Two ISVs and SAAS - Sage and SAP
Two announcements from ISVs caught my eye in the last week.
Firstly UK based Sage announced Sage 50 Online. Excitedly I wondered "wow - is this a full-on SAAS application rearchitected explicitly for multi tenancy and the efficiencies of scale?". Alas - it does not appear to be. The clue is over at which describes how to install the ICA Client from Citrix to be able to use Sage 50 Online. Same old application? Probably - and with that comes good and bad news IMHO (more on that in a later blog). Also spotted the Business Two Zero blog had some comment on the announcement.
Secondly SAP discussed A1S - "an 'entirely new product'".I have no idea if it is entirely a new product developed for "on demand" delivery - but they are making the right noises. I will see what I can find out and report back.
- Anonymous
March 01, 2007
Hi Eric, Thanks for the mention and the link to my thoughts on Sage. I actually listened very carefully (twice) to Kagerman's January "pre-announcement" and blogged about it here It is a new development, designed for both web deployment and eventually on-premise installation. It's notable that they avoided using the SaaS term throughout the whole of the session. See my initial thoughts at the end. If the product is a good as they say it is, I can't help feeling it's going to do them much more harm than good as the two business models try to coexist - very difficult in their culture I believe.