Credit card being mischarged
My credit card on file was charged more than just the subscription I paid. The azure subscription said I've charged $319.42 and overdrafted my account from a project I've completed from Microsoft learn platform.
My certification expired and I had personal issues so I couldn't renew it on time
Hi team, I had a personal issues related to my son so I couldn't renew my certification on time. Please support to extend the renewal window instead of taking the exam again. Best Regards,

how to merge Microsoft learn account so all my learn records are on my personal account
How to merge Microsoft learn account (Work Merge Personal = All learning rec cert is in personal) so all my learn records are on my personal account Thanks Abhishek

Azure Certificate
I passed the AZ900 exam on 2024/08/21 but logged in today and found that I couldn't find my credentials I see that my userID has been changed from jianwang-5271 to jianwang-7243 May I ask what has happened to my account? How should I resolve this?
certification transfer to other account
HI Team i have completed the Microsoft exam by the voucher provided my organization, but while registering i gave my organization email ID instead of my person mail , so certificate is now lying in organization account and all other existing…
MCT Free subscription
Subject: Urgent Request to Restore MCT Free Subscription Dear Microsoft Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address an urgent issue regarding my MCT free subscription, which has been disabled due to reported crypto mining…
MCT renewal process
My MCT expires in March and the website is down: How do I renew this?
Exam AZ-900 PASS - Certificate NOT RECEIVED
Hi Team, I've successfully passed AZ-900 Exam yesterday, but didn't receive expected certificate: Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals Could you please provide details why?
How to avail ms certificate MIE expert?
How to avail ms certificate MIE expert? I want to know the reflection course completion report on course
How to get Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) certification?
Share about how to achieve Microsoft Innovative Education (MIE) certificate?
Did i bind the right account to ?
Hi, i am currently logged in to on my private account and i binded it to my working account. This was important to keep my progress and certificates according to my teamleader. Now i wounder if i should log into my work account and then…
Cuenta o correo asociada a una certificacion
Estimados Tengo la siguiente certificación de Febero 2024: Id. de certificación de Microsoft: 996203282 Y no encuentro a que perrfil o correo lo tengo asociado Alguien podria indicarme cual seria? Saludos Lic Alberto Rodriguez
I cleared Microsoft AZ-400 certification on 10th March 2025. But I have not received the certificate on my registered email id
I cleared Microsoft AZ-400 certification on 10th March 2025. But I have not received the certificate on my registered email id. I have completed the pre-requisite certification AZ-204 in March 2023. However, the Microsoft account which I used for AZ-204…
My Certificate is not available after passing SC-100 Exam
Dear Support I passed the SC 100 exam, but didn't get a certificate, even though I met the prerequisites and currently have active certifications. Please advise ans assist. Kind regards, Clayton
Unique tracking links for one webinar event
I would like to share a Teams webinar with multiple organisations with a unique tracking link so I can see how many they have referred and registered. Can more than one unique Teams link be created but trace back to one specific webinar?
I cannot access using an official account of my organization
Teams.jpg Dears Please, can you help me? When i tried to open my account in Teams its said like in attached message. I have registered with official account of my organization
"We’re unable to validate your phone number error" when signing up for a free account
I live in South Africa. I can not sign up because when I enter my phone number and click on text me. I do not even receive a text, I just receive a "We’re unable to validate your phone number" error. So I can not continue to sign up for an…
Connectivity aborted from VPN device to azure virtual network gateway
I am using a raspberry pi 4 B as a vpn device . Pi is running on Debian bookworm OS. The intention is put he pi on a v/network in azure with a S2S Connection from a fixed location. i have setup a Vnet, Gateway subnet, a VPN Gateway, a local gateway…
how to receive student subscription
I need a student subscription on the account I have already created for working on a student project. 4o
How to reactive my Free trial subscription if it is not showing in the portal.
What to do and How to reactivate a free trial subscription if you accidentally delete a free trial subscription.