edition of
had a piece - The Rise and
Fall of the Hit
- which was adapted from Chris Anderson's new book The
Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More
. It's a great
read. As is the
original article by Chris, from October 2004

This whole topic of The Long
 really resonates with me and I see examples of it everywhere.

[ Currently Playing : Wrapped
Around Your Finger - The Police - Every Breath You Take: The Classics (05:15) ]