IUpdateable from Eric Nelson (https://ericnelson.wordpress.com)
Cross posted from my primary blog https://ericnelson.wordpress.com. Please comment on my primary.
TechReady 5 - over half way through- and I think I get LINQ...
Wed evening and we are now over half way through our Technical Readiness training in Seattle....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/26/2007
Which version of .NET Framework will you get with Windows Server 2008?
In chatting with colleagues today I realised a) we were confused and b) I appeared to be least...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/25/2007
How Microsoft Surface Works...
I have mentioned Microsoft Surface to anyone willing to listen - and lots of folks have wanted to...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/24/2007
Happy Birthday Microsoft Research Cambridge
I'm a little late - but it reached 10 years old last week. The folks in MRC have produced some...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/24/2007
Windows Server 2008 Developer Training Kit released
Last week my colleagues in the server evangelism team published the Windows Server 2008 Developer...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/24/2007
Want to understand if your company is Vista or 2007 Office System capable?
I was reminded this week that a lot of folks are still struggling to understand if their hardware is...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/24/2007
300 or should I say 500
I am in Seattle in the USA attending our twice yearly Technical Readiness conference - TechReady 5....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/24/2007
When to use LINQ, when not to use LINQ?
One of my goals this week while I am in the US is to get closer to the answer to the above - by...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/24/2007
UK ISV delivers MDX Query Builder control
A month or so back I was lucky enough to find myself in a SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence lab...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/22/2007
Ever fancied a job in marketing.... ISV Super Gal
I suspect a small number of you came across our Developer Action Figures. I suspect most of you do...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/21/2007
Visual Studio Team System and Windows Live Hotmail
Ever wonder what it’s like to build and test a Web site which has to scale to over 260 million...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/21/2007
SaaS and Workflow for real
Two areas I have spent a fair bit of time on in the last 6 months are SaaS and Workflow Foundation....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/21/2007
As an aside: Strings are often not strings
In my travels with ISVs I get to see a lot of code. A lot of code solving similar issues in similar...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/21/2007
Heathrow - wish I had brought my brolly (and a small boat)
On Friday I headed out to the USA for our internal technical readiness conference - TechReady. Which...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/21/2007
Microsoft Software + Services Partner Opportunity Paper
I spotted an interesting paper on opportunities for partners on our partner site. It gives a decent...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/17/2007
Does Microsoft create amazing technology - you bet it does!
I often get hit with "Microsoft only copies the stuff that other people have already invented". Well...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/12/2007
ISVs moving off VB6 - I see a trend forming
The majority of the ISVs I meet are doing .NET managed code development...... and VB6 unmanaged code...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/12/2007
Launch dates for Windows Server, Visual Studio and SQL
At last we have dates! At the Worldwide Partner Conference we announced the date for the joint...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/11/2007
I'm back after a very pleasant holiday
In the words of The Dr, "Did you miss me?". (Ok ... no need to answer - I suspect I know the answer...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 07/11/2007
Links for Windows Server 2008 Training - Acropolis etc.
This week we are running Windows Server 2008 training with some of our early adopters in the UK. I...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/19/2007
Links from my Software Architect 2007 DinnerNow session
Firstly a thanks to all those who attended my session on Wednesday and to the good conversations...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/15/2007
IIS7.0 will be on Windows Server 2008 Server Core SKU
Server Core is the small footprint version of Windows Server 2008 - around 1GB footprint on the...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/12/2007
DinnerNow 1.3
At my session at Software Architect 2007 I plan to talk though the architecture of DinnerNow....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/11/2007
UK ISV Attending Software Architect 2007 June 12th to 14th?
Apologies for the late notice - but if you are a developer or architect working for an ISV in the UK...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/11/2007
FTP and IE 7.0 - top tip
Since I switched to Vista and IE7.0, I have been unable to use IE to access my FTP sites. This has...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/07/2007
Confused about exactly what is .NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008?
I know I was. Which is why I love these two posts from my colleague Daniel. .NET Framework 3.5 vs...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/07/2007
Excel Services in Sharepoint Server 2007 - in 1 slide
Every so often I come across a single slide that does a great job of explaining an important...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/07/2007
Software + Services Slides now available from Architect Forum, May 15th
Mid may we did a day on Software + Services where I presented Successful SaaS: What Will it Take?...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/07/2007
ISV looking for a powerful IDE - check out the Visual Studio 2008 Shell
The Visual Studio Extensibility (VSX) Team Blog has announced about the Visual Studio 2008 Shell....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/06/2007
SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Lab and getting an image to take away
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we are working with a number of UK ISVs around the broad topic of...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/06/2007
SQL Server 2008 Announced and June CTP Available
On Monday I gave a heads up on a live Webcast about Katmai (I hope some of you found it useful). On...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/06/2007
Webcast on SQL Server Katmai today at 8pm UK time
If your plans for this evening were to wash your hair, then think again. At 8pm UK time you can tune...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 06/04/2007
ISV interested in hosting solution - then you need to understand SPLA
SPLA is relevant if you host your solution for your clients or if you are looking to move to SaaS....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/24/2007
Want more on Microsoft CRM as an application platform?
My post on CRM as an application platform sparked a fair bit of interest amongst UK ISV's. If you...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/24/2007
SQL Server Katmai Datasheet Available
Curious about what will be in Katmai? Then check out the two page overview.
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/24/2007
Q&A from Windows Server "Longhorn" Briefing on May 1st
Apologies for the delay - I have been trying to pull together a complete list of answers which is...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/24/2007
Multi-tenancy and row level security in SQL Server 2005
When looking at architecting for on-demand, the subject of single tenancy vs multi tenancy always...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/24/2007
Links for SaaS session May 17th
As promised here are some useful links from our session today with UK ISVs interested in SaaS....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/17/2007
Links for SaaS session at Architect Forum, 15th May
As promised here are some useful links for my session yesterday and the Q&A at the end: SaaS...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/16/2007
Microsoft CRM = Microsoft Business Application Platform
I think we have a well kept secret - Microsoft Dynamics CRM is not actually a CRM system (well -...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/16/2007
I surrender - I am no longer a developer...
When I joined Microsoft in 1996 I was most certainly a developer first, solution architect second....
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/11/2007
Our next steps in Software as a Service - Biztalk Services and Project Astoria
We have made two significant announcements in the last few weeks as part of our "cunning plan" to...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/11/2007
Two of our finest technologies in one place - PowerShell meets Workflow Foundation
Workflow Foundation has proved to be extremely interesting to ISVs in 2006. One of its strengths is...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 05/11/2007
When is 4GB not 4GB - when it is 3 and a bit
I have my new notebook - a very nice Compaq nc8430 (very nice gaming box!) with 4GB ram. My first...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/30/2007
IIS 7 Developer Center
Given you can Go-Live with Beta 3, the next obvious question to a developer should be "Why would I...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/30/2007
IIS 7.0 Beta 3 is so useful - you may want to use it now! (Go-live)
With Beta 3 of Windows Server "Longhorn" we now have a very stable and complete drop of IIS 7.0 -...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/30/2007
Windows Server Longhorn - will your application work?
With Windows Vista we told ISVs "Hey - applications may break on Vista. You should test your...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/26/2007
Windows Server Longhorn Beta 3 available
As a team we have been waiting until Beta 3 before we really get stuck into helping ISVs understand...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/26/2007
Simple yet elegant - SPA 2007
I presented and attended SPA 2007 (https://www.spaconference.org/spa2007/index.html ) this year and...
Author: Eric Nelson UK Date: 04/24/2007