Bing laptop skins
I spotted a guy from the Bing team with Design 2 last week whilst in Redmond and now I find anyone (well, anyone from Microsoft) can get a Bing laptop skin. I’m quite tempted but not totally sure I can deface my Vaio’s carbon. Decisions, decisions…
Hat tip to Rob Margel
September 21, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 24, 2009
Send us your photographs and we will edit it for you( for free) for laptop skin. Each Laptop Skin wether customed or selected from the gallary will cost: Within Pakistan: Rs.500/=(including shippment also) Overseas Customers: $7.00/= (excluding shippment charges) Join us at Facebook
September 25, 2009
Hi, I invite you to visit my blogs, you can see my vinyl wall decals' collection, skins and others: I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina and we ship all over the world. Thank you, MaricelAnonymous
October 07, 2009
Wow love the skins why can we not get them ? I have a skin from <a href=""> VideoGame Skins </a> on my laptop.Anonymous
October 11, 2009
Forget about those hard or thick epoxy skins that bulk up your devices, making them look fat and hard to hold.<a href=""></a> helps you to provide you to give a new look to your device!!.