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Betsy Aoki's WebLog

Community Program Manager

Maybe someday people will listen to me :)

Microsoft bloggers, you know who you are. And why I am posting this. :) Betsy

Author: Betsy Date: 03/12/2005

All MSDN-TechNet wants for my birthday is two cool new people to hire, maybe more

Hi all, My old boss Katherine wants me to give a shoutout to the community about two new cool...

Author: Betsy Date: 03/03/2005

Marketing Eye for the Dev Guy

Ok, I'm taking a break from blogging about Gotdotnet today to talk about the idea for a new cable...

Author: Betsy Date: 01/25/2005

Kickboxing through molasses, or, the ancient curse

First, I'd like to offer my sincere apologies as program manager for Gotdotnet - the only one left...

Author: Betsy Date: 01/24/2005

Turn of the tide

So 2004 winds to a close. The devastation in Indonesia and Thailand beggars description (despite all...

Author: Betsy Date: 12/30/2004

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

I was surprised a few years back when James, a friend of mine, introduced me to what looked like...

Author: Betsy Date: 12/22/2004

Tater Tots: food of the gods?

I bet I know what you all are wondering about this week. You are wondering how, in this season of...

Author: Betsy Date: 12/16/2004

Test Post for British Evangelists :)

This is a test post, please ignore.

Author: Betsy Date: 12/06/2004

Try the penny sock market

By now you've seen that spate of Rolex spam come and go; now apparently the new trend is about penny...

Author: Betsy Date: 12/01/2004

Thankful for: the Gotdotnet community

So it's a really non-kept secret that when you write the feedback alias, you get me....

Author: Betsy Date: 11/23/2004

My Text is not my own

Everyone wants to know the secret agenda of technology. Luddites feel it threatens the very...

Author: Betsy Date: 11/16/2004

VB sniffles and a new hat for Betsy

Have you ever had a head cold so bad that made video games swith spiky helmeted demons seem...

Author: Betsy Date: 11/08/2004

Wonder of wonders

You cannot imagine how good it feels to finally blog these words: the next generation of Smart...

Author: Betsy Date: 09/30/2004

A great time among the women of Microsoft

Sorry I'm so late in posting this - I had too many site management moments this week. It's really...

Author: Betsy Date: 09/16/2004

The one time I didn't mind the sun was being bbqed at Scoble's

It's a long and windy road to Robert Scoble's bbq. (That's long and windy, NOT long-er-winded.) But...

Author: Betsy Date: 08/08/2004

Trying for brilliance, measuring for sanity....

It's been a while since I posted...sorry about that. I don't normally post on Mondays but since I've...

Author: Betsy Date: 07/26/2004

The Disorganized Disco Bandit

Ever have one of those mornings where your right contact lens sticks to the roof of your eyelid, the...

Author: Betsy Date: 07/07/2004

Whidbey, Wid B'

Never go on a health food kick while your product team is launching - the pizza fumes alone are...

Author: Betsy Date: 06/29/2004

Making a self presentable

Well, this blog posts finds our heroine in post-presentation stupor. I had to give a presentation...

Author: Betsy Date: 06/23/2004

Alas, do you find my charm offensive?

Recently a coworker pointed me to a column by Mary Jo Foley about Microsoft's community push,...

Author: Betsy Date: 06/07/2004

NO--SLEEP--TIL PORTLAND!!!! (With apologies to the Beastie Boys) :-)

There is nothing like leaving work in the middle of a sunny day to make you feel like you are...

Author: Betsy Date: 05/19/2004

Word to yer Motherboard

So I mean to blog this weekend – it being Mother’s Day on Sunday and all. And because...

Author: Betsy Date: 05/10/2004

New Community Experiment on MSDN Community Page

So my MSDN pal Tina dragged me to a yoga class at 6 in the morning today. I have never done yoga in...

Author: Betsy Date: 05/04/2004

Called on the carpet

You'd think perhaps the big buzz going around MSDN would be all our fabulous technology. You know,...

Author: Betsy Date: 04/27/2004

A girl made of millions of pixels of light

Well, soon you'll see the real me, albeit very tiny, on MSDN. A preview of that photo is on...

Author: Betsy Date: 04/03/2004

I need to blog, then eat

I just said those immortal six words to my long suffering officemate, who runs the .NET Framework,...

Author: Betsy Date: 03/24/2004

Hair-tearing about user samples

Yep. Today's Gotdotnet triumph is the Workspaces upgrade being complete, and its less than...

Author: Betsy Date: 03/16/2004

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