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Overlay ports

Usually, vcpkg ports are obtained from registries. It is very likely that most of the ports you install come from the official vcpkg registry at https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg. vcpkg lets you install ports available to you via the file system, we call these ports, overlay ports.

An overlay port can act as a drop-in replacement for an existing port or as a new port that is otherwise not available in a registry. While resolving package names, overlay ports take priority.

Overlay ports are evaluated in the following order:

  • The directory specified in the command-line via --overlay-ports, or named subdirectories if that directory has no CONTROL or vcpkg.json file.
  • The directory specified in a vcpkg-configuration.json file via overlay-ports, or named subdirectories if that directory has no CONTROL or vcpkg.json file.
  • The directory specified by VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS environment variable entries, or named subdirectories if that directory has no CONTROL or vcpkg.json file.

When resolving port names, the first location that contains a matching overlay port is selected.

Using an overlay port

If an overlay port is specified, first, vcpkg attempts to load that directory as a port. If that succeeds, the directory itself is itself treated as a port, and the name of the overlay is derived from the CONTROL or vcpkg.json file. Otherwise, subdirectories with the overlay port name are considered.

Valid ports contain portfile.cmake, and either vcpkg.json or CONTROL.

For example, consider the following directory structure:

  • x/vcpkg.json, the "name" field is set to "a".
  • x/portfile.cmake, the associated build instructions for a.
  • x/b/vcpkg.json, the "name" field is set to "b".
  • x/b/portfile.cmake, the associated build instructions for b.
  • y/c/vcpkg.json, the "name" field is set to "c".
  • y/c/portfile.cmake, the associated build instructions for c.
  • y/d/vcpkg.json, the "name" field is set to "d".
  • y/d/portfile.cmake, the associated build instructions for d.

vcpkg will consider the following ports given the following settings:

  • --overlay-ports=x: There is one port in this overlay, a. The name is derived from vcpkg.json. The subdirectory b is not considered.
  • --overlay-ports=x/b: There is one port in this overlay, b. The name is derived from vcpkg.json.
  • --overlay-ports=y: There are two ports in this overlay, c and d. Their names are derived from the subdirectories of y, and the names declared in their vcpkg.json must match, or an error will be generated if vcpkg is asked to consider c or d.

You can add to the overlay port configuration in several ways:

  • Command-line: Add one or more --overlay-ports=<directory> options to the command-line.
  • Manifest: Populate the "overlay-ports" array in vcpkg-configuration.json.
  • Environmental variable: Set VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS to a path character delimited list.

Example: Overlay Ports Example

Given this directory structure:

Example with multiple overlay port directories

Overlay directory named team-ports contains ports sqlite3, rapidjson and curl. Overlay directory named my-ports contains ports sqlite3 and rapidjson. The vcpkg directory contains the default registry.


vcpkg install sqlite3 --overlay-ports=my-ports --overlay-ports=team-ports

To install:

  • sqlite3 from my-ports


vcpkg install sqlite3 rapidjson curl \
    --overlay-ports=my-ports/rapidjson \
    --overlay-ports=vcpkg/ports/curl \

To install:

  • sqlite3 from team-ports
  • rapidjson from my-ports
  • curl from vcpkg/ports

Example: Using overlay ports to use a system package manager dependency

To use a system package manager dependency over a vcpkg one, refer to our blog post.