Following "Storage accounts should be migrated to new Azure Resource Manager resources" recommendation for Cloud service deployment
I want to follow recommendations provided in Azure Portal Advisor, and that gives me the previously stated message telling me to upgrade classic storage to ARM storage. We use it for deploying a Cloud service, which seems to require classic storage. So…
Can we store 100 + reliable dictionaries in a single stateful service is it right approach?
Hi Team, If I store data in those many dictionaries how much CPU the stateful service will take.Will it impact on performance of the application and I have services which are similar to this. Will it be okay or can anyone suggest me how can I do…

Relation between disabling legacy protocols and disabling legacy authentication
I have read several articles about disabling legacy auth and still other articles about disabling legacy protocols. I'm confused how these two are related. …

Issues / Concerns moving from on premise AD to Azure AD
Hi Can someone please give me some advice. For years we have had our own on premise domain with AD etc. Recently when renewing licenses with our supplier we were advised to go down the route of Windows 10 Enterprise E3 per user licences…

Reserve Instace
can we reserve instances on azure vm during installation on azure?
MFA enabled account Exchange Online Powershell automation with tokens
Hello, I was told to put my question here. Just in case here is the link for my previous question. I need to…
Insert Windows Form into UWP application
Source link: ---------- Hi, I need to create a quiz on UWP but im finding it difficult to do…
My UWP aaplication crash after install from Store
Source link: ---------- My UWP aaplication crash after install from Store.. its…
Worker Services to and away from Cloud services
We currently Deploy from Octopus to Cloud services a Worker Service that interfaces with Azure SQL, our Email Servers and some other services. As Cloud Services are no longer being enhanced we want to move away from Cloud Services. I've been looking at…
How I can recover deleted azure webapp?
By mistake I have deleted webapp from my portal, how I can recover that webapp. I raised request as well and at 06:39 AM, Sunday, 08 December 2019 I got response "We're sorry, your Web app is unavailable. We're working to automatically recover your…
AZ-203 Azure Service Fabric left out
Looking for some answers for this query. Thanks in advance
Error -1073741819 when building UWP app in Release mode using 64-bit .NET Native Toolchain
Source Link: MSDN When building our UWP app in Release mode using the 32-bit .NET Native Toolchain we seem to be running out of memory, so we have tried to move to 64-bit Native Toolchain compilation by adding the following options to the various…

How to use AWS Cloudwatch Logs and what kind of things we can do with Azure Sentinel and AWS Cloudwatch logs
I have connected successfully AWS Cloudwatch Logs and it is showing under Threat Management-Workgroups in Sentinel now. So i would like some help as to what kind of query i can run in sentinel to retrieve any security threats in my AWS environment. My…
[uwp][c#] how to fully unload a user control's resources?
I have a quite complex app - a video editor. At startup, I have a wizard that will allow the user to: select the photos/videos music to include in the final video. When the wizard finishes, I show the main editor, and the user can…
[UWP] [Bug] Yast another TextBox bug
Hi, if you use a multi-line TextBox with font Segoe MDL2 Assets, type in some lines, the lines above become invisible. I noticed this behaviour in Windows 10 1511 to 1909 on PC and ARM, but only for that font. Best Regards, Heiko
Sync time for disabled account
Hi There, If I disable any account in on-premises DC, does this syncs immediately like passwords? If not, how can I make sure it does? Cheers, NG

Submitted Office add-in for approval, validation has taken 8 days... and counting. Is this normal?
We submitted an add-in to the Office store (just a simple PowerPoint add-in that controls your slideshow) and it has been in the "validation" step of the process for 8 days now. The website initially said 24-48 hours. Has anything…

Requirements for Virtual Machine to run properly
I am using VM with 64 GB of RAM but it is not properly working on my system, system is getting hanged every time when I open VM. Is this because of Internet Speed ( although internet speed is good ) or VM also depends upon system configuration ?

BluetoothLeDevice GattCharacteristic Configure descriptor Indicate
Hi, I have a working bluetooth LE UWP application and I have come across what I believe is a Windows 10 issue with the setting of a characteristic notification. I have reproduced the exception on alternative store BLE scanner apps. Using the…

Universal Windows apps, CalendarView
Is there any way to add weeknumbers to the left of the calendar?