Preparing for Network Media Device Testing
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
Before running the tests, you must configure the system and install the operating system. This section summarizes the related procedures.
For a complete list of required hardware, software, and tester knowledge, please go to Network Media Device Testing Overview.
Many of the tests in the Windows Logo Kit require a test system to restart (often more than once) to complete a test run. The test description and the running instructions specify whether a test requires a system restart. Although these tests programmatically restart the test system, you must manually log on to the test system after each system restart so that the test run can resume. You can avoid this requirement by enabling autologon functionality on the test system. For more information about autologon, see Running with autologon enabled.
Network Media Device Testing
In order to run the Network Media Device logo tests, you will need the following configuration.
Network Configuration
Set your Windows 7 client network to Private.
Set your routers IP LAN address to
Set your Windows 7 client PC LAN IP address to
Set your Windows 7 client PC Wireless IP address to
For complete details on running the Rally tests, please go to WCN Logo Test and LLD2 Responder Verification Tests.
Server 2003 Controller Installation
The Windows DTM must be installed on Server 2003. For complete installation instructions please see Install.htm - Installation Guide
We recommend that you share out the WTTInstall folder so other PCs can install the Studio or the Client. The WTTInstall folder is located in the following location:
<DRIVE>:\Program Files\Microsoft Driver Test Manager\Controller\WTTInstall
To share out the folder, follow these steps:
Right-click the folder.
Choose Properties from the menu.
Choose the Sharing tab.
Select Share this folder. (
Note The default share name will be DTMInstall.
Click OK.
Network Media Test Content Installation
Due to the size of the content files, the Network Media Test Content files are located on a separate ISO. To download the test content files, please go here
After the download, copy the test files to the Device Controller. To do this, follow these steps:
The devices kit must already be installed. On the server that has the WLK controller installed, go to the following location:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Driver Test Manager\Tests\x86fre\NTTEST\MULTIMEDIATEST\Sharing\NetMediaLogoTests
Create a new folder called Media.
Copy the contents from the Media ISO CD to this new folder.
WLK Studio Installation
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
Most test environments do not require a separate PC to host the WLK Studio. The WLK Studio can be installed from the DTM server and controller from the following location:
<DRIVE>:\Program Files\Microsoft Driver Test Manager\Controller\WTTInstall\Studio
For complete installation instructions, please see Install.htm - Installation Guide.
WLK Client Installation
The WLK Client is the Windows 7 PC that will execute the test runs. The Windows 7 PC must be connected to the WLK Studio through a wired connection.
For complete installation instructions, please see Install.htm - Installation Guide.
Device Setup
Once the client has been successfully installed, the next step is to attach the device, if it is not attached already. Wireless devices should be connected to the router via the wireless network. Wired devices should be connected to the router via Ethernet cable.
Before testing, validate that your device is correctly discovered, and note the device identifiers. To do this, follow these steps:
Type Network in the search bar of the Start menu.
Click Network under Programs to open the network folder.
Find your device in the network folder. If your device is not listed, then check that your network is configured correctly.
Right-click your network media device to view its properties.
From the Properties dialog box, note the following information:
a. MAC Address
- Include the colons in the address.
- Example: 00:a0:b0:94:5b:fb
b. Unique Identifier (UDN)
- Include the dashes in the address.
- Example: 4a96edf6-0aa0-11de-904a-00a0b0945bfb
Write down these numbers, including the dashes and colons. You will be asked to provide this data during device testing.
Verify that your LLTD responder is working correctly
Go to the Network and Sharing Center. You can access this by typing network and sharing center in the search bar of the Start menu.
Click See full map.
Verify that your device appears correctly in the network map.
Configure the Windows 7 Client in WLK Studio
Now that the client and server are connected, the WLK needs to be configured to run the Network Media Device tests.
Create a Machine Pool
In the studio, follow these steps to create a machine pool. (For more information, please go to Grouping Client Computers into Machine Pools.)
Run the DTM Studio.
On the top menu of DTM Studio, select Explorers and then Job Monitor.
Create a machine pool. Right click $ and then select Add machine pool.
In the Name field, type in your machine pool name.
Note Job Delivery Agent should be set to the name of your Controller..
Click OK to close the dialog.
The next step is to add your Windows 7 client PC to the machine pool.
Add your Windows 7 Machine to the Machine Pool
To add your machine to the pool, follow these steps:
Run the DTM Studio
On the top menu of DTM Studio select Explorers and then Job Monitor.
Click Default Pool in the Machine Pool tab. Your Windows 7 PC name should appear in the Machines window.
Note If your Windows 7 PC is not listed, please confirm that you installed the client correctly in the WLK Client installation section. For complete installation instructions on installing the WLK Client, please see Install.htm - Installation Guide
Click your Windows 7 PC Client icon under Machines.
Drag and drop your Windows 7 PC Client from the machines list on the right into your Machine Pool that you created earlier.
Select your Machine Pool by clicking on your machine pool name in the Machine Pool tree. Your Windows 7 PC name should appear in the Machines window.
Right-click your Windows 7 PC and select Change Status and then Reset. This configures your Windows 7 PC to include the MCU policy. This also resets the Windows 7 Client PC and allows it to execute the job. Notice that the Status is set to Reset.
The Windows 7 PC Client will reboot as part of the configuration process. A new user account will be created on the PC for DTMLLUAdminUser.
While the job is still executing, the Windows 7 PC Client Status is Running.
Note The DTM studio does not refresh its UI automatically. You must press F5 to see the updated Status.
Important You must wait for this operation to complete before any tests may be run. The operation is complete when the Status of the Windows 7 PC Client is Ready.
Continue to press F5 until the Windows 7 PC Status is Ready.
Your machine and device are now configured for test execution. You may need to do additional steps, depending on the specific Network Media Device class that you are testing.
Log in as DTMLLUAdminUser
During MCU policy installation, your Windows 7 machine will have rebooted. You should now log in as DTMLLUAdminUser. The password is Testpassword,1.
When you have logged in, set up your network to be Private. To do this, follow these steps:
Go to the Network and Sharing Center. You can access this by typing network and sharing center in the search bar of the Start menu.
Select View your active networks.
If your network is set to Public, click the hyperlink Public and change it to Work.
Click OK to close the dialog.
Close the Network and Sharing Center.
Check network connections
Make sure that all network connections are set to Private in the Network Center in the Control Panel.
To make sure that your test network remains set to Private, you can set a policy to do this automatically by running gpedit.msc as an Administrator, and then modifying the settings for Unidentified Networks, as illustrated in the screenshots below.
Build date: 9/14/2012