How Can i remove the admin consent popup for users who are not global admin, When users perform SSO admin consent popup appears which i don't want
Team I have setup sso on WP site using OAuth OIDC Plugin with MS ENtra ID, and want the suers to perform SSO with accepting the admin cionsent, I have added permission where Admoin consent is not required, see Email, Openid and Profile just 3 permission…
A particular directories Azure Portal prompts for MFA but won't accept it
I can't log into Azure Portal for a particular directory. This was working last week. Before you respond, I only have a single account and one mobile phone with Microsoft Authenticator and nothing has changed in years. I am a developer with a lot of…
Your single-use code mails keep coming
I often get a mail from Microsoft with "Your single-use code". I do have a personal and business account with the same email address. But also after changing both passwords and checking the activity logs in both accounts i cant find what is…
Azure B2C MFA
After getting a new phone, MFA is not working for B2C tenant. The Entra ID tenant works fine. I have never had a problem creating a support ticket. However, when I tried today to create a support ticket, I was forced to this stupid "Ask a…
About Microsoft Entra Connect
I have still Microsoft Azure Connect name in My onpremises but when I check to my cloud its Shows Microsoft Entra Connect Can anyone please help me in this topic as I mistakely told my customer we can differenciate it is AADC or Entra Connect from…
How to fix error AADSTS500200: User account is a personal Microsoft account. Personal Microsoft accounts are not supported for this application
Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in. AADSTS500200: User account 'su***********' is a personal Microsoft account. Personal Microsoft accounts are not supported for this application unless explicitly invited to an organization. Try…
Auth issue with user not being external user in the tenant
I'm trying to use the signtool.exe to login in Azure for the AzureTrustedAccount, but I'm failing on the authentication step (InteractiveBrowserCredential). My Azure account was created with my user (this account) so I'm not sure if that's…
Creating an Azure Free Account
Good day! I'm faced with the problem: "We’re unable to validate your phone number." I am from the Philippines and I am trying to create a free Azure Account and the phone number is not supported by Microsoft Azure. I have already tried going…
Microsoft Entra ID SCIM Validator test failing PATCH update userName
I'm using the validator at I'm passing 17 and failing 4. One of the failing tests is: PATCH /Users/Id - Update User userName Error Details: The value of userName is Missing from the fetched Resource Initial…
Billing issue caused Sync problems
Hi We had a credit card cancelled and it has effected the AD Sync on our Azure DC, it wasn't set up by me, but after the card was cancelled, lots of users emails changed from the domain to .onmicrosoft, and we couldn't change it on the admin centre,…
Azure B2C /Account/Login/ExternalAuthenticationFailed after redirect from password redirect in power pages
I am encountering an error after the reset flow completes execution. The error does not occur when I navigate from the signup to the forgot password page—it works fine at that stage. However, when I send an email containing the password reset link and…
How do I add missing permissions to the Power BI Service Principal?
__I am trying to add Power BI Embedded to my Blazor Server app using a service principal (not user delegation). The Power BI Service Principal does not expose API permissions (Report.ReadWrite.All, Dataset.ReadWrite.All, etc.) under Application…
How to export the user details with last login information via PowerShell script from Entra ID (Not MsGraph)
Please Help me to get this details. We are looking to export the few user information with last login and On-premises sync enabled details from the Microsoft Entra ID via Powershell script. Please find the sample below which are looking to export via…
On the application sidebar, I cannot see the Token Configuration under Manage Section
On the application sidebar, I cannot see the Token Configuration under Manage Section
Hi team, Recently I keep getting below alert email: Password Hash Synchronization heartbeat was skipped in last 120 minutes. – You have an important alert from Microsoft Entra ID I get the alert 2-3 times per day. It auto-resolves every time but just r
Hi team, Recently I keep getting below alert email: Password Hash Synchronization heartbeat was skipped in last 120 minutes. – You have an important alert from Microsoft Entra ID I get the alert 2-3 times per day. It auto-resolves every time but just…
MFA Error on try to login
Hello today has two weeks that I can't sign in on my account, every time that I will try, I'm stay stopped on this screen that's trying to send me a code that never come, and when I click on options of screen I redirected to this two options when the…
Issue with Microsoft Intune Company Portal for Linux visibility in Enterprise Applications
I'm experiencing an issue where the Microsoft Intune Company Portal for Linux application is visible in one Azure tenant but not in another, despite seeing it in the sign-in logs of the second tenant. What I've observed: In Tenant A: The app appears…
Migrating user credentials from AD B2C to Entra External ID
Is it possible to transfer user data including the hashed passwords from AD B2C to Entra External ID? Is such a migration path possible via self-service or via Azure support? Thanks!
Unable to validate phone number during azure Sign up
I have problems to identify with my phone. I have tried different web browser, removed cookies and cache, tried in private window. This message appears: "Unable to validate phone number during azure Sign up".
Unable to create a new Azure tenant
Hi folks. I have removed all tenants linked to my account and I am not able to create a new one, I am facing the following error: Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services' and cannot access the application 'REDACTED' in that…