CPrintInfo Structure
Stores information about a print or print-preview job.
struct CPrintInfo
Name | Description |
CPrintInfo::GetFromPage | Returns the number of the first page being printed. |
CPrintInfo::GetMaxPage | Returns the number of the last page of the document. |
CPrintInfo::GetMinPage | Returns the number of the first page of the document. |
CPrintInfo::GetOffsetPage | Returns the number of the pages preceding the first page of a DocObject item being printed in a combined DocObject print job. |
CPrintInfo::GetToPage | Returns the number of the last page being printed. |
CPrintInfo::SetMaxPage | Sets the number of the last page of the document. |
CPrintInfo::SetMinPage | Sets the number of the first page of the document. |
Name | Description |
CPrintInfo::m_bContinuePrinting | Contains a flag indicating whether the framework should continue the print loop. |
CPrintInfo::m_bDirect | Contains a flag indicating whether the document is being printed directly (without displaying the Print dialog box). |
CPrintInfo::m_bDocObject | Contains a flag indicating whether the document being printed is a DocObject. |
CPrintInfo::m_bPreview | Contains a flag indicating whether the document is being previewed. |
CPrintInfo::m_dwFlags | Specifies DocObject printing operations. |
CPrintInfo::m_lpUserData | Contains a pointer to a user-created structure. |
CPrintInfo::m_nCurPage | Identifies the number of the page currently being printed. |
CPrintInfo::m_nJobNumber | Specifies the job number assigned by the operating system for the current print job |
CPrintInfo::m_nNumPreviewPages | Identifies the number of pages displayed in the preview window; either 1 or 2. |
CPrintInfo::m_nOffsetPage | Specifies offset of a particular DocObject's first page in a combined DocObject print job. |
CPrintInfo::m_pPD | Contains a pointer to the CPrintDialog object used for the Print dialog box. |
CPrintInfo::m_rectDraw | Specifies a rectangle defining the current usable page area. |
CPrintInfo::m_strPageDesc | Contains a format string for page-number display. |
is a structure and does not have a base class.
The framework creates an object of CPrintInfo
each time the Print or Print Preview command is chosen and destroys it when the command is completed.
contains information about both the print job as a whole, such as the range of pages to be printed, and the current status of the print job, such as the page currently being printed. Some information is stored in an associated CPrintDialog object; this object contains the values entered by the user in the Print dialog box.
A CPrintInfo
object is passed between the framework and your view class during the printing process and is used to exchange information between the two. For example, the framework informs the view class which page of the document to print by assigning a value to the m_nCurPage
member of CPrintInfo
; the view class retrieves the value and performs the actual printing of the specified page.
Another example is the case in which the length of the document is not known until it is printed. In this situation, the view class tests for the end of the document each time a page is printed. When the end is reached, the view class sets the m_bContinuePrinting
member of CPrintInfo
to FALSE; this informs the framework to stop the print loop.
is used by the member functions of CView
listed under "See Also." For more information about the printing architecture provided by the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, see Frame Windows and Document/View Architecture and the articles Printing and Printing: Multipage Documents.
Header: afxext.h
Call this function to retrieve the number of the first page to be printed.
UINT GetFromPage() const;
The number of the first page to be printed.
This is the value specified by the user in the Print dialog box, and it is stored in the CPrintDialog
object referenced by the m_pPD
member. If the user has not specified a value, the default is the first page of the document.
Call this function to retrieve the number of the last page of the document.
UINT GetMaxPage() const;
The number of the last page of the document.
This value is stored in the CPrintDialog
object referenced by the m_pPD
Call this function to retrieve the number of the first page of the document.
UINT GetMinPage() const;
The number of the first page of the document.
This value is stored in the CPrintDialog
object referenced by the m_pPD
Call this function to retrieve the offset when printing multiple DocObject items from a DocObject client.
UINT GetOffsetPage() const;
The number of pages preceding the first page of a DocObject item being printed in a combined DocObject print job.
This value is referenced by the m_nOffsetPage
member. The first page of your document will be numbered the m_nOffsetPage
value + 1 when printed as a DocObject with other active documents. The m_nOffsetPage
member is valid only if the m_bDocObject
value is TRUE.
Call this function to retrieve the number of the last page to be printed.
UINT GetToPage() const;
The number of the last page to be printed.
This is the value specified by the user in the Print dialog box, and it is stored in the CPrintDialog
object referenced by the m_pPD
member. If the user has not specified a value, the default is the last page of the document.
Contains a flag indicating whether the framework should continue the print loop.
If you are doing print-time pagination, you can set this member to FALSE in your override of CView::OnPrepareDC
once the end of the document has been reached. You do not have to modify this variable if you have specified the length of the document at the beginning of the print job using the SetMaxPage
member function. The m_bContinuePrinting
member is a public variable of type BOOL.
The framework sets this member to TRUE if the Print dialog box will be bypassed for direct printing; FALSE otherwise.
The Print dialog is normally bypassed when you print from the shell or when printing is done using the command ID ID_FILE_PRINT_DIRECT.
You normally don't change this member, but if you do change it, change it before you call CView::DoPreparePrinting in your override of CView::OnPreparePrinting.
Contains a flag indicating whether the document being printed is a DocObject.
Data members m_dwFlags
and m_nOffsetPage
are invalid unless this flag is TRUE.
Contains a flag indicating whether the document is being previewed.
This is set by the framework depending on which command the user executed. The Print dialog box is not displayed for a print-preview job. The m_bPreview
member is a public variable of type BOOL.
Contains a combination of flags specifying DocObject printing operations.
Valid only if data member m_bDocObject
is TRUE.
The flags can be one or more of the following values:
Contains a pointer to a user-created structure.
You can use this to store printing-specific data that you do not want to store in your view class. The m_lpUserData
member is a public variable of type LPVOID.
Contains the number of the current page.
The framework calls CView::OnPrepareDC
and CView::OnPrint
once for each page of the document, specifying a different value for this member each time; its values range from the value returned by GetFromPage
to that returned by GetToPage
. Use this member in your overrides of CView::OnPrepareDC
and CView::OnPrint
to print the specified page of the document.
When preview mode is first invoked, the framework reads the value of this member to determine which page of the document should be previewed initially. You can set the value of this member in your override of CView::OnPreparePrinting
to maintain the user's current position in the document when entering preview mode. The m_nCurPage
member is a public variable of type UINT.
Indicates the job number assigned by the operating system for the current print job.
This value may be SP_ERROR if the job hasn't yet printed (that is, if the CPrintInfo
object is newly constructed and has not yet been used to print), or if there was an error in starting the job.
Contains the number of pages displayed in preview mode; it can be either 1 or 2.
The m_nNumPreviewPages
member is a public variable of type UINT.
Contains the number of pages preceding the first page of a particular DocObject in a combined DocObject print job.
Contains a pointer to the CPrintDialog
object used to display the Print dialog box for the print job.
The m_pPD
member is a public variable declared as a pointer to CPrintDialog
Specifies the usable drawing area of the page in logical coordinates.
You may want to refer to this in your override of CView::OnPrint
. You can use this member to keep track of what area remains usable after you print headers, footers, and so on. The m_rectDraw
member is a public variable of type CRect
Contains a format string used to display the page numbers during print preview; this string consists of two substrings, one for single-page display and one for double-page display, each terminated by a '\n' character.
The framework uses "Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n" as the default value. If you want a different format for the page numbers, specify a format string in your override of CView::OnPreparePrinting
. The m_strPageDesc
member is a public variable of type CString
Call this function to specify the number of the last page of the document.
void SetMaxPage(UINT nMaxPage);
Number of the last page of the document.
This value is stored in the CPrintDialog
object referenced by the m_pPD
member. If the length of the document is known before it is printed, call this function from your override of CView::OnPreparePrinting
. If the length of the document depends on a setting specified by the user in the Print dialog box, call this function from your override of CView::OnBeginPrinting
. If the length of the document is not known until it is printed, use the m_bContinuePrinting
member to control the print loop.
See the example for CView::OnPreparePrinting.
Call this function to specify the number of the first page of the document.
void SetMinPage(UINT nMinPage);
Number of the first page of the document.
Page numbers normally start at 1. This value is stored in the CPrintDialog
object referenced by the m_pPD
Hierarchy Chart