I got a call from Cameron Reilly
yesterday while he was recording a recent Gday World Podcast.
It was a classic ambush.
He had Mike "Fang" Seyfang as
special guest, and they asked me questions about WinFS amd
Windows Vista.
Anyways, let me repeat -- I felt well and truly ambushed! Thanks for that
- Anonymous
June 28, 2006
think of me like a mystery shopper! Always checking up on my old collagues-at-arms, making sure they have their sales patter down. :-)
Thanks for playing so nicely Frank, unlike your colleague the supposed-Windows Product Manager!!! - Anonymous
June 29, 2006
Hey Frank - you are a LEGEND! I woke up the next morning feeling realy bad about the ambush (I didn't know Cam was gunna do that). If someone had done that to me I would have felt extremely uncomfortable and would have rambled incomprehensibly (like I am now....)
Sorry if I caused you or Mr. Putt any pain.
Fang - Anonymous
June 29, 2006
Yeah I could tell you were having a really hard time answering his question.
I'm playing with Beta 2 and it's true... you're more productive, and the UX is a lot better.
But like .NET and so many other Microsoft things, you can't explain it in 30 seconds.
So, if you knew that call was coming, what would you have said?