Jason Langridge's WebLog - MR Mobile!
A blog dedicated to Windows Mobile in the Enterprise!
i-mate Momento Picture frame
Over the weekend I was playing with one of the i-mate Momento picture frames. I-mate is known...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/16/2007
UK Microsoft Messaging and Mobility User group August Meeting
The UK Microsoft Messaging and Mobility User Group Meeting for August is taking place at Microsoft's...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/15/2007
Windows Mobile demos from World Wide Partner Conference
Last week was our World Wide Partner Conference in Denver. Steve blogged a whole set of links to the...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/14/2007
Windows Live Mobile Search v2 released
We just released Windows Live Mobile Search v2 at https://wls.live.com v1 provided the ability to...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/14/2007
Technet article on Windows Mobile 6 security
The latest edition of Technet Online has a great article on Windows Mobile 6 Security. You can check...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/13/2007
Facebook - a good by-product
I've been using Facebook for a while now and I've just noticed an interesting by-product of using...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/13/2007
E-TEN X500+ Review
The E-Ten X500+ device is the first Windows Mobile 6 Professional device to have 640x480 and also...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/13/2007
I've blogged on this topic before but Mark Deakin has just blogged on the subject of communications...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/12/2007
Nokia copying HTC???
There have been quite a few iPhone Lookalikes being sold on Ebay and rumoured by various device...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/11/2007
Hands on with the T-Mobile MDA Vario III - HTC Kaiser
Arne over at the unwired has been lucky enough to get hands on with the HTC Kaiser at a T-Mobile...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/11/2007
Blogging - how to keep it going.....
We just went through our financial year transition (for some strange reason Microsoft financial year...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/11/2007
View/Control your mobile device from your PC
There are a number of solutions out there that provide the capability to view/control your mobile...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/10/2007
Toshiba G900 beats 35 other devices!
The Toshiba G900 (the first WVGA Windows Mobile device) seems to be getting great reviews. The team...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/09/2007
UBiQUiO 503G Video Demonstration
The team over at Expansys have just published a video demo of the Ubiquio 503G. The 503G is a pretty...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/09/2007
Live Earth
Yesterday was our Microsoft company conference at Wembley Stadium. At the same time the Live Earth...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/06/2007
IT chiefs predict boom for mobile VoIP
This article from Computerworld fascinated me as it shows the very keen interest that customers have...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/06/2007
RIM Blackberry and Windows Mobile TCO Comparitive Document
A few people have emailed me complaining that they can't view our RIM/Windows Mobile TCO document...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/04/2007
Unboxing the Toshiba Portege G900
The Toshiba Portege G900 device is a unique Windows Mobile 6 device with an 800 x 480 resolution...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/03/2007
Students to use mobile phones for e-learning
I've blogged a number of times about the use of Mobile Devices for E-Learning and IT week have just...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/03/2007
Gartner says - Keep The iPhone Out Of The Corporate Enterprise
Following the iPhone launch on Friday - Gartner has issued recommendations that Corporate...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/03/2007
Windows Mobile vs RIM Blackberry Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) New Whitepaper
Back in 2006 we produced a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Whitepaper focusing on the total cost of...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/02/2007
Stress Testing Exchange for Mobile Access
I had a colleague ask last week how you can stress test Exchange to validate if it can support the...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/02/2007
Celebrate 4th July with free firework application from Astraware
For my US colleagues and friends - the 4th July is coming up next week! Astraware (makers of very...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/29/2007
Microsoft Surface Computing and Mobile Devices
Microsoft Surface (codenamed Milan) computing is something that looks incredibly exciting not only...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/29/2007
HTC Announce the P6300
This device has already seen the light of day through O2 as the XDA Argon. HTC have made it...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/28/2007
Adding Emergency numbers to Windows Mobile Devices
I had an interesting question from a customer today about wanting to add to the list of Emergency...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/28/2007
How to find a specific device to meet your needs...
One of the regular questions I've had over the course of the two days at MEDC is really around...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/26/2007
HP Ipaq 514 Smartphone Review
The guys over at PocketPCSoft.net had an early video of the unboxing of the HP Smartphone. They have...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/26/2007
MEDC Europe 2007 First Day
Well the first day is nearly over...... after the Keynote this morning, my Security session and a...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/25/2007
MEDC Europe is GO!
Well after a 2hr wait on the runway at Heathrow and an aborted landing.... I'm finally here at MEDC...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/25/2007
Slingplayer Mobile now available for Windows Mobile 6
Slingplayer Mobile has just exited a beta program and they have now released an update to their...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/23/2007
Mobile apps will boost productivity
There was a great article on Computer Weekly.com about Mobile Applications being the driver for...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/22/2007
MOOF'ing from the Tree-Office
Today we opened the first ever public ‘tree-office’ in Pimlico Gardens in London. With 14% of...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/21/2007
Expansys launch their blog!
Great to see the guys over at Expansys join the Blogosphere!! Today they launched their blog. You...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/21/2007
Blacklisting Applications
I had an email from a partner of ours who was looking to stop a user from changing the time on a...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/20/2007
O2 XDA Argon Review
ZDnet have just published a review of the new O2 XDA Argon device. I think this device is suffering...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/19/2007
HTC Kaiser Video Review
MyMobile911.com have provided a great Video review of the HTC Kaiser device. The video has been...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/18/2007
MEDC Europe Only one week away now!
Only one week to go till the Mobile and Embedded Developer Conference in Europe. There are still a...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/18/2007
Callhistory2Calendar on Modaco plus
Paul over at Modaco has just made available a really useful application called CallHistory2Calendar...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/15/2007
HP Ipaq 514 Messenger Unboxing
If you are looking at the HP Ipaq 514 which is HP's first Smartphone (or Standard) device this video...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/14/2007
Wireless Charging
I thought I had found the ultimate solution to my multiple device charging requirements when I found...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/14/2007
How to make your Windows Mobile Device Look Like Windows/Vista
The DownloadSquad have written a great article on making your Windows Mobile device look like a...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/13/2007
Pocket Controller Pro v6 released!
If you need to demonstrate Mobile Devices and want a tool to allow you to project what's happening...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/13/2007
Microsoft Mobile Development Handbook now on Amazon
My colleague in the UK Daniel Moth has just had his book published covering everything there is...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/12/2007
Only 2 weeks left for People Moving Business Awards!
The closing deadline for the People Moving Business Awards is 25th June so only 2 weeks away. We are...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/11/2007
WFH - Thriving Office
I saw this over on Steve's blog and it made me smile. It's basically a CD that contains two 39...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/11/2007