
VolkerW's WebLog

Stuff mostly about Windows Fundamentals Also chirping at: https://twitter.com/volkerw

HPC Webcast for business decision maker in the financial sector

Under the title "Investment Analytics: Take Back Your Weekends" Dr. Mark Horvath, Director,...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/18/2007

Ballmer and Chambers to talk about the Future of Technology

Don't miss this opportunity to listen go Steve Ballmer and John Chambers discussing the future...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/18/2007

AMD developer portal

Just tried to log on to the AMD developer portal. Maybe they should move their stuff to IIS and the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/18/2007

Kernel Enhancements for Windows Server 2008

In Windows Server 2008 (and Windows Vista) you find some pretty significant enhancements to the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/18/2007

Virtualization - Developer Perspective

The Intel Software Network - the Intel way to connect with the (software) developer community has...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/18/2007

MIX08 - Start me up

ReMIX is still in full swing. Nevertheless MIX08 planning and implementation has started some time...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/15/2007


The Register knows about a very special consolidation scenario. According to The Register Citrix is...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/14/2007

An OS is an OS is an OS

It makes me sick reading headlines like: "VMware Predicts Death To Operating Systems". What does...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/14/2007

Virtualization Goes Public

Literally. From today on virtualization will be part of our everyday lives due to VMware's IPO. This...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/14/2007

Microsoft Virtualization has a new home

Microsoft Virtualization information has a new home. Check out the new URL:...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/14/2007

Windows Server 2008 Logo Testing partners.

Windows Server 2000 and 2003 already had certifications and logo programs. I remember one summer...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/13/2007

Over at the Windows Server Division Weblog Steve Bell, Microsoft product manager and "owner" of the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/13/2007

Windows Server 2008 for Independent Software Vendors

Have you recently thought about running your application on Windows Server 2008? In case you make a...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/13/2007

Windows Server 2008 Online Events in August

Thought I share a list of upcoming online events around Windows Server 2008 with you. Virtually...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/13/2007

Sly Dog

It makes me angry - mainly about me and not having done enough - when I read stuff like comment 2 to...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/10/2007

Compute Cluster Server 2003 Case Studies

If you ask yourself as a company why Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 (CCS) might be...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/09/2007

News from Inside the SoftGrid

Sean kept his promise and posted part 2 and 3 of his 'Inside the SoftGrid' series. Part 2 covers the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/09/2007

Debugging MPI on Windows

This week our team hosts an event for Microsoft partners working on HPC migration projects....

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/08/2007

Stunningly aluminum

I agree with Jason, absolutely stunning. If Microsoft does Office for Mac, why doesn't Apple make...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/07/2007

SoftGrid TechCenter

Microsoft TechNet, host of so many important assets for IT Professionals has recently launched a new...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/07/2007

Dual Boot CCS and Linux

Hot off the (virtual) press: "Windows® Compute Cluster Server 2003 and Linux." Many partners,...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/02/2007

Inside the SoftGrid

Over at the SoftGrid team blog Sean Donahue, Technical Evangelist in our Boston office, started a...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/02/2007

New set of Microsoft Virtualization videos available

Virtualization in Windows ServerMike Neil, General Manager...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 08/02/2007

More computers running Windows than cars on the road

A stunning tidbit from Ballmer, who spent his childhood in Detroit: Some time next year there will...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/26/2007

HPC clusters starting to run Windows, not Linux

"Microsoft Windows is emerging as an acceptable operating system for high-performance computing...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/25/2007

HPC Video Interview on Microsoft and OpenSource

Over at the Search and High Performance Computing blog the folks blog about an interview with our...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/24/2007

TechReady is like PDC or TechEd but better

Arriving at the venue in Downtown Seattle I started filming the internal crowd. I'll post the video...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/23/2007

Wolf in a Sheep's Clothing

Hide-A-Pod. Hilarious. Thanks Grant. Virtually Yours

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/18/2007

Wanna be a Simpson

I don't think so. But it is great fun to build your own Simpson Avatar at:...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/18/2007

How Green Is Viridian?

Today I met with DaveO, an old colleague of mine. He left the company some time ago to pursue his...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/16/2007

VHD Test Drive MOSS images now includes Visio 2007

The VHD test Drive team just finished an updated version of the MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/11/2007

CCS back on the Top500 list of Supercomputers

From a Microsoft press release: Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 served as the underlying...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/11/2007

Back in Redmond

After a week in Dresden at ISC'07 and a week off with the parents it is good to be back in Redmond....

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/11/2007

Windows Virtualization Team Blog adds new member

Starting yesterday Jeff Woolsey, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft in the Microsoft Virtualization...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 07/10/2007

Bye Bye Dresden

Dresden is a great city and the people of Dresden have been outstanding hosts. Thank you. Today I am...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/28/2007


Of course I want one. I am a technology geek. But I also love my Smartphone. My 3125 clamshell with...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/28/2007

Let's Inspire Each Other

Today Microsoft launched a new initiative for ISV partners: www.microsoft.com/isv shows off the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/27/2007

CCS Partner Momentum

Microsoft is the main sponsor at this year's ISC in Dresden. Many Microsoft partners show their...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/27/2007

CCS evidence at ISC07

If you are looking for proof points that Microsoft is serious about High Performance Computing or...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/27/2007

Silicon Valley of Saxony

In his welcome address Dr. Knut Nevermann, Saxon Minister of Science and Fine Arts again stressed...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/27/2007

Virtual Server and Data Protection Manager Install and Configure

A (new) virtualization webcast is heading your way. The DPM-Virtual Server partner webcast we did...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/27/2007

Citrix launched PS 4.5 as VHD in VHD Test Drive

It is good to see a valuable partner (and competitor) like Citrix to leverage the VHD Test Drive....

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/26/2007

New TOP500 list announced at ISC07 in Dresden

The 29th version of the list of the 500 supercomputers will be announced later this week in Dresden....

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/26/2007

Free CCS NFR license for attendees

If you are attending ISC'07 (you are most likely not reading my blog, LOL) but you are eligible to...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/26/2007

Arrived in Dresden

After another short flight from Hamburg I arrived in Dresden last night. The weather was (and still...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/26/2007

On the road to ICS in Dresden

Almost there. After a bad night sleep on SAS 938 (the f... seat was not working and totally worn), I...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/25/2007

VHD Test Drive - Image Update

Microsoft has increased the number of available images of VHD Test Drive for partners. As usual, the...

Author: Volker Will MSFT Date: 06/23/2007

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