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Playing Event Data for a Kinect-Enabled Application [Kinect Studio]

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

You can play back Kinect data recorded in Kinect Studio. To enter playback mode, you must have Kinect data opened in Kinect Studio first. You can open data using one of the following methods:


There is a known issue regarding using the same sensor to record and play back a file.

  • General Information
  • Suspending Playback

General Information

You can play data to view the data in the recording.

To play opened data

  1. In the stream selection grid to the left of the timeline, select the data streams that you want to play back from the Play column.
  2. On the toolbar, click Play.
  3. When you are finished viewing the data, click Stop.

To set the position of data playback

  • Click on the desired location on the timeline. For more information about working with the timeline, see Main Window [Kinect Studio].

To select a timeline range for playback, choose one of the following options:

  • Drag on the timeline.
  • Right-click on the timeline or graph, click Select Range, and then enter the start time and duration of the range.
  • In the Timeline menu, click Select Range, and then enter the start time and duration of the range.

To reset the playback range to the entire timeline, choose one of the following options:

  • In the Timeline menu, click Clear Selection.
  • Right-click on the timeline or graph, and then click Clear Range.
  • Press ESC.

Suspending Playback

You can suspend playback at any point. When playback is suspended, playback is still in an active state, but data is not sent.

To suspend playback

  • On the toolbar, click Pause.

To resume playback

  • On the toolbar, click Play.

Suspend Points

You can suspend playback at a predetermined event by setting a suspend point on a stream. Suspend points are activated only if the stream on which they are set is playing back.

To suspend playback at a specified timestamp

  • Click above the timeline at the desired location.


  • Do the following:

    1. In the Timeline menu, click Set Suspend Point.
    2. In the Suspend Point dialog box, select the stream for which to set the suspend point, and enter the timestamp for the suspend point.

To clear a suspend point

  • In the Timeline menu, click Clear Suspend Point.

Single-stepping Playback

When playback is suspended, you can single-step through selected streams. Single-stepping is different from advancing to the next event as follows:

  • Next Event This button advances the timeline to the next event in each stream. Next Event, Previous Event, First Event, Last Event and any timeline scrubbing will position the file at the desired place, but will cause the Kinect application to reset the skeletal tracking system.
  • Single Step This button sends the next event in each stream to the application. This feature will NOT reset the skeletal tracking system while moving forward one frame at a time.

To single-step playback to the application

  1. Suspend playback to the application.
  2. In the stream selection grid to the left of the timeline, select the data streams that you want to single-step from the Single Step column.
  3. On the toolbar, click Single Step.


All sensor settings can be changed by an application during playback or recording. However, toggling the skeleton stream (using enable/disable) in a managed application will cause Kinect Studio to lose connection with the application and therefore stop playback/record or live preview.