Another lost stylus
Today I lost *another* stylus from my i-mate K-JAM.
That's the 6th one I have lost.
I even wrapped sticky tape around my latest stylus to make it fatter and it
still dropped out.
Is it a design flaw?
or am I just a bad enduser??
grrrr - off to
expansys to buy another pack
June 27, 2006
Hi Frank,
I haven't lost one yet. Mine seems very firmly stuck in till I need it, and I actually need to scrape at it pretty vigourously to get it out.
June 28, 2006
Lost my first one the otherday, the JasJar seems to have a flaw that makes them come out really easily.
Best thing i did was stick a tonne of bluetack down there, its firmly in there (read: little too hard to remove). The bluetack is basically along the sides, and it makes a better solution than sticky tape as it grips on its own aswell.Anonymous
June 28, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 28, 2006
You could try sticking them in there with Super glue :-)Anonymous
June 28, 2006
I've lost two from my O2 XDA IIs thanks to having a lack of sticky-tape on the sides, combined with using the belt-clip. Now, I keep it in my pocket, but I still managed to lose it on Monday. Yesterday I got it back, thanks to Mariel at work, who found it. This one I didn't want to lose, as it is also a pen. :)
In case you're not doing it already, use magic tape, and put it on an angle. That way, the thickness increases and decreases slowly as you go up the stylus, and the magic tape is less slippery than normal sticky tape. By putting it on at an angle, you can go a bit thicker than otherwise, so it can be more effective.Anonymous
October 20, 2006
I've had my iMate K-JAM for 12 months now. I've updated the ROM a few times during the year I've gotAnonymous
October 20, 2006
I've had my iMate K-JAM for 12 months now. I've updated the ROM a few times during the year I've gotAnonymous
October 20, 2006
I've had my iMate K-JAM for 12 months now. I've updated the ROM a few times during the year I've got