Zune HD video
Gordon reminded me that it’s been well over a week since I got my Zune HD and I haven’t posted anything about it. I plan to address that this week but in the meantime, savour this video
hat tip to Long Zheng
September 27, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 28, 2009
I received my Zune HD and been very pleased with it. It would be nice if you could use the internet while connected to HD video. That’s the only thing missing so far... Now about marketing, where is it? I’ve seen lots of marketing on Bing, however I have not seen any ads for Zune HD (video or magazine). I would think the Ad campaign would be running to hype up the product. This is a very good product so let the world know it’s there.Anonymous
October 22, 2009
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