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Giving Thanks : A Meme Grows

Darren Rowse started a
little meme, in which we give thanks to our top referrers

I got a ping from Trevor
Cook, who included me in referrer post

So, this prompt me to peruse my referrers. It's relatively easy with BlogBeat

So, my top 10 referrers since I
started using Blogbeat in March
(excluding search engines, portals
aggregation sites and fellow Microsofties)

  1. Dave "LifeKludger" Wallace
  2. Hugo "poogie" Ortega
  3. Nick Wienholt
  4. Mike Fitzsimon
  5. Life As Daddy
  6. Seth Yates
  7. Mikal Still
  8. Craig Bailey
  9. Long Zheng
  10. Steve Rubel

Thanks to the above bloggers for sending traffic my way.

In keeping with this meme, I will also thank some of the many other bloggers
who have linked to my posts in the last 3 months. The following list is a
random selection of another 20 blogs from the top 1000 referrers.

  1. Andrew Dugdell
  2. Andrew Matthews
  3. Andrew Pascoe
  4. Ben Barren
  5. Cameron Reilly
  6. Clarke Scott
  7. Damian Edwards
  8. Gary Wisniewski
  9. Jason Haley
  10. Karl Kopp
  11. Michael "Delicate Genious"
  12. Michael Specht
  13. Mitch Denny
  14. Mitch Wheat
  15. Paul Stovel
  16. Rob Farley
  17. Robert Scoble
  18. Rory Primrose
  19. Tatham Oddie
  20. Trevor Cook

To all of you, thanks for the link love..

[ Currently Playing : Double Bass -
Gorillaz - Gorillaz (04:44) ]
