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Wonder of wonders

You cannot imagine how good it feels to finally blog these words: the next generation of Smart Components are on MSDN!

These new dynamic modules expose Microsoft blog posts, MVP bios and blurbs, MVP-authored Knowledge Base articles. Next stop: Webcasts and events.

Where can I find them, you ask?
Well of course my beloved community home page.

Then there are these champion sites:

- developer center home page and community page

Longhorn developer center (it doesn’t look different, but the code on the page is)

Office   (John Durant’s team working through great adversity)

Subscriptions (note the new blog of our very own MSDNer Mike Kinsman – not a smart component, just a smart cookie!)

Support   (this site manager went from newbie to component expert)
Windows Embedded  (Our MSDN site manager posted these through her own great adversity)

Big shout-out to the Community Platform team – George, Mike, Vikas, Kelly – who helped us get this show on the road. Big thank you to Duncan Mackenzie who helped me with the CSS issues.  

(Betsynote: sorry, had to re-edit the links here - some descriptions and locations got swapped)


  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2004
    Hi Betsy,

    Why is there nothing on this community page relating to Visual Basic? Everything here (included highlighted MVPs) seems to focus on C#?

    Thanks ... bill
  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2004
    Sorry, I did not mean my question to be at all a criticism of all your hard work. It just seemed strange to go the “the” MSDN Community Center and find it so focused on C#. It would seem that each product’s development site would be a more logical place to highlight a specific product and its MVPs. I may be way off base here but it would seem that the MSDN Community Center should highlight all the technologies and if it was exposing MVPs, then all the MVP community would be exposed, not just a subset.

    As background, you may not be aware of the current discussions within the developer community (see that MS has selected “C#” as its “favorite” language and developers who like other languages, especially Visual Basic, are kind of touchy. Again I apologize if my question was offensive – I was just interested in the rationale (policy, time pressure, etc.) and I understand the pressures you are under. BTW, how is the VB course going?
  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2004
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2004
    Hi Betsy,

    Let me know if you need any help on VB - always glad to help out (I also know a really good VB Text written by a great guy that you might find helpful).
  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2004
    The comment has been removed