NavBarCommand.location property
[NavBarCommand is no longer available for use as of Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS) 4.2. Instead, use SplitViewCommand. ]
Get or sets the page to navigate to when this command is invoked.
data-win-options="{ location : value}">
var location = navBarCommand.location;
navBarCommand.location = location;
Type: Object
An object to navigate to. Typically, the location is a string containing a URI. When the command is invoked, this object is passed to the WinJS.Navigation.navigate function. navigate is not called if location is null, undefined, or an empty string.
Minimum WinJS version |
WinJS 2.0 |
Namespace |
WinJS.UI |
Your first app - Part 3: PageControl objects and navigation
Navigating between pages (HTML)
Navigation and navigation history sample
Bottom app bar
Top app bar