Steve Clayton
Jonathan Ive on Apple design
Jony talks design. His passion for the product shines through and I love his philosophy of getting...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 11/01/2009
Life In The Cloud
More great infoporn for the weekend from The Mozy Blog tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/31/2009
The world’s most expensive objects: by weight
Love this infoporn by The Times Labs tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; tweetmeme_source = 'stevecla';...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/31/2009
Ferrari factory store
Wow…beautiful Ferrari Factory Store that’s nothing of course compared to Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/31/2009
Macskill rides again…
this time for Volkswagen. tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; tweetmeme_source = 'stevecla';...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/31/2009
Smartphone’s compared
Apart from the fact their is no Windows phone on here, this is a handy bit of infoporn. courtesy of...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/30/2009
Microsoft is open for business at Mission Viejo
Microsoft’s Mission Viejo store is open for business. Next stop, London….I wish! Bummed we...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/30/2009
Caption contest
This post has been sitting in my drafts for a while but a big thanks to Matthew Poyiadgi and...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/30/2009
Absolut Hacker
I’ve always enjoyed Absolut ads with X-ray still my favourite. This is a pretty good new one though....
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/28/2009
Dell multi touch panel for Windows 7
Oooh, I may need a new monitor to go with my new Sony Vaio. Check out this new Dell SX2210T...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/27/2009
Bing maps powers MotionX-GPS Drive on iPhone
Check out MotionX-GPS Drive from Fullpower Technologies – an iPhone navigation solution based...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/27/2009
Vaio has the X factor
I had the chance to get a first hand look at the Vaio X this weekend at the Sony shop in the...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/26/2009
Great Quotes #20
"Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/26/2009
Computer Weekly blog awards – nominated for 2009
Thanks to whoever entered me for the Computer Weekly blog awards for 2009. I was surprised and...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/26/2009
Office Web Apps Technical Preview Expanding
The web version of Office 2010 – known as Office Web Apps has just expanded their beta technical...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/26/2009
Windows 7 UK videos – my idea
the first one is my favourite. Love the attitude. A few others from the UK team over in their...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/25/2009
Starbucks and Bing maps
Nice to see the good people at Starbucks using Bing maps. I wish the embed images had the option to...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/25/2009
And what do you do?
My upcoming flight to Seattle should afford me some time to check out my friend Katie...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/25/2009
CloudBerry Explorer for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage in beta
I got an update from Andy over at CloudBerry that their Explorer for Microsoft Azure...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/25/2009
Windows 7 UK ads
I came home last night and pretty much the first thing I saw on TV was an ad for Windows 7. A dude...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/23/2009
Microsoft does Windows 7 support via Twitter
I may be wrong but I think this is the start of a seismic shift in tech support from Microsoft…and...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/23/2009
Windows 7 themes coming from EMI
Sign up and sit back…wonder what they’ll deliver? tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/22/2009
Windows 7 Ferrari netbook ships with 4 F1 valves
I subscribe to just so I know what I’ll need to be buying on the day I win the lottery....
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/22/2009
What does it look like inside a Microsoft Store?
Don’t expect screaming crowds every day but wow, that video wall looks amazing. A second video shows...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/22/2009
Installing Windows 7 on a netbook just got simple - Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool
Released today in conjunction with Windows 7 is the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool. From...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/22/2009
Windows 7 party pack schwag
Okay ignore the cheezy video (please, you must)…and feast your eyes on the Windows 7 party box that...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/22/2009
Personalise Windows 7 with free themes – Bing, Coca Cola, Ducati, Ferrari, Zune and more
Go grab ‘em now :) tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; tweetmeme_source = 'stevecla'; tweetmeme_service =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/22/2009
First glimpse at the Microsoft Store
Glowing signage at the first Microsoft Store – opens later today. Meantime, staff have been...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/21/2009
It’s going to be a good day
Inside? Good times…Win 7 schwag and a copy of Ultimate. tweetmeme_style = 'compact';...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/21/2009
Not long to wait now
tweetmeme_url = '';...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/21/2009
Bing + Twitter
Big news that I’ve been keeping shtum on for a while – Bing now searches Twitter. Yeah I know Google...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/21/2009
Why should ISV’s even care about Azure?
David Chappell has been on a world tour over the last few weeks talking Azure. My pal David...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/20/2009
Now that’s a contract
via swissmiss tweetmeme_url =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/20/2009
Live Mesh for Snow Leopard now available
This one is for my buddy Dave Coxon – a Live Mesh build for Snow Leopard. To upgrade to this new...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/20/2009
How the world wakes up to Twitter
GoodMorning! Full Render #2 from blprnt on Vimeo. GoodMorning! is a Twitter visualization tool that...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/20/2009
Microsoft Stores opening this week and next
there you have it. first store opening to coincide with the Windows 7 release date and the second...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/19/2009
VPlay – video DJ’ing on Microsoft Surface
Stuart Taylor from Microsoft Research in Cambridge shows us his spare time project on Surface. MTV...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/19/2009
Where are all the phones?
[image credit:] Surprising stat I read in this months edition...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/19/2009
Microsoft’s future is cloudy
Is Microsoft late to the cloud or early? I read the NY Times today who posited that Microsoft is...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/18/2009
Datacenter in a suitcase
Datacenters are all the rage at the moment – here is one I found in a suitcase earlier today. Not by...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/18/2009
How Starbucks won me back
Simple – I clearly value good Wi-Fi over good coffee. Well, sometimes. I signed up to the Free Wi-Fi...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/18/2009
Hammering a flexible screen
When I show the Microsoft 2019 video I often get asked how realistic some of the technology is – in...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/17/2009
Twitter wine? Been there, done that
Been there, done that! Hugh MacLeod and I toasting the first bottle of Blue Monster vintage...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/15/2009
Microsoft reboots
Fresh Coat of Paint: Artist Ricardo Richey, commissioned by Fortune, spray-paints a...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/15/2009
Bing on a rocket
Nice find by Todd Bishop – Bing on a rocket! part of a partnership with company...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/13/2009
Adamo XPS…new photos
these are the latest shots of the new and up to now mysterious Adamo XPS from Dell. Looking sleek....
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/13/2009
Bing Favourites #4
Alberta no less :) tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; tweetmeme_source = 'stevecla'; tweetmeme_service =...
Author: stevecla01 Date: 10/13/2009