COleBusyDialog Class
Used for the OLE Server Not Responding or Server Busy dialog boxes.
class COleBusyDialog : public COleDialog
Name | Description |
COleBusyDialog::COleBusyDialog | Constructs a COleBusyDialog object. |
Name | Description |
COleBusyDialog::DoModal | Displays the OLE Server Busy dialog box. |
COleBusyDialog::GetSelectionType | Determines the choice made in the dialog box. |
Name | Description |
COleBusyDialog::m_bz | Structure of type OLEUIBUSY that controls the behavior of the dialog box. |
Create an object of class COleBusyDialog
when you want to call these dialog boxes. After a COleBusyDialog
object has been constructed, you can use the m_bz structure to initialize the values or states of controls in the dialog box. The m_bz
structure is of type OLEUIBUSY. For more information about using this dialog class, see the DoModal member function.
Application Wizard-generated container code uses this class.
For more information, see the OLEUIBUSY structure in the Windows SDK.
For more information on OLE-specific dialog boxes, see the article Dialog Boxes in OLE.
Header: afxodlgs.h
This function only constructs a COleBusyDialog
explicit COleBusyDialog(
HTASK htaskBusy,
BOOL bNotResponding = FALSE,
DWORD dwFlags = 0,
CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
Handle to the server task that is busy.
If TRUE, call the Not Responding dialog box instead of the Server Busy dialog box. The wording in the Not Responding dialog box is slightly different than the wording in the Server Busy dialog box, and the Cancel button is disabled.
Creation flag. Can contain zero or more of the following values combined with the bitwise-OR operator:
BZ_DISABLECANCELBUTTON Disable the Cancel button when calling the dialog box.
BZ_DISABLESWITCHTOBUTTON Disable the Switch To button when calling the dialog box.
BZ_DISABLERETRYBUTTON Disable the Retry button when calling the dialog box.
Points to the parent or owner window object (of type CWnd
) to which the dialog object belongs. If it is NULL, the parent window of the dialog object is set to the main application window.
To display the dialog box, call DoModal.
For more information, see the OLEUIBUSY structure in the Windows SDK.
Call this function to display the OLE Server Busy or Server Not Responding dialog box.
virtual INT_PTR DoModal();
Completion status for the dialog box. One of the following values:
IDOK if the dialog box was successfully displayed.
IDCANCEL if the user canceled the dialog box.
IDABORT if an error occurred. If IDABORT is returned, call the
member function to get more information about the type of error that occurred. For a listing of possible errors, see the OleUIBusy function in the Windows SDK.
If you want to initialize the various dialog box controls by setting members of the m_bz structure, you should do this before calling DoModal
, but after the dialog object is constructed.
If DoModal
returns IDOK, you can call other member functions to retrieve the settings or information that was input by the user into the dialog box.
Call this function to get the selection type chosen by the user in the Server Busy dialog box.
UINT GetSelectionType() const;
Type of selection made.
The return type values are specified by the Selection
enumeration type declared in the COleBusyDialog
enum Selection {
Brief descriptions of these values follow:
Switch To button was pressed.COleBusyDialog::retry
Retry button was pressed.COleBusyDialog::callUnblocked
Call to activate the server is now unblocked.
Structure of type OLEUIBUSY used to control the behavior of the Server Busy dialog box.
Members of this structure can be modified directly or through member functions.
For more information, see the OLEUIBUSY structure in the Windows SDK.