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Running the Windows Media Center Remote Control Certification Tests

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The Remote Control Button Verification test relies on drivers that ship with Windows so you do not need to supply an INF file for the logo testing process. Additionally, note that when you use the Submission Wizard in Device Test Manager (DTM) to set up your logo tests, the name of the test is displayed as Input > MCE Remote Control. When you schedule this test, it automatically schedules the Windows Media Center test utility that is explained in Step 2 in the following procedure.

Important   You must plug the receiver unit into the client computer before you turn the computer on. Then create a new submission before you begin the test instructions that follow in Step 2.

Step 1: Remote Control Design Verification

  1. Please send email to MCE Remote Control Logo Program with a PDF of the remote control design to be certified.

  2. After design approval, please send the final function sample, along with the Key Logo License agreement for the remote control to be certified. You will receive and approval code which you will be prompted for when you run the Windows Media Center Remote Control certification test.

  3. Save the returned form in a known location. (This form will be digitally signed by Microsoft, and the signature will be used to verify authorization in step 8 in Remote Control Button Verification procedure.)

Step 2: Remote Control Button Verification

  1. Make sure the receiver is still plugged into the client computer.

  2. Launch the Remote Control Self-Certification Tool.

  3. Two options will be available:

    --Self-Test Tool: Verifies button functionality without submitting the result for logo certification

    --Self-Certification Tool: testing of button functionality will be performed as well as additional information about the remote control that is being verified. The results of the test along with the additional information will be submitted to Microsoft for final certification approval.

    Select the Self-Certification Tool.

  4. Fill in the information on the next form regarding the type of remote control that you are testing and where the remote control will be released.

    Note  The approval received in step 3 in Remote Control Design Verification procedure will need to be included at this point.

  5. A dialog will appear asking to verify the signal. Press any button on the remote control in order to test the signal.

  6. The remainder of the tool is in wizard format which will walk through verification of the signal and then verification of each button's functionality.

    The "Press the following button on your remote control" field displays the name of a button from the buttons-to-test list. Press the corresponding button on the remote control. The result will be captured and displayed on the screen.

    • Cancel: take the user back to the main menu
    • Previous: take the user to the previous page
    • Next: if the buttons-to-test list is not empty, this button brings up the Testing Not Complete dialog box. Within this dialog, if OK is selected, the user is taken to the next page,this action will be treated as a failure for the purpose of certification since not all buttons have been tested. Otherwise, the user will remain on the current page.
    • Skip: Skips the current button in the buttons-to-test list and prompts the user for the next one. This button would be used for example if a particular button did not pass and the user would like to proceed with verification of the remaining buttons. This action will be captured in the log file and treated as a failure for the purpose of certification.
  7. Once all buttons have been verified, you will be presented with an un-official pass/failure result. Click Finish to exit the test and complete the test in the DTM.



Build date: 9/14/2012