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Turn of the tide

So 2004 winds to a close. The devastation in Indonesia and Thailand beggars description (despite all the news commentators, who still find ways to talk about something that just leaves me speechless). Advances and retreats in medicine are announced every day. I'm trying to do one of those "sum up" blog posts and I really can't. Microsoft's pace (up until the beauty of the holiday weeks, when no one is here) has been such that it's been hard to remember what I did the week before, never mind 52 weeks ago.

My world has changed - from site management to program management, which at first glance seems more like a subtle change (since I have the same projects) but the more I do this job, the more I realize how different it is becoming. The blogs of Microsoft have taken off like a rocket, giving us more chance to put our foot in our mouths but also more chance to hear what other people think. Workspaces bugfixes are getting nailed one by one. The flow of haiku has mercifully stopped, but you know those Gotdotnet developers - they'll give me the haiku again if they think I am slacking. :-)

It's going to be a dead run from Jan. 1st  on, I can tell from here. And yes, those VB articles will show up soon, and then you can mock me for my audacity.  2005 promises to deliver great things. But if there is anything that 2004 taught me, it is that together and only together do we turn the tide.

Best to you and yours this holiday season. Live it vivid!
