Unable to sign up for a Microsoft Azure student subscription
Good evening. For the second day I've been trying to get a student subscription to Microsoft Azure on this website: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/students, but every time it says: Unable to confirm your University ID. All the data is entered…
Test question - cannot ask
Can I ask this question? Is it even possible to ask a question on your forums? This question is related to the following Learning Module
Cannot access sandbox
Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services' and cannot access the application '18fbca16-2224-45f6-85b0-f7bf2b39b3f3' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a different…

Need help recovering access to Microsoft Learn Sandbox
I created a Microsoft Learn sandbox yesterday to learn Azure and was prompted to configure MFA for the Microsoft Learn tenant: Account: ******@gmail.com Directory: learn.docs.microsoft.com Tenant ID: 604c1504-c6a3-4080-81aa-b33091104187 This morning…
Missing files in knowledge mining exercise
When doing the exercise for searching data outside Azure in the knowledge mining training (instructions here), the provided C# code does not compile. Judging from the provided screenshots there seems to be multiple missing files in the current version of…
Microsoft Entra Hybrid Join (Azure Hybrid Join) error - 0x80072f78
Hello, So I got through multiple things and I would like to know if someone has any idea what to do here. I'm trying to join devices into tenant as hybrid joined, to deploy Windows Hello for Business. We're using Microsoft Entra Connect after recent…
I am not able to launch the sandbox
I am not able to launch the sandbox . It is asking to sign in but after i signed in it is giving me an error This question is related to the following Learning Module
cant login to use azure CLI in Learn.microsoft training.
when trying to sign in to use azure cloud cli on a training modual and its saying that i am not able to but its asking me to sign in over and over. i just compleated a triaing section before that and used azure cli bash within Visual Studio Code.…
Sandbox activated but can't complete sign in process - Microsoft Learn
I'm going through a learning path and I'm trying to use the integrated sandbox to complete the module. The sandbox has been successfully activated but is stuck on the sign in process. This is the popup I'm getting: I do have an active Azure…
How to use the azure services without subscriptions
Fail to fetch resources -> BadRequest","message":"Workspace 'jason-sentinel' is not onboarded to Microsoft Sentinel.
I'm trying to follow the guide on the "SC-200: Create detections and perform investigations using Microsoft Sentinel" learning…
Is Develop NLP solutions/Create question answering solutions deprecated?
The exercise for this module, found at https://microsoftlearning.github.io/mslearn-ai-language/Instructions/Exercises/02-qna.html, is based on Cognitive Services, but everything in the UI strongly indicates that it's deprecated. No equivalent seems to be…
Sign in problems with sandbox in Microsoft Learn
Hello, I am attempting to complete the module and exercise: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/describe-core-architectural-components-of-azure/4-exercise-explore-learn-sandbox?tryIt=true&source=learn I have already tried using the…
Sandbox is Not Working!
Doing the modules for the AZ-900 and the sandbox is not working for every single one that requires me to use it. I have tried logging in and it's just a constant loop back to the sign in page to use the sandbox! Nothing has been fixed from before!
Trouble Activating Microsoft BI Live Account from Demo via Azure Credits in Founders Hub
I have activated my Microsoft BI credits via my Founders Hub credits in Azure. It will not let me activate it and get off this trial account. I really need to activate it so I can use all the additional resources. Please help! Jessie Ott
The sandbox for this module is currently unavailable.
Currently facing an issue in the following AZ-900 Learn Path: Section: Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure architecture and services - Training | Microsoft Learn Module: Describe the core architectural components of Azure - Training | Microsoft Learn …
Cannot access learn Sandbox
I cannot access 'my' sandbox, which I could previously access in the learn environment. Please kindly assist. This question is related to the following Learning Module

How to access Microsoft Sandbox on personal account?
I'm trying to go through the "Describe the core architectural components of Azure" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/describe-core-architectural-components-of-azure/) module for the Azure Fundamentals training. On the 4th…
Sandbox for Microsoft Learn under AZ104 Modules not working
When I try to logon it shows I am signed in but sandbox page shows as sign-in again Learn Training Browse Introduction to Bash also on multiple attempts go this error, looks like sandbox doesn't jhave enough permissions.

Hello, I am unable to access Sandbox. The error I am getting is that I am using a personal account and Sandbox support organizational accounts. Does this mean I have to use an organizational account? This question is related to the following Learning…