UWP page close
Hi, In our UWP app, there are certain pages which we need to get working like a Modal. Mainly when it comes to closing it, we need to maintain the status of the previous page as it is without reloading it. We load the next page like this…

What happens to an interrupted job?
I have a background in economics and auctions and understand the spot VM conceptually on that level, but I don't understand the practical implementation of it. In particular: If I am running an job on a spot VM and it is interrupted because my…

Access 2013 and UWP apps
Source link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/e6b0aa50-0f53-4528-9820-640fb02f2601/access-2013-and-uwp-apps?forum=wpdevelop ---------- Is it even possible to read data with a UWP app written with Visual Studio 2019 (C#)…
UWP - Printing multiple pages
Source link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/6145a17f-79f2-4777-9229-05ee623212ff/uwp-printing-multiple-pages?forum=wpdevelop How can I find an easy to understand sample for printing multiple pages on UWP, say printing 2…
Grid.Row inside of a ScrollViewer isn't Resizing Properly
Source Link: MSDN --- I have a grid inside of a scrollviewer with 4 rows. Each row has a height of * (1/4 of the scrollviewer's height) and contains a listview that is supposed to automatically resize with the row. When I increase the height of…

[UWP] Using GetThumbnailAsync() sometimes will not preserve a gif transparency on its thumbnail
Source link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/fead741b-6da6-4d72-8f5e-b33099829da5/uwp-using-getthumbnailasync-sometimes-will-not-preserve-a-gif-transparency-on-its-thumbnail?forum=wpdevelop ---------- I'm developing an…
[UWP][VB]Limiting Stream Size For MediaCapture
Source Link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/2aa719db-7aa2-4b2f-bc39-b8fca5fda397/uwpvblimiting-stream-size-for-mediacapture?forum=wpdevelop I have a MediaCapture from which I want to capture a stream, as follows: Await…
Can't connect UWP app to MongoDB
I'm developing a UWP app using C# and the MongoDB connection works perfectly in the development computer. When I tried to export and install it in a different desktop it did not work. I have some peculiarities on the target computer: no internet and…
Azure Devices
Hello, I have a question about Azure devices, My company has some devices registered in the Azure portal but the device details are nothing being updated I mean after the device has registered, if the user changes the device name, it is not being updated…

What is the local path to find Service Fabric logs
Is there a log viewer or tools to check logs
Cortana em português
Boa tarde!!! Alguém sabe me dizer porque a Cortana não está mais configurada para português Brasil no programa insider de anéis mais lentos já recebi umas 3 ou 4 atualizações de teste mas a Cortana não responde mais e quando pressionado o botão da…
not getting option to enter VM Credentials in Azure Migrate appliance configuration page
not getting option to enter VM Credentials in Azure Migrate appliance configuration page. Below option is grayed out. Discover applications and dependencies on VMs Provide VM credentials for discovery of applications and for dependency analysis on the…
How to fetch a string resource in a class library
Hi all, I'm working on a class library which contains several .resw resource files and pages. The question is, how to fetch the string for UI component properties. For example, I have a class library called "lib", which has a resource…

ARM template to create multiple VMs having different VM Sizes and OS.
I am looking for a generic ARM template that can create multiple VMs each having different VM Size and OS image. Plan is to pass VM names, VM Sizes and OS configurations as parameter arrays to the ARM template during deployment. Template linking is a…
Visual Studio and Formatting
Hello, I installed VS 2019 to be able to view and work with json files from Azure. But when I open the json file it shows it all as one line. Not properly formatted. How do I go about getting the formatting corrected so it is more…
[UWP][C++] winrt How to copy file from assets folder to local folder.
I want to copy a file from the Assets folder to the local folder. For this example lets use the LockScreenLogo.scale-200.png file as it commes with the default template. The docs give an example of file access here,…
Terms of use Query
Hi, I working on Mobile Application , in my project I am using Azure AD authentication for login process. My future implementation is to Add user Acceptance in Terms of use during login. Query: There are few user already registered in…
Infrastructure with Azure MFA
Please help me to understand I am currently studying the "Azure MFA". After reading the below article I am assuming that if any of the license acquired like office365 then the person can use it for internal infrastructure as well with no…
How to switch from Trial to In App Purchases in UWP?
My app has currently only Trial and Full License. I want to remove having trial and make the app free but handle full license features with in app purchases and as well having some other in app purchases. That means I created an in app purchase called…
Use cases for AAD
What are the use cases for Azure AD, specifically in the scenario where ADFS is already fault tolerant and available on-premises? Note: I'm not referring to AADDS. Because I know AADDS can at least provide BCDR. Thanks!