This article describes how to update the OT software on your Defender for IoT sensors so that you can manage updates and stay up to date with the latest version.
You can purchase pre-configured appliances for your sensors, or install software on your own hardware machines. In either case, you'll need to update software versions to use new features for OT sensors.
Update files are available for currently supported versions only. If you have OT network sensors with legacy software versions that are no longer supported, open a support ticket to access the relevant files for your update.
To perform the procedures described in this article, make sure that you have:
A list of the OT sensors you'll want to update, and the update methods you want to use. Each sensor that you want to update must be both onboarded to Defender for IoT and activated.
Update scenario
Method details
Cloud-connected sensors
Cloud connected sensors can be updated remotely, directly from the Azure portal, or manually using a downloaded update package.
Remote updates require that your OT sensor has version 22.2.3 or later already installed.
Locally managed sensors
Locally managed sensors can be updated using a downloaded update package directly on an OT sensor console.
Required access permissions:
To download update packages or push updates from the Azure portal, you need access to the Azure portal as a Security Admin, Contributor, or Owner user.
To run updates on an OT sensor, you need access as an Admin user.
To update an OT sensor via CLI, you need access to the sensor as a privileged user.
Make sure that your sensors can reach the Azure data center address ranges and set up any extra resources required for the connectivity method your organization is using.
Make sure that your firewall rules are configured as needed for the new version you're updating to.
For example, the new version might require a new or modified firewall rule to support sensor access to the Azure portal. From the Sites and sensors page, select More actions > Download sensor endpoint details for the full list of endpoints required to access the Azure portal.
Update OT sensors with the latest OT monitoring software
This section describes how to update Defender for IoT OT sensors using any of the supported methods.
Sending or downloading an update package and running the update are two separate steps. Each step can be done one right after the other or at different times.
For example, you might want to first send the update to your sensor or download an update package, and then have an administrator run the update later on, during a planned maintenance window.
This procedure describes how to send a software version update to OT sensors at one or more sites, and run the updates remotely using the Azure portal. We recommend that you update the sensor by selecting sites and not individual sensors.
Send the software update to your OT sensor
In Defender for IoT in the Azure portal, select Sites and sensors.
If you know your site and sensor name, you can browse or search for it directly, or apply a filter to help locate the site you need.
Select one or more sites to update, and then select Sensor update > Remote update > Step one: Send package to sensor.
For one or more individual sensors, select Step one: Send package to sensor. This option is also available from the ... options menu to the right of the sensor row.
In the Send package pane that appears, under Available versions, select the software version from the list. If the version you need doesn't appear, select Show more to list all available versions.
To jump to the release notes for the new version, select Learn more at the top of the pane.
The lower half of the page shows the sensors you selected and their status. Verify the status of the sensors. A sensor might not be available for update for various reasons, for example, the sensor is already updated to the version you want to send, or there's a problem with the sensor, such as it's disconnected.
Once you've checked the list of sensors to be updated, select Send package, and the software transfer to your sensor machine is started. You can see the transfer progress in the Sensor version column, with the percentage completed automatically updating in the progress bar, so you can see that the process has started and letting you track its progress until the transfer is complete. For example:
When the transfer is complete, the Sensor version column changes to Ready to update.
Hover over the Sensor version value to see the source and target version for your update.
Install your sensor from the Azure portal
To install the sensor software update, ensure that you see the Ready to update icon in the Sensor version column.
Select one or more sites to update, and then select Sensor update > Remote update > Step 2: Update sensor from the toolbar. The Update sensor pane opens in the right side of the screen.
For an individual sensor, the Step 2: Update sensor option is also available from the ... options menu.
In the Update sensor pane that appears, verify your update details.
When you're ready, select Update now > Confirm update to install the update on the sensor. In the grid, the Sensor version value changes to Installing, and an update progress bar appears showing you the percentage complete. The bar automatically updates, so that you can track the progress until the installation is complete.
When completed, the sensor value switches to the newly installed sensor version number.
If a sensor update fails to install for any reason, the software reverts back to the previous version installed, and a sensor health alert is triggered. For more information, see Understand sensor health and Sensor health message reference.
This procedure describes how to manually download the new sensor software version and then run your update directly on the sensor console's UI.
Download the update package from the Azure portal
In Defender for IoT on the Azure portal, select Sites and sensors > Sensor update (Preview).
In the Local update pane, select the software version that's currently installed on your sensors.
In the Available versions area of the Local update pane, select the version you want to download for your software update.
The Available versions area lists all update packages available for your specific update scenario. You might have multiple options, but one specific version is marked as Recommended for you. For example:
Scroll down further in the Local update pane and select Download to download the update package.
The update package is downloaded with a file syntax name of sensor-secured-patcher-<Version number>.tar, where version number is the version you're updating to.
All files downloaded from the Azure portal are signed by root of trust so that your machines use signed assets only.
Update the OT sensor software from the sensor UI
Sign into your OT sensor and select System Settings > Sensor management > Software Update.
On the Software Update pane on the right, select Upload file, and then navigate to and select your downloaded update package.
The update process starts, and might take about 30 minutes and include one or two reboots. If your machine reboots, make sure to sign in again as prompted.
This procedure describes how to update OT sensor software via the CLI, directly on the OT sensor.
Download the update package from the Azure portal
In Defender for IoT on the Azure portal, select Sites and sensors > Sensor update (Preview).
In the Local update pane, select the software version that's currently installed on your sensors.
In the Available versions area of the Local update pane, select the version you want to download for your software update.
The Available versions area lists all update packages available for your specific update scenario. You may have multiple options, but there will always be one specific version marked as Recommended for you. For example:
Scroll down further in the Local update pane and select Download to download the software file.
The update package is downloaded with a file syntax name of sensor-secured-patcher-<Version number>.tar, where version number is the version you're updating to.
All files downloaded from the Azure portal are signed by root of trust so that your machines use signed assets only.
Update sensor software directly from the sensor via CLI
Use SFTP or SCP to copy the update package you'd downloaded from the Azure portal to the OT sensor machine.
Sign in to the sensor as the cyberx_host user, and copy the update file to a location accessible for the update process. For example:
cd /var/host-logs/
mv <filename> /var/cyberx/media/device-info/update_agent.tar
Sign into the sensor as the cyberx user and start running the software update. Run: