The Ultimate Visual Studio Tips and Tricks Blog
by Zain Naboulsi
Walking the Dog :)
I recently found a new place to walk and took my dog Lily for a loooooong walk... ...
Author: zainnab Date: 06/05/2009
Random Techness: PDC Sessions Are Available for Download!!!
Missed PDC last year? Feeling left out? Lonely? Confused? Well I am here to hook you up...again! You...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/31/2009
Customer Service?
So, I'm getting ready to move soon and was at an unnamed provider trying to get some questions...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/30/2009
SlideShare Sends PowerPoint To The Cloud With New Plugin
=== SlideShare, a startup that we’ve likened to a YouTube equivalent for...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/24/2009
10-4 Episode 20: Downloading and Installing Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1
Episode 20: Downloading and Installing Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 is...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/21/2009
.NET Framework 4.0 Beta 1 Documentation
Been looking for it? We have it!...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/21/2009
Second Life .NET User Group Meeting: Implementing PayPal Pro For Web eCommerce @ 12pm Pacific
PayPal has become one of the most common paths to implement eCommerce on the web today, providing...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/21/2009
Internet Explorer 8 for Developers
Slides attached :) The Windows Internet Explorer 8 browser makes it easier to explore and interact...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/20/2009
Developing on Microsoft Windows 7 Demo Scripts Part 3
Attached are the scripts for this session. Enjoy! Building applications that are easy to use,...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/20/2009
Developing on Microsoft Windows 7 Demo Scripts Part 2
Attached are the scripts for this session. Enjoy! Building applications that are easy to use,...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/20/2009
Developing on Microsoft Windows 7 Demo Scripts Part 1
Attached are the scripts for this session. Enjoy! Building applications that are easy to use,...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/20/2009
Developing on Microsoft Windows 7 Slides
Attached are the slides for this session. Enjoy! Building applications that are easy to use,...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/20/2009
Dev Cares: .NET Smackdown!
DEV CARES SERIES Dev Cares: .NET Smackdown!Click here to register. Session:With all the new acronyms...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/19/2009
Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework v4!! Beta 1 Available Now!!! Professional, Suite and Team Foundation Server!!!
Heck yeah!!!Here is the rundown:TODAY -- VS2010 available from MSDN Downloads Wednesday -- VS2010...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/18/2009
=== PhotoSuru is a sample .NET Framework 3.5 rich client photo-viewing experience...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/17/2009
Project Euler The leader of the F# User Group in Houston, David Morton, turned...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/13/2009
So what is XAMLFest?
Are you excited about WPF but concerned about the learning curve? Have you seen Silverlight but...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/13/2009
Konami Code Sites
figure it out :)
Author: zainnab Date: 05/12/2009
Microsoft Empower for ISVs
This is a pretty sweet deal if you are an ISV. Check it out:===Microsoft Empower for ISVs is an...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/10/2009
Random Techness: Some Entity Framework Resources
Looking for some Entity Framework Love? Not sure where to start to begin learning and training on...
Author: zainnab Date: 05/03/2009
Official Microsoft Team Blogs / Microsoft Blogs
Contains a listing of the official Microsoft Team Blogs and essential web feeds organised by...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/30/2009
Windows 7 Release Candidate is Available on MSDN for Subscribers Today!!
If you have an MSDN Subscription you can get your Windows 7 today!!!! General availability begins on...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/30/2009
Windows 7 Release Candidate Update -- Available April 30 for MSDN Subscribers and May 5 for the Public
Just in case you haven't heard:===There certainly has been a lot of discussion about Windows 7 in...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/26/2009
Keeping Your Head In The Cloud
Once again, Jeff Blankenburg has written a great article! This one is on Windows Azure...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/26/2009
University of Dallas Lecture -- Virtual Worlds and You: The Future of Collaboration
The mere mention of Virtual Worlds evokes images with legions of people playing games such as World...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/23/2009
Setting Up Livemeeting for a User Group
Not using LiveMeeting for your .NET User Group? Did you know INETA provides you with a free account?...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/23/2009
REMINDER: ArcReady, MSDN Unleashed, and TechNet: Coming to Austin, Houston, and Dallas
Just a reminder about the cool events coming to Austin, Houston, and Dallas! Details...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/22/2009
Fort Worth .NET User Group Presents: Practical Inversion of Control with Matt Hinze
From the great folks at the FWDNUG and User Group Support Services (UGSS):===Please welcome back...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/21/2009
Windows 7: Delivering a quality upgrade experience
For those currently running Windows 7 Beta and wanting to know about the upgrade experience, read...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/20/2009
Windows 7 for Developers: Facebook .NET User Group Presentation Today!!!
I will be presenting to the Facebook DNUG today and wanted to invite everyone to come join if you...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/20/2009
Oxite, anyone?
Have you heard about Oxite? Here is a blurb: === Oxite is “an open source,...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/19/2009
Interview on Virtual Worlds - Robin and Kyle Gomboy of ReactionGrid
Folks are really starting to notice the excellent work Robin, Kyle, and Chris Hart (who couldn't be...
Author: zainnab Date: 04/15/2009
Casey Watson's Jeopardy Coolness
Last December I had the pleasure of attending the C# SIG in Dallas when Casey Watson was speaking....
Author: zainnab Date: 04/12/2009
Mobility Session from Second Life Slides
From todays meeting in Second Life :) Compact Framework Graphics Presentation.pptx
Author: zainnab Date: 04/09/2009
Random Coolness: Charlie Douglas - The Fast Truck
My good friend Phil Wheat turned me on to this guy and he is one heck of a great story teller :)
Author: zainnab Date: 04/08/2009
ArcReady, MSDN Unleashed, and TechNet: Coming to Austin, Houston, and Dallas
I don't have the TechReady blurbs but here are the dates for the events: Austin 4/28 Houston...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/30/2009
SCHOOL OF DEV / SHAREPOINT SATURDAY TULSA - MARCH 28th 2009 Had a great time at the Tulsa event...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/29/2009
VMDK(VMWare) to VHD Converter
Several people have asked me how to convert from VMWare to VHD format. Here are the steps to get you...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/26/2009
WCF: Web Services Protocols Interoperability Guide
Wondering about WCF and WS-*? This is the place to look! ===Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/22/2009
Random UN-Coolness: Imeem Embeds
So I was going to do another "Random Coolness" segment and put in Ryan Starr's song from the show...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/22/2009
Team System User Group -- Virtual Edition: Meeting Today @ 5pm PDT
Seriously cool Team System love here! ===The Team System Users Group (TSUG) Virtual Edition (VE) is...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/19/2009
Event Goodness
Here are the cool things coming up: ArcReady – Multiple Dates and Cities For our next...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/18/2009
Developer Round Table Meeting in Second Life This Friday!
March 20 2009 Meeting Who: You and the rest of the .NET community. What: .NET Memory Management with...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/18/2009
Selling Virtual Goods: Get Your ARPU In Gear!
I sat in on the SXSW Session on selling virtual goods and wanted to point to a couple of links that...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/17/2009
Calculating Mean, Median and Mode with SQL Server
I LOVE statistics and was recently asked about calculating the mean, median, and mode using SQL...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/17/2009
Microsoft To Deliver Keynote Presentation and Sponsorship 2009 SharePoint TechFest
===Microsoft has announced that its SharePoint Product Group will deliver the opening keynote...
Author: zainnab Date: 03/10/2009