WCN Logo Test
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
Type: Automated Test
The WCN Logo test tool verifies that device implements "Wi-Fi Simple Config" protocol and is interoperable with Windows Vista. The tool verifies WCN-Ethernet types of devices. WCN-Ethernet devices use UPnP protocol as the underlying transport.
The WCN Logo tool consists of two parts. One part uses Windows Vista registrar to discover and configure the devices using the COM APIs. The other part implements a separate control point and uses that control point to carry out the tests. The first part makes sure device is interoperable under normal conditions (no errors), and the second part focuses on the error handling capabilities of the device.
The WCN Logo tool checks both end-to-end registration process between the device and Windows Vista computer and error handling capability of the device. For end-to-end case, the test tool checks if the device can be properly discovered, configured, and is passing performance tests while working with Windows Vista computer (Windows Connect Now wizard). For error handling cases, the test tool makes specific aspects listed out in "Simple Config" protocol to see if the device is doing proper time-out or error message response in case of common error scenarios.
The tests that use Windows Vista registrars are contained in fvt.exe, whereas all the remaining tests are contained in wcnlogocontroller.exe.
Run Time: 1.5 hours
Log File: wcnlogocontroller.wtl,fvt.wtl,wcnlogologfile.txt
System Restart Required: No
Test Category:
Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Software Requirements
The test tool requires the following software:
Supported operating system (see list above).
Software components included with the device that is being tested.
Supported Software
Hardware Requirements
Device to be tested
Computer that meets the minimum software requirements
Windows keyboard
Two-button pointing device
Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz
Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:
Running WCN Logo Test
For WCN-Ethernet devices, if the ports used by UPnP standard are blocked by firewall, the devices won't be able to be discovered by Windows Vista registrars. Because of that, test tools require the firewall to be disabled at all time during tests.
The device that is tested should be connected to the same network as the Windows Vista computer on which the user is running the tests.
Because some tests use native APIs to create a wireless profile, the Windows Vista test computer needs to have a wireless card, with its drivers installed. Because "Wi-Fi Simple Config" requires WPA2, please ensure that the wireless card has support for WPA2 as well as WEP and WPA.
Upon configuration, the device changes it state to "configured," and Windows Vista registrars will not configure an already configured device. Because of that, devices should be reset to "unconfigured" state between tests. This will require the user to intervene in the test execution.
Each DTM job has three phases. During setup, the test binaries are copied and, if necessary, wireless profiles are created. During main phase, the tests are executed, and during cleanup phase binaries are removed.
The firewall will block all the UPnP protocol traffic and all the tests will fail. Besides Windows Firewall, we advise you turn off any existing firewalls.
In case of a failure, please make sure that all test binaries are correctly downloaded. The test binaries are copied to <SystemDrive>\WCNLogo folder. Please make sure that all the files specified in Installation section of this document are placed.
All tests require a discovery for the device and the device UUID is used for discovery. The UPnP discovery application that ships with the kit provides the UUID for the device. The UUID is usually the device's GUID. In case of the discovery failure, make sure the firewall is disabled, the Ethernet cable is plugged to both the Windows Vista computer and the device, Windows Vista computer can ping the device, the device is a visible UPnP certified device (User can verify that using a tool that displays all the visible UPnP certified devices on the network), and the UUID specified in the test parameter is correct.
After the listed conditions are verified, if the device still fails discovery, this is an actual failure.
Reference Documentation
Wi-Fi Simple Config Proposal
Code Tour
File Manifest
File | Location |
fvt.exe |
<system drive>\WCNLogo |
UPnP.dll |
<system drive>\WCNLogo |
wscutilswrapper.dll |
<system drive>\WCNLogo |
wcnlogoremoteobject.dll |
<system drive>\WCNLogo |
wcnlogotestcontroller.exe |
<system drive>\WCNLogo |
microsoft.wcn.config.dll |
<system drive>\WCNLogo |
Wireless Profiles |
<system drive>\WCNLogo |
Test Assertions
Device should be discovered by WCN discovery API before timeout
Test Assertion GUID: CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: The device should be discovered by Windows Vista registrar in the given period of time. In order for the Windows Vista registrar to discover the device, the WCN-Ethernet device needs to be discoverable by SSDP and the device should implement the specified service. Job parameters: The job only has a single parameter. User should enter the device UUID in the value of device_uuid parameter. The parameter must be in entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903" Procedure: The test calls WCNC discovery API with the given device UUID to see if the device can be discovered. The timeout of the discovery is 30 seconds. Expected Result: The device is discovered before timeout expires.
Windows Vista registrar should be able to configure the device
Test Assertion GUID: 8A91B280-C2FB-485f-9101-33C1A88CE4A4
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: For WCN-Ethernet device, this test verifies that the Windows Vista registrar is able to transfer the profile after carrying out registration protocol. This is the core test that verifies that the device implements registration protocol messaging sequence correctly. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of device_uuid parameter. The parameter must be in entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value of device_password parameter. Procedure: The test calls Windows Vista registrar's transfer profile API to transfer profile to the device. the profile is an open authentication WEP encryption protocolExpected Result: The profile should be transferred correctly and the device should be able to access the network with the profile. Note: Simple Config compliant devices must implement proxy functionality although this is not explicitly tested in logo test suite. Shortly, proxy functionality enables the device act as a proxy between the Windows Vista registrar and another wireless enrollee. This test can be used to verify the proxy functionality if the following procedure is followed: 1) Start the AP, and plug to the same network as the Windows Vista registrar.2) Start the registrar service. At the Windows Vista computer, open a command prompt, running as administrator. Enter the following command: net start wcncsvcThis will start the registrar service if it is not already started.3) Wait for 90 seconds. This wait is required to make sure the Windows Vista registrar discovers the device and registers to the events that are sent by the device.4) Turn on the wireless device that implements Simple-Config as a wireless enrollee. Wait until the device is up and finishes its initial protocol with the AP. This takes approximately 30 seconds.5) Run the test. Use the "unique device ID" and "device password" of the wireless enrollee this time as test parameters. Test will try to configure the wireless device over the proxy. if both the device and the wireless enrollee implement the protocol correctly, the test will pass.
Metadata should be displayed correctly in message and in Vista WCN wizards
Test Assertion GUID: 0BB59706-596C-4824-BD58-1357DC352451
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: Metadata should be represented correctly in messages. Also. for best experience with Windows Vista WCN wizards, the displayed device info should be correctly set. And that the device can be correctly configured by Windows Vista WCN wizard. The data displayed in wizard is manufacturer name and primary device type. Job parameters: The job requires four parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of device_uuid parameter. The parameter must be entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter manufacturer name and device type as the values of manufacturer_name and device_type parameters. The device type field value is case-sensitive and should have one of the following values: "Computer", "Server", "Media Center", "Printer", "Scanner", "Digital Still Camera", "NAS", "Router", "Access Point", "Switch", "Television", "Electronic Picture Frame", "Projector", "Audio Receiver", "Media Center Extender", "XBox", "XBox 360", "Play Station", or "Windows Mobile" The manufacturer name should exactly be the same as it is encoded in M1 message. Note that both manufacturer name and device type values are case sensitive.Procedure: This test calls discovery API and waits until the specified device is discovered. This test then queries for the manufacturer name and primary device type. Expected Result: The device should send the manufacturer name and primary device type with M1 message, and the Windows Vista registrar should be able to decode it correctly.
During configuration if device receives multiple M2 messages from multiple Vista registrars, device should only associate with single one
Test Assertion GUID: 8A5FB11C-1D3A-4c87-9B26-F3DC5776B47B
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: The device can be discovered by multiple registrars. However, after M2 reception, the device must only associate with single registrar during one configuration and registration session. If in any case, the registration fails to complete, the device must be available again for registration of other registrars. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of DeviceUUID parameter. The parameter must be entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value of DevicePIN parameter. Procedure: The device will be discovered by more than one registrar, and both Registrars will send M2. After that, the enrollee must associate itself to only one Windows Vista registrar during configuration. Messages sent by other registrars during configuration must be discarded and the device must either ignore or reply with a NACK message. Test involves target device (D) and two registrars (R1 and R2) Below is the expected flow of events for this test:R1 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1R1 invokes PutMessage to send M2. D must reply back with M3R2 invokes PutMessage to send M2. D might send a NAK to this message, or terminate connection. R1 invokes PutMessage to send M4. D must reply back with M5. The configuration protocol must not be affected by the other registrars sending messages Expected Result: During multi-registrar response scenario, only one registrar is associated at a time.
In case of multiple registrars, if a registrar sends M2D, the enrollee shouldn't pick that registrar for the rest of configuration
Test Assertion GUID: 159A99C8-F829-4c66-A477-14E6F7971DE8
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: The device can be discovered by multiple registrars. Normally, when a registrar sends M2, it means the registrar wants to configure the device. But when a registrar sends an M2D, it means the registrar doesn't have the device password information and the message is sent so that the device is aware of the registrar. Upon receipt of M2D, the device must not expect to be configured and must not create an association. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of DeviceUUID parameter. The parameter must be entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value field of DevicePIN parameter. Procedure: The device will be discovered by more than one registrar. The first registrar will send an M2D. The device is expected to reply with an ACK and must not associate with this registrar. The second registrar will send an M2 and expect to receive an M3 which means the device is associated with the second registrar. Test involves target device (D) and two registrars (R1 and R2) Below is the expected flow of events for this test:R1 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1R1 invokes PutMessage to send M2D. D can reply with an ACK message, or stay silent. It must not reply with an M3, and must be available for another configuration attemptR2 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1R2 invokes PutMessage to send M2 and D returns M3 Expected Result: The device must respond to M2D in the proper way, and must create an association for the second registrar.
If enrollee detects a message failure (bad message, out of sync message, bad authenticator...) device should not respond and should wait for the valid message
Test Assertion GUID: 67B77C5F-7A82-482c-897B-4B8AF1D7619C
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: During configuration, with the only exception of authentication errors - errors caused by device password knowledge-- device must ignore messages that contain errors. Possible errors that can happen are: out of sequence messages, missing TLV values, ill-formatted message, authenticator error, and so on. In that case the device must discard the message without replying anything and wait for a valid message without dropping the association. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of DeviceUUID parameter. The parameter must be in entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value field of "DevicePIN" parameter. Procedure: This test case tempers frame at each round trip to see if the association or the state information is dropped or not. Test involves target device (D) and one registrar (R1) Below is the expected flow of events for this test:R1 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1R1 invokes PutMessage to send M2 and D returns M3R1 invokes PutMessage to send M4. While creating M4, the control point modifies the message. It might drop a required field, the authenticator may be incorrect, or the message sent may be out of sync. Device must not terminate the configuration protocol with a NAK; it must wait for a correct message for a given time. Device must not reply with anything to this message R1 creates a correct M4 this time and send it using PutMessage to D. D must reply with M5 Expected Result: In case of an error in the message, the device should wait for the correct message without dropping the association information.
If device detects an authentication failure (caused by a password mismatch), it should send a NAK immediately and drop the association and reset the state
Test Assertion GUID: 76E0EE6A-A40B-4b04-8BFF-AD28F1858051
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: The device must drop the association and reset the state if it receives a message with authentication error to be protected from brute force attacks from rogue registrars which send messages using random passwords. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of DeviceUUID parameter. The parameter must be entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value field of DevicePIN parameter. Procedure: The Registrar will send a message with an authentication failure using an incorrect device password and try to continue configuration with correct device password. Test involves target device (D) and two registrars (R1 and R2) Below is the expected flow of events for this test:R1 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1R1 invokes PutMessage to send M2 and D returns M3R1 invokes PutMessage to send M4. While creating M4, the control point uses an incorrect device password. D must check the hash values and conclude that the device password knowledge is not correct. It can send a NAK, stay silent, or terminate connection. Our recommendation is D sends a NAK R2 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1. After an unsuccessful configuration, device must be ready for a new configuration attempt without user intervention. R2 invokes PutMessage to send M2 and D returns M3 Expected Result: The second registrar trying to configure the device should succeed.
Transfer of a supported profile to the device should be completed within 2 minutes
Test Assertion GUID: BCF9F868-0A8D-410f-AFC6-D455C2948378
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: The configuration should be completed in 2 minutes. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of DeviceUUID parameter. The parameter must be in entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value field of "DevicePIN" parameter. Procedure: The test initiates a profile transfer and tests if the transfer profile is completed in 2 minutes. Expected Result: The registration protocol should be completed successfully in time. Comments: This test applies to WCN-Ethernet.
All supported types of profiles should successfully be used to configure the AP
Test Assertion GUID: 55BB29BC-7D9F-4234-AD7C-18A643326407
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: The device should be able to be configured by all profile types that it advertises as supported. Job parameters: The job requires three parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of device_uuid parameter. The parameter must be in entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value field of device_password parameter. User should enter the profile types that device supports in the accepted_profile_bitmap parameter. This parameter is a bitmap. The value entered is the decimal value of bitmap. The values are: Open Authentication and WEP Encryption = 1Shared Authentication and WEP Encryption = 2WPAPSK Authentication and TKIP Encryption = 4WPAPSK Authentication and AES Encryption = 8WPAPSK2 Authentication and TKIP Encryption = 16WPAPSK2 Authentication and AES Encryption = 32 The value that needs to be entered is the sum of the values that correspond to the profile types that are supported.For example:If a device supports all the profile types mentioned, user should set the value of the mentioned parameter to: 63 ( 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32) If the device supports only "Open Authentication and WEP Encryption" and "Shared Authentication and WEP Encryption", the parameter value should be set to: 3 ( 1 + 2) Procedure: This test checks to see if the AP can be configured by all types of profiles that it supports. The test will prepare a profile pool and will try to transfer those profiles. During the test, after each configuration, the application will stop and prompt the user to go on. During this time, user should reset the device to 'unconfigured' state since Windows Vista registrar will not configure an already configured device. Expected Result: All configuration attempts should be successful.
Device should tear down association and send a NAK if the registrar and the enrollee is not compatible in terms of authentication/encryption capabilities
Test Assertion GUID: F1A6BEFF-9B90-46fa-A1E8-0E945CFEE9EE
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: During configuration, the registrar and the device exchanges information for encryption/authentication types that they support. If the registrar doesn't support any authentication/encryption types, the configuration must be terminated with a NAK message and the association must be dropped. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of DeviceUUID parameter. The parameter must be entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value of DevicePIN parameter. Procedure: Upon receipt of M1 message, the registrar will create an M2, such as the supported encryption/authentication type doesn't match the device capabilities. When device receives M2, it is expected to send a NAK and drop the association. Test involves target device (D) and one registrar (R1) Below is the expected flow of events for this test:R1 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1. R1 parses DeviceInfo (M1 message), and, based on "Encryption Type Flags" and "Authentication Type Flags" values, creates an M2. The M2 message will contain "Encryption Type Flags" and "Authentication Type Flags" values that don't match the device's. If device supports all configuration mechanisms, test ends at this step with success.R1 invokes PutMessage to send M2 and D can return with a NAK, stay silent, or terminate connection. We recommend D sends a NAK. D must not send M3 to the registrar. Expected Result: After device receives M2, it must either send a NAK or terminate connection. The configuration protocol should be reset to initial state.
Device should tear down association if it doesn't receive a valid message within the timeout duration (60 seconds)
Test Assertion GUID: 6F3B5064-4523-4466-97A7-C65DB34596E3
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0086 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: During configuration, the registrar and the device create an association and the entire messages sent by other registrars will be ignored during association. To prevent DOS in case the registrar goes offline during configuration, the device must drop the association after 30 seconds passed over a valid message. Job parameters: The job requires two parameter values to be set. User should enter the device UUID in the value of DeviceUUID parameter. The parameter must be in entered like "CFCEBC36-CEB2-4482-AE72-DC62748BD903". User should enter device PIN in the value of DevicePIN parameter. Procedure: The registrar will create an association and, in the middle of configuration, it will remain silent longer than the timeout that is defined. After timeout occurs, test will try to continue configuration. Test involves target device (D) and two registrars (R1 and R2) Below is the expected flow of events for this test:R1 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1R1 invokes PutMessage to send M2 and D returns M3R1 stays silent for 30 seconds ( R1 doesn't invoke any action)R1 invokes PutMessage to send M4 to D. D must ignore this message. It can send a NAK, terminate the condition, or stay silent. Our recommendation is for D to send a NAK.R2 invokes GetDeviceInfo of D and D must return a correct M1R2 invokes PutMessage to send M2 and D returns M3 Expected Result: After the timeout occurred, device must drop the association, discard all state information, and, when registrar sends the next message, the device must be available for a new configuration without user intervention.
WCN Ethernet devices should have physical label or display of the PIN on itself
Test Assertion GUID: F90A0A01-7A50-4849-BC3E-3494689764DA
Windows Logo Program: NETWORK-0083 Wireless Router or WLAN AP implements WCN-Ethernet and WCN-Wi-Fi
Additional Information: Description: The device should have a physical display of the device PIN. For security purpose, the length of the PIN should be 8 digits if the PIN is static and can be 4 digits if a new PIN is generated each time. Procedure: This test is manual, and user should verify the following: If the device has a fixed PIN, it should be 8 digits and there must be a label that displays that PIN. If the device has a display screen, then it should have a 4 digit device PIN that is renewed whenever the device is reset. (Device resetting instructions can change from device to device and will not be specified here.) Expected Result: PIN length is either 8 digits (for static PIN values) or 4 digits (for auto-generated PIN) and that the device can be properly configured using WCN wizard.
Build date: 9/14/2012