

I've blogged on this topic before but Mark Deakin has just blogged on the subject of communications etiquette.

The basis of his blog was a guide that The Finishing Academy and Microsoft have produced to outline business communications in today’s technologically advanced world.

The guide looks at the etiquette of communication in a business context and outlines how you should use the huge variety of communications methods at our disposal today.

The Executive Summary is that:

1. Think about how the recipient wants to be contacted

2. Work on your online presence

3. Use IM for short requests

4. Don’t forget the phone

5. Use email sparingly

6. Be careful when using humour and sarcasm

7. Be careful in the use of ‘emoticons’

8. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to their face

9. Respect who you’re communicating with; don’t read emails when on the phone or in a meeting

10. Manage the information collated through different methods of communication

What was amusing was I actually tried this out on Mark today as I wanted to chat with him about OCS so I called him using Communicator and got his voicemail.   I then tried him on IM but no response then just as I was just typing an email he pinged me back on IM :)

You can check out Mark's blog article and get more details about the guide HERE