
Sly Dog

It makes me angry - mainly about me and not having done enough - when I read stuff like comment 2 to this post. Technical evangelism is about talking to your audience and make them understand the benefits and the impact a feature, technology or solution might have and how it influences a simple decision or a whole business. I must have failed miserably with 'Sly Coder'.

People posting comments like this mislead others. Maybe on purpose, maybe because they don't know better. Both is equally bad. It hurts the Linux community's credibility (assuming he is writing sly Linux code), the virtualization story and the writer's reputation. Not so sly after all.

If Sly Coder only had checked out the previous comment to the same post. Virtualization solutions might come for free but deploying and managing virtual environments does not come for free.

BTW, the original post is about Microsoft Virtualization technology. Check out correct licensing information about Microsoft Virtualization products here:

Virtually Yours
