Windows Media Center Remote Control Logo Program Certification Overview
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
The procedures that are presented in this section outline the process for testing your Windows Media Center remote control for proper functionality with the Microsoft Windows operating system. These procedures test your product for correct functionality using the Microsoft Windows Logo Kit (WLK) and Driver Test Manager (DTM). To ensure full functionality, you must run all of the tests that DTM identifies as required for the device. If your product provides bus-specific support, you must run the appropriate bus-specific tests in addition to the standard tests.
Using the Test Procedure Help Topics
The test procedures are divided into the following types of topics:
Preparing: The preparing topics describe how to configure the system or systems for Windows logo testing.
Running: The running topics describe how to run the tests for your device or system.
Troubleshooting: The troubleshooting section provides information to diagnose failures, warnings and/or errors with the test.
Windows Media Center Remote Control Logo Program Certification
The Media Center Remote Control Logo Program Certification requires IHVs to first contact Microsoft for remote control button usage and layout design approval prior to running the Windows Media Center Remote Control Certification Tool to verify button functionality. See step 1 of the Running the Windows Media Center Remote Control Certification Tests for more details.
The tests you need to run depend upon the capabilities of the device or system being tested. To see the complete list of tests that could be required for your device, see the Running the Windows Media Center Remote Control Certification Tests.
Run time: approximately 15 minutes
Hardware Requirements
The following hardware is required for Windows Media Center remote control logo testing. Additional hardware may be required if the test device provides bus-specific support. See the test description for each bus-specific test to determine if there are additional hardware requirements.
Remote control being certified
Any supported Windows Media Center IR Receiver or a receiver designed for the remote
Client system running and the DTM client
Software Requirements
The following software is required to run the Windows Media Center remote control logo testing component of the WLK:
- WLP/DTM client
The Remote Control Certification Tool program may be run standalone to test the buttons. Running the program in this mode will not be applicable to WLP.
Tester Knowledge Requirements
To run the Windows Media Center Remote Control Logo Program Certification program, testers must know how to:
Install and run the WLP/DTM.
Install an appropriate receiver on a client system.
Gain access to the client system.
Press remote control buttons as requested in the prompt.
This section includes:
Preparing for Windows Media Center Remote Control Certification
Running the Windows Media Center Remote Control Certification Tests
Troubleshooting the Windows Media Center Remote Control Certification Program
Build date: 9/14/2012