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Viewing Event Data for a Kinect-Enabled Application [Kinect Studio]

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

Use Kinect Studio to view data from a Kinect. Data events are received approximately 30 times per second.

To preview Kinect data

  1. On the toolbar, click Live Preview.

    If there is data opened currently, Kinect Studio will prompt you to save or discard the opened data. For more information about saving data, see Saving Event Data for a Kinect-Enabled Application [Kinect Studio].

  2. In the stream selection grid to the left of the timeline, select the data streams that you want to view from the Live Preview column.

Color, depth, and 3D view will each be shown in a separate viewing window, depending on which options are selected in the View menu. For information about how to record the live data from the sensor, see Recording Event Data for a Kinect-Enabled Application [Kinect Studio]. Kinect Studio will remain in preview mode until you perform one of the following actions:

There are four states Kinect Studio can be in:

  1. Disconnected, no open file: Idle.
  2. Disconnected, file open: Play the file in Kinect Studio.
  3. Connected, no open file: Mirror the Kinect-enabled application sensor output in Kinect Studio and record it.
  4. Connected, file open: Can play back the file into the Kinect-enabled application.