Steve Clayton
The power of fun
VW breaking through barriers. Again. It makes you stop and think how you could apply this philosophy...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/12/2009
Microsoft in Style
I was flicking through the Sunday Times Style magazine yesterday – as one does to keep up with the...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/12/2009
Windows Phone evolution
Just spotted this over on Jason’s blog. Would be great to see a hardware evolution video too….I...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/10/2009
Looks stunning…I really should go check this out as I think it’s out on O2 from memory. £550 without...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/09/2009
My new kitchen PC
Hot on the heels of the Vaio X, the L series. Need this one for the kitchen methinks nice specs… 24”...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/09/2009
Photosynth Overhead View launched
I saw an internal demo of Photosynth Overhead View a while back and it’s now live. Thanks to...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/08/2009
My new laptop has arrived
…sadly it’s only arrived at the Sony Store, not at my house. Quite tempting though.. The Vaio X...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/08/2009
Commuting MacAskill stylee
Street trials rider Danny MacAskill performs a serious of spectacular stunts for Scotland's...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/08/2009
Microsoft’s MAVIS
I was in Redmond recently and got to hear from some of the wizards at Microsoft Research....
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/06/2009
Microsoft MultiTouch Mice
There is a part in the Microsoft 2019 video where a guy uses multi touch gestures on a table to...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/06/2009
A brief history of communication
What a great little video from The Carphone Warehouse on the history of communication. Sure they’ve...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/05/2009
Zune HD. If you can, you must
I’ve held off blogging about my Zune HD for a few weeks so I could get a feel for it and offer a...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/05/2009
Bing Favourites #3
A friend of mine made this happen today. Kudos…and great photo. Most people would take a shot...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/05/2009
History of the cloud
from geekandpoke…though funny it’s technically not really right unless PC’s were doing...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/04/2009
Given More Time, Imagine The Possibilities
A great find by my pal Chris in South Africa. tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/04/2009
Zuneify your Twitter avatar
Not something I personally want to do but as I’m pretty happy with my Zune avatar (Banksy’s...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/04/2009
Zune HD commercial
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Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/04/2009
The original IBM Think pad
The original IBM Think pad…apparently these pads were issued at IBM years back and you can now buy a...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/03/2009
Bing Favourites #2
Another Bing homepage I love – this one appeared yesterday on the US site. One day I’ll get to visit...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/03/2009
A new classic
Dear Mr Porsche. Please send me an evaluation version of the car on the left above. Promise to treat...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/03/2009
Ha ha ha
Gauging how funny something is….wise words from Drew Heffron tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/02/2009
Microsoft Tag in action
Moving swiftly on from the Microsoft Windows 7 house party thing…we’re back on track with a somewhat...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/30/2009
Stuff you need to know
I always wondered how a sewing machine worked. Now I know…if I could have something similar for...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/30/2009
Clever Dixons Ads
Ho ho…made me laugh. Surely it ought to say then go to <price comparison site> and buy it?...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/29/2009
Free Download: Microsoft Security Essentials
Perhaps one of the most common requests I get from family and friends is for advice on what security...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/29/2009
77 Windows 7 Tips
A list if techie tips fro Technet. I knew a lot of them but this one I didn’t. Given the amount of...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/29/2009
Social media makes you fitter
well it would for me if I followed this easy workout plan :) Every time you check out one of...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/29/2009
Lenovo to bring enhanced experience to Windows 7
Lenovo is clearly investing big for Windows 7 which is great for me as my next PC is likely to come...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/29/2009
If you printed the internet…
nice find from my pal Kris…more where this came from tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/28/2009
Occasional apps
I like the look of Newsstand a lot and it integrates with Google Reader which is a big plus point...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/27/2009
Zune HD video
Gordon reminded me that it’s been well over a week since I got my Zune HD and I haven’t...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/27/2009
Netbooks & designers
HP’s Vivienne Tam Netbook got an update recently at Tam’s recent fashion show in NYC. Fortunately I...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/27/2009
Tag, you’re it
Reminded me of being a kid :) tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/26/2009
Looking backwards for inspiration
Sometimes the past can influence the future to great effect. Inspired by the icon that is the 300SL...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/25/2009
458 Your time is up
The car is stunning on it’s own. The video makes it more so. tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/25/2009
Hugh hits F5
Two points of note about my buddy Hugh He’s now offering frames for his beautiful prints. Reminds me...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/25/2009
I’ve seen the cloud…it lives in Dublin
I’m in sunny Dublin today (yep, it’s sunny here) for the grand opening of Microsoft’s first “mega...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/24/2009
The simple stuff of great presentations
Start on time. Whatever. Finish on time. Whatever. Be clear on your goal in presenting. And get it,...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/23/2009
Office Web Apps
Office Web Apps finally came in to limited beta testing last week – something we call community tech...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/22/2009
Paul Smith vases
Regular readers will know I’m a big Paul Smith fan – Evian is his latest collaboration and this is...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/22/2009
LE BOOK to use Microsoft Tag
I’m delighted to see my friends at LE BOOK are using Microsoft Tag in their 2010 edition of the...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/21/2009
Marketing & good marketing are not the same
This statement for me is the difference between marketing and good marketing Here’s What [My...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/21/2009
Microsoft interactive installation
Damn…I was in Redmond last week and missed this interactive installation from MODE Studios even...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/21/2009
Bing laptop skins
I spotted a guy from the Bing team with Design 2 last week whilst in Redmond and now I find anyone...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/21/2009
Microsoft and next gen newspapers
[image credit Nieman Journalism Lab via SeattlePI] The image above was part of Microsoft’s...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/21/2009
Will Coca Cola ever be toppled?
Nick Eaton posted last week about the BusinessWeek 100 Best Global Brands for 2009 and Microsoft...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/21/2009
Exchange, not Gmail in DC Government
I was in Redmond last week when the news broke about – the US governments moves in to the...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/20/2009
Time for some KFC methinks…click for the big version of what junk you’re eating. tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/19/2009
hat tip to tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 09/17/2009