

Of course I want one. I am a technology geek. But I also love my Smartphone. My 3125 clamshell with a Cingular (now AT&T) contract has all I need.

But it also has some things I could see in dire need for improvement. Screen too small, UI somewhat old fashioned, usability poor and generally not too sexy. But it is a workhorse that has never failed me - like my 3 previous Smartphones. I don't ever want to go back to the non-Smartphone world. I need Internet access, browsing, Outlook/Exchange integration, POP email, Hotmail, and and and...

I won't buy an iPhone. I guess. Too expensive, only one provider (expensive plan too), no programmability or only via Safari/web. But I very much hope it will pave the way for a whole new generation of smart phones and is successful in a way that shakes up the whole industry and companies start building the next generation smart phone devices.