Troubleshooting Network Media Device Testing
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
When running the tests individually, you can avoid pop up dialogs on the Windows 7 Client if you fill in the NetMediaLogoTest.XML.
The XML file is located in the following location:
<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Driver Test Manager\ tests\x86fre\NTTest\multimediatest\sharing\netmedialogotests
(Where x86fre is the platform you are testing)
The XML contains the following fields that can be edited:
Where the UDN is the unique identified ID of the server for testing. This should only be specified for DMS testing. The UDN must include the dashes.
For example: 4a96edf6-0aa0-11de-904a-00a0b0945bfb
Changing this value for DMR testing may cause failures in testing.
Where the UDN is the unique identified ID of the server for testing. This should only be specified for DMR testing. The UDN must include the dashes.
For example: 4a96edf6-0aa0-11de-904a-00a0b0945bfb
<DLNACertificationID>string</DLNACertificationID >
Where the string value is the certificate ID of the device to be tested.
This value specifies if the server is a mobile hand held device. Valid values are "yes" and "no".
This value specifies if the device supports volume control either via remote or physical device. Valid values are "yes" and "no".
Common Problems to All Devices
"The <device> could not be located."
If all of your NMD tests report "The <device> could not be located," this generally means that you did not enter the UUID correctly in the Device Console. You can confirm this by reviewing the test log in the job explorer. Confirm that the UUID of the device that is discovered matches the one that the test was searching for.
To fix this problem, you must create a new submission and enter the correct data when prompted in the wizard.
"The media file <name> could not be found on the local DMS"
If you encountered this error, you may have failed to copy the content to the DMS. To fix this, ensure that you have obtained the test content as specified in "Preparing for the Network Media Device Testing." Also, ensure that you have copied the test content to the server, as specified in "Running the Digital Media Server Tests" and "Running the Digital Media Renderer and Digital Media Controller Tests."
All LLTD tests fail
If you have implemented LLTD correctly, the failures are generally caused by your DTM configuration. Errors can occur in testing if there are multiple network cards, and they are not configured correctly.
Build date: 9/14/2012