IUpdateable from Eric Nelson (https://ericnelson.wordpress.com)
Cross posted from my primary blog https://ericnelson.wordpress.com. Please comment on my primary.
BT Applications Marketplace open for pre-registration of SaaS ISVs
BT has over 500,000 SME broadband customers - and SME is increasingly interested in adopting...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/23/2007
What is next for ISVs in the UK from Microsoft?
I was speaking with a friend from a UK ISV and we were discussing the pace of technology releases...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/23/2007
Visual Studio "Orcas" Beta One Available
We are looking nicely on track to ship "Orcas" by end of year - giving us: a great development...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/23/2007
Desktop Software Usage Survey
https://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/04/20/desktop_office_suites/ caught our teams eye. It is a survey...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/23/2007
WCF Performance paper - faster than .NET Remoting?
A few weeks back I spotted an internal slide deck covering the performance of WCF compared to...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/19/2007
Want NDoc for Visual Studio 2005 - try Sandcastle?
I suspect this is old news for many but for the ISV I met just before my holiday it was new - hence...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/17/2007
Visual C++ - what are we doing next?
Many of my current ISVs use C# and VB.NET as their main development languages but there remains a...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/17/2007
LINQ article that caught my eye - and thanks Mike
I liked this article over at Devx which demonstrates how to "convert" over to LINQ...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/17/2007
Blogs for ISVs from Microsoft UK
My "target audience" for this blog is Developers Based in the UK Who work for ISVs My job (not too...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/17/2007
Upcoming UK Technical events which caught my eye
There is no shortage of high quality events these days aimed at developers using .NET - but the...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/17/2007
Cornwall, Chicken and Chips - I'm back
I am just back from a great weeks break in sunny Cornwall - which included some great "accidental"...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/17/2007
Back on the 17th - have fun
I have not had a chance to blog much of late as I have been "on the road", firstly at SPA 2007...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/06/2007
Links for my SPA2007 Session
I delivered a session on Architecting the Next Generation of .NET Applications at...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/27/2007
SPA 2007 - I'm about to VPAD
I am delivering a session on .NET 3.0/3.5/"Longhorn" Server stuff at SPA next week. I hope to show...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/23/2007
ISV looking for help to migrate from VB6 to .NET
I needed to do some research for one of our larger UK ISVs on VB6 migration options. As part of that...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/23/2007
How useful is OpenXML? Answer - very, very useful
As a team we have had lots of discussions around OpenXML of late. But I think Dave summarised the...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/22/2007
SaaS and Workflow for real - Remend Technical Case Study
Two areas I have spent a fair bit of time on in the last 6 months are SaaS and Workflow Foundation....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/22/2007
Architect Insight Conference slides available - including our SaaS decks
In March we held a conference for UK Architects which covered a diverse range of topics, many...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/20/2007
ISV using FoxPro - no more new versions - but Codeplex to the rescue
We have some very successful ISVs in the UK using ... drum roll... Foxpro very successfully. I...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/19/2007
When is $40 really $2,400 - when it is a SaaS Application
SaaS is great, SaaS is wonderful, SaaS gives you per seat per month costs with immediate exit...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/19/2007
Are you a "traditional" ISV missing out on SaaS?
Because if you are, then you are not alone - most of my UK ISVs are only just now looking at SaaS....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/12/2007
MSMQ 4.0 - yippee - Transactional Remote Receive
I started to discuss a proposed architecture with an ISV that included (potentially) MSMQ. The...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/12/2007
Looking to do things a little better every time? Retrospectives
I heard of Retrospectives a few years back but only had the opportunity to hear first hand how...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/12/2007
Inside MySpace.com (a SAAS application built on Windows)
A colleague pointed me at this great article which talks about how the architecture of MySpace...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/06/2007
Not a developer - don't worry - we can help! (and... 11 year old techies want your job!)
I just came across our new site aimed at helping people learn to develop using Visual Studio Express...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/06/2007
SAAS Workshop March 5th: Thanks for attending - Resources
Yesterday we delivered the workshop on SaaS to Architects from customers and ISVs in the UK. There...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/06/2007
SAAS Workshop March 5th: Final prep on March 4th
Last day - March 4th On Sunday Richard and I headed over to the hotel to pull together our final set...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/04/2007
NxtGenUG are at it again - the "ReadyBoost Song"!
What can you say! Check out the write up and videos: Event Write up...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/02/2007
SAAS Workshop March 5th: SAAS - is it the new answer to Cross Platform?
27th and 28th of Feb DAY 4 and 5 22nd I was thinking SAAS. 23rd I was thinking "I wonder if that...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 03/01/2007
My tool of the week - Play Speed in Windows Media Player
Ok - I don't really have a "tool of the week" post, nor is Play Speed really a tool in its own right...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/28/2007
Visual Studio "Orcas" March CTP includes ADO.NET Sync Services for offline applications
The latest "Orcas" CTP includes: Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET Provides an...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/28/2007
Visual Studio Orcas - March 2007 CTP available for download
The March CTP of Orcas has lots of goodness in it and is available to download from msdn (very large...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/28/2007
LitwareHR Sample Application "ported" to Windows XP
The LitwareHR sample was designed for Windows Server 2003 - but many of you wanted to try it out on...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/27/2007
Two ISVs and SAAS - Sage and SAP
Two announcements from ISVs caught my eye in the last week. Firstly UK based Sage announced Sage 50...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/27/2007
Microsoft UK and BT - SAAS Application Marketplace
One of our sister teams has been pulling together a "marketplace" for hosted applications in the UK....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/27/2007
SAAS Workshop March 5th: A cunning plan begins to form
22nd Feb DAY 3 of 7 This continues on my series of posts about how we are pulling together the SAAS...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/27/2007
800 Applications that work with Windows Vista
There is a new KB article listing 800 or so applications that work with Windows Vista. Check out...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/26/2007
UK Architect Insight Conference gets its own blog - 2 weeks to go!
The AIC got its own blog on Wednesday - good for it! Hope to get an entry up there linking to my own...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/23/2007
Yet more .NET Framework 3.0 training - Developmentor UK courses from April
Got the DM flyer though and spotted they have 4 courses coming up on .NET Framework 3.0 in April and...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/23/2007
.NET Framework 3.0 WCF Training 27th to 30th March in the UK
Pluralsight have dome some very good training on our behalf and have a WCF session taking place in...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/23/2007
I read every comment - thanks for each and every one of them!
In case anyone was wondering - I promise you I read every comment and publish 99% (of the none spam...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/21/2007
Want to check if a network of PCs are Vista capable?
Spotted this new little beast - the Windows Vista Hardware Assessment tool. The Windows Vista...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/21/2007
Daily Mail eReader .NET 3.0 Application (Beta)
The Daily Mail eReader is a downloadable WPF-based application that gives readers an easy-to-use...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/21/2007
New LINQ, WCF and AJAX Labs released
As part of the DinnerNow work, the team released this month the QuickStart Labs for three of the...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/21/2007
DinnerNow Sample Application - Version 1.2 Released to Codeplex.com
DinnerNow is an application I expect to be spending a fair bit of time mulling over in March as I...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/21/2007
Is Software As A Service (SAAS) a fad? Your thoughts please...
Matt offered up the following opinion in SAAS: for Dummies : "SaaS, at best should be viewed as a...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/20/2007
SAAS Workshop March 5th: Second thoughts - panic
20th Feb DAY 2 of 7 On the 15th I wrote a blog entry about the SAAS workshop we are running after I...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/20/2007
Vista Gadgets using WPF - an Update - SideBar Styler
I previously posted about Sidebar Gadgets and WPF. Thanks to Andre I was pointed at Stanimir...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/20/2007
Another local.live.com site that caught me eye - birdseyetourist.com
https://www.birdseyetourist.com/ is another site taking advantage of the great low level pictures on...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 02/20/2007