Can I change my due date?
Need to change my due date to the 2nd of the month.
SSL Certificate Error with Custom Domain in Azure Container Apps
Hey, I setup an Azure Container App with a custom domain and a managed SSL certificate. Now, when I try to access the domain, I get the following error using Firefox "An error occurred during a connection to <MY-DOMAIN>.…
How to restore a deleted resource group
We know, by default there is no possibility to recover a deleted resource group, but within the community we saw people saying that Microsoft / Support could do it. If so, how? Thanks
Azure Security Windows Agent Installation Failure on Windows 11 Virtual Hosts
During the migration of Windows 10 AVD hosts to Windows 11, the IaC runs successfully and the hosts are created, but the Azure Security Windows Agent fails to install. Any advice on how to resolve this issue? The current policy does not enforce…
ZIP deploy file to Azure Web App using a SAS URL always fails with a 403 Forbidden error
I am trying to publish my web app using the command described in this documentation: az webapp deploy --resource-group
How do I delete an old Teams account on Mac?
I am on macOS Sequoia 15.3.1. I left a previous organisation and don't have the password for that login any more. I can't use Teams as it says I need to log in to the old account and I can't use the new account without doing that. I have tried deleting…
Unable to sign up for a Microsoft Azure student subscription
Good evening. For the second day I've been trying to get a student subscription to Microsoft Azure on this website:, but every time it says: Unable to confirm your University ID. All the data is entered…
Extend my due date
Hello, Since you have increased prices, I need to extend my due date to the 2nd of each month. Thanks, Valerie
Can we have single/unified developer portal for multiple APIM instances/Gateways?
We have six APIM instances, and aligning with six different developer portal for API discovery and others. It is really hard to have multiple portal for the same purpose, So Is there any way consolidate all the APIs into Single/Unified developer portal…
AADSync account is not starting
The aad sync service keeps failing lately. I need to login and remove password from service and restart it. It then adds the account to login as a service account. This is happening several times a day. Please advise
Conditional access unavailable on Microsoft Entra
Months ago i've exluded a user from a policy on Security | Authentication Methods | Policies | Security | Conditional Access | Policies | Require MFA for internal users (admins not included) - Basic Now i need to exclude another user but all the field…
Event log "Windows Defender/Operational" moved from under Applications and Services Logs/Microsoft/Windows to directly under Applications and Services Logs
Been doing some work collecting Event logs for Defender and noticed that the Windows Defender event log that normally sits under Applications and Services Logs/Microsoft/Windows has moved to sit directly under Applications and Services Logs Windows…
Metered usage for Teams transcription API throwing error due to public app instead of confidential
Hello, we are using Graph API to build an application to fetch Teams meeting transcription. We reached out to Teams Graph API support. They told us to reach out to Entra support. They told us the appID indicates it is a public app and we need to build a…

Open Cost giving an error to download the price list
Issue Summary We are experiencing an issue with OpenCost in our Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. After enabling OpenCost using the command az aks update --resource-group <resource-group> --name <cluster-name> --enable-cost-analysis,…

Why MAUI app as Exe is big
Hi, Why MAUI app as exe is big on windows? it can be solved Please see ? Thanks,
Our Azure OpenAI service started randomly having issues processing files
We are using file search to process documents - since this morning (but could have been a bit longer) we started to see issues where the model signals to us: I encountered an error while searching the document for the specific details you requested.…
How to allow Non-admins Access to Modify Network Adapter settings.
We were allowing them by adding them to the Network Configuration Operators group, but we noticed that it granted some elevated privileges to the users. Do we have any other way to allow users to change their network settings?
Is it possible to change the port 22 of an SFTP storage account?
I have created an SFTP storage account, and I would like to know if it is possible to change the default port 22 used for connection.
az containerapp create parameter --registry-identity, what is it?
Hi, I am trying to create a containerapp with az cli using the following params az containerapp create --name aca-az2003 --resource-group $RG1 --environment environmentforacontpps --registry-identity $spID --registry-server --image…
Azure Application Insights alert won't sent e-mail to teams channel
Within Application Insights I have setup a Alert. This alert will be used to receive notification in a teams channel within Microsoft Teams. Therefore I have created multiple Action groups. Action group that sends an email to teams channel 'Alerting -…