Microsoft.Web certificates 2023-12-01
Bicep resource definition
The certificates resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/certificates resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Web/certificates@2023-12-01' = {
kind: 'string'
location: 'string'
name: 'string'
properties: {
canonicalName: 'string'
domainValidationMethod: 'string'
hostNames: [
keyVaultId: 'string'
keyVaultSecretName: 'string'
password: 'string'
pfxBlob: any(...)
serverFarmId: 'string'
tags: {
{customized property}: 'string'
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
canonicalName | CNAME of the certificate to be issued via free certificate | string |
domainValidationMethod | Method of domain validation for free cert | string |
hostNames | Host names the certificate applies to. | string[] |
keyVaultId | Key Vault Csm resource Id. | string |
keyVaultSecretName | Key Vault secret name. | string |
password | Certificate password. | string |
pfxBlob | Pfx blob. | any |
serverFarmId | Resource ID of the associated App Service plan, formatted as: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}/resourceGroups/{groupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{appServicePlanName}". | string |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
location | Resource Location. | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | Certificate resource specific properties | CertificateProperties |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
Name | Description | Value |
ARM template resource definition
The certificates resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups - See resource group deployment commands
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/certificates resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.Web/certificates",
"apiVersion": "2023-12-01",
"name": "string",
"kind": "string",
"location": "string",
"properties": {
"canonicalName": "string",
"domainValidationMethod": "string",
"hostNames": [ "string" ],
"keyVaultId": "string",
"keyVaultSecretName": "string",
"password": "string",
"pfxBlob": {},
"serverFarmId": "string"
"tags": {
"{customized property}": "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
canonicalName | CNAME of the certificate to be issued via free certificate | string |
domainValidationMethod | Method of domain validation for free cert | string |
hostNames | Host names the certificate applies to. | string[] |
keyVaultId | Key Vault Csm resource Id. | string |
keyVaultSecretName | Key Vault secret name. | string |
password | Certificate password. | string |
pfxBlob | Pfx blob. | any |
serverFarmId | Resource ID of the associated App Service plan, formatted as: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}/resourceGroups/{groupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{appServicePlanName}". | string |
Name | Description | Value |
apiVersion | The api version | '2023-12-01' |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
location | Resource Location. | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | Certificate resource specific properties | CertificateProperties |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates |
type | The resource type | 'Microsoft.Web/certificates' |
Name | Description | Value |
Usage Examples
Azure Quickstart Templates
The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.
Template | Description |
Create a App Services Managed Certificate |
Create Managed Certificate (Free) APEX (root domain) for WebApp |
Create and assign a standard App Service Certificate |
Creates a standard App Service Certificate, verifies it using an App service App and creates SSL bindings once the certificate is ready |
Create and assign a wildcard App Service Certificate |
Creates a wildcard App Service Certificate, verifies it using an App service Domain and creates SSL bindings on an App Service App once the certificate is ready |
SSL certificate for an ILB ASE or an ILB ASE v2 |
Configures the default SSL certificate for an ILB ASE or an ILB ASE v2 |
Web App integration with Key Vault |
Deploy a Web App certificate from Key Vault secret and use it for creating SSL binding |
Web App with a custom domain and optional SSL binding |
Create a web app and with a custom domain and optionally add SSL certificate for https encryption. |
Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition
The certificates resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
- Resource groups
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
Resource format
To create a Microsoft.Web/certificates resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.Web/certificates@2023-12-01"
name = "string"
location = "string"
tags = {
{customized property} = "string"
body = {
kind = "string"
properties = {
canonicalName = "string"
domainValidationMethod = "string"
hostNames = [
keyVaultId = "string"
keyVaultSecretName = "string"
password = "string"
pfxBlob = ?
serverFarmId = "string"
Property Values
Name | Description | Value |
canonicalName | CNAME of the certificate to be issued via free certificate | string |
domainValidationMethod | Method of domain validation for free cert | string |
hostNames | Host names the certificate applies to. | string[] |
keyVaultId | Key Vault Csm resource Id. | string |
keyVaultSecretName | Key Vault secret name. | string |
password | Certificate password. | string |
pfxBlob | Pfx blob. | any |
serverFarmId | Resource ID of the associated App Service plan, formatted as: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}/resourceGroups/{groupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{appServicePlanName}". | string |
Name | Description | Value |
kind | Kind of resource. | string |
location | Resource Location. | string (required) |
name | The resource name | string (required) |
properties | Certificate resource specific properties | CertificateProperties |
tags | Resource tags | Dictionary of tag names and values. |
type | The resource type | "Microsoft.Web/certificates@2023-12-01" |
Name | Description | Value |