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vcpkg-configuration.json Reference

The vcpkg-configuration.json file forms part of a project's manifest, along with vcpkg.json. All fields in the vcpkg-configuration.json file are only used from the top-level project -- the vcpkg-configuration.json files in any dependencies are ignored.

In Manifest Mode, vcpkg-configuration.json can be in a separate file beside vcpkg.json or it can be embedded in the "vcpkg-configuration" field.

In Classic Mode, vcpkg will use the vcpkg-configuration.json file in the root of the vcpkg instance.

For an overview of using registries with vcpkg, see Using Registries.

The latest JSON Schema is available at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vcpkg-tool/main/docs/vcpkg-configuration.schema.json. IDEs with JSON Schema support such as Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code can use this file to provide autocomplete and syntax checking. For most IDEs, you should set "$schema" in your vcpkg-configuration.json to this URL.


  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vcpkg-tool/main/docs/vcpkg-configuration.schema.json",
  "default-registry": {
    "kind": "git",
    "repository": "https://internal/mirror/of/github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg",
    "baseline": "eefee7408133f3a0fef711ef9c6a3677b7e06fd7"
  "registries": [
      "kind": "git",
      "repository": "https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg-docs",
      "reference": "vcpkg-registry",
      "baseline": "768f6a3ad9f9b6c4c2ff390137690cf26e3c3453",
      "packages": [ "beicode", "beison" ]
  "overlay-ports": [
  "overlay-triplets": [ "./my-triplets" ]

This example adds a private registry, https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg-docs/tree/vcpkg-registry, as the source for the libraries beicode and beison. All other ports are found from an internal mirror of the Curated Catalog hosted at https://internal/mirror/of/github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.

The example also configures custom overlays for ports and triplets that are present in the source code repository.

Top-level Fields

Name Type Description
default-registry Registry or null Registry used for all ports without a specific registry
overlay-ports string[] List of paths to use as overlay port locations
overlay-triplets string[] List of paths to use as overlay triplets
registries Registry[] Additional registries to use for subsets of ports


The registry to use for all ports without a more specific registry. A Registry or null. Optional.

Ports that do not match any "packages" pattern are resolved to the default registry. If the default registry is specified as null, ports that do not match will fail to resolve. If the default registry is omitted, it will implicitly be set to a Builtin Registry using the value of "builtin-baseline" as the "baseline".


Additional registries to use for specific ports. An array of Registries. Optional.


A list of port overlay paths. An array of strings. Optional.

Each path in the array must name either:

  • A directory containing a port, with vcpkg.json and portfile.cmake files, or
  • A directory containing directories named after the ports (zlib's vcpkg.json must be at zlib/vcpkg.json).

Relative paths are resolved relative to the vcpkg-configuration.json file. Absolute paths can be used but are discouraged.


A list of triplet overlay paths. An array of strings. Optional.

Each path in the array must point to a directory of triplet files (see triplets documentation). Relative paths are resolved relative to the vcpkg-configuration.json file. Absolute paths can be used but are discouraged.

Registry Fields

Name Required Type Description
baseline Git and Builtin Registries string Minimum version constraint on all ports from this registry
kind Yes string Kind of registry being used
packages Yes, if not default string List of ports to come from this registry
path Filesystem Registry string Path to the Filesystem registry
reference No string Git reference to use for available versions
repository Git Registry string URI of the Git registry

Registry: "kind"

The kind of registry being used. A string. Required.

"kind" Value Registry Kind
"filesystem" Filesystem Registry
"git" Git Registry
"builtin" Builtin Registry

Registry: "baseline"

The registry-specific identifier for the minimum versions to use from this registry. A string. Required.

For Git Registries and for the Builtin Registry, this is a 40-character git commit sha in the registry's repository that contains a versions/baseline.json.

For Filesystem Registries, it can be any valid json property name that the registry defines on its baseline.json. If a filesystem registry does not declare a baseline, the value used is "default".

Registry: "reference"

The Git reference used to list available versions of a Git Registry. A string. Optional.

If not specified, defaults to HEAD. This field can be a topic branch to access versions that are not yet fully published.

Registry: "repository"

The URI of the Git Registry. A string. Required for Git Registries.

The string can be any URI format that Git understands:

  • "https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg"
  • "git@github.com:microsoft/vcpkg"
  • "/dev/vcpkg-registry"

Relative paths have unspecified behavior that will change in future versions of vcpkg.

Registry: "path"

The path to the Filesystem Registry. A string. Required for Filesystem Registries.

Relative paths are resolved relative to the vcpkg-configuration.json.

Registry: "packages"

The list of port patterns assigned to this registry. An array of strings. Required for all registries outside "default-registry".

Each entry must be either:

  • The name of a package
  • A package name prefix, followed by * (Added in tool version 2022-12-14)

Package patterns may contain only lowercase letters, digits, and -, with an optional trailing *.

Examples of valid patterns:

  • *: Matches all port names
  • boost: Matches only the port boost
  • b*: Matches ports that start with the letter b
  • boost-*: Matches ports that start with the prefix boost-

Examples of invalid patterns:

  • *a (* must be the last character in the prefix)
  • a** (only one * is allowed)
  • a+ (+ is not a valid pattern character)
  • a? (? is not a valid pattern character)

See the Using Registries documentation for more information on how port names are resolved.