Aracılığıyla paylaş

Math.Cosh(Double) Yöntem


Belirtilen açının hiperbolik kosinüsünü döndürür.

 static double Cosh(double value);
public static double Cosh(double value);
static member Cosh : double -> double
Public Shared Function Cosh (value As Double) As Double



Radyan cinsinden ölçülen bir açı.


hiperbolik kosinüsü value. veya PositiveInfinityPositiveInfinity değerine eşitse NegativeInfinityvalue döndürülür. değerine eşitse valueNaNNaN döndürülür.


Aşağıdaki örnek, seçilen değerler için belirli hiperbolik kimlikleri değerlendirmek için kullanır Cosh .

// Example for the hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double ) 
// and Math.Cosh( double ) methods.
using namespace System;

// Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
void UseSinhCosh( double arg )
   double sinhArg = Math::Sinh( arg );
   double coshArg = Math::Cosh( arg );
   // Evaluate cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) == 1.
   Console::WriteLine( "\n                          Math::Sinh({0}) == {1:E16}\n"
   "                          Math::Cosh({0}) == {2:E16}", arg, Math::Sinh( arg ), Math::Cosh( arg ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "(Math::Cosh({0}))^2 - (Math::Sinh({0}))^2 == {1:E16}", arg, coshArg * coshArg - sinhArg * sinhArg );
   // Evaluate sinh(2 * X) == 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X).
   Console::WriteLine( "                          Math::Sinh({0}) == {1:E16}", 2.0 * arg, Math::Sinh( 2.0 * arg ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "    2 * Math::Sinh({0}) * Math::Cosh({0}) == {1:E16}", arg, 2.0 * sinhArg * coshArg );
   // Evaluate cosh(2 * X) == cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X).
   Console::WriteLine( "                          Math::Cosh({0}) == {1:E16}", 2.0 * arg, Math::Cosh( 2.0 * arg ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "(Math::Cosh({0}))^2 + (Math::Sinh({0}))^2 == {1:E16}", arg, coshArg * coshArg + sinhArg * sinhArg );

// Evaluate hyperbolic identities that are functions of two arguments.
void UseTwoArgs( double argX, double argY )
   // Evaluate sinh(X + Y) == sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y).
   Console::WriteLine( "\n        Math::Sinh({0}) * Math::Cosh({1}) +\n"
   "        Math::Cosh({0}) * Math::Sinh({1}) == {2:E16}", argX, argY, Math::Sinh( argX ) * Math::Cosh( argY ) + Math::Cosh( argX ) * Math::Sinh( argY ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "                          Math::Sinh({0}) == {1:E16}", argX + argY, Math::Sinh( argX + argY ) );
   // Evaluate cosh(X + Y) == cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y).
   Console::WriteLine( "        Math::Cosh({0}) * Math::Cosh({1}) +\n"
   "        Math::Sinh({0}) * Math::Sinh({1}) == {2:E16}", argX, argY, Math::Cosh( argX ) * Math::Cosh( argY ) + Math::Sinh( argX ) * Math::Sinh( argY ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "                          Math::Cosh({0}) == {1:E16}", argX + argY, Math::Cosh( argX + argY ) );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of hyperbolic "
   "Math::Sinh( double ) and Math::Cosh( double )\n"
   "generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Evaluate these hyperbolic identities "
   "with selected values for X:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) == 1\n"
   "   sinh(2 * X) == 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   cosh(2 * X) == cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)" );
   UseSinhCosh( 0.1 );
   UseSinhCosh( 1.2 );
   UseSinhCosh( 4.9 );
   Console::WriteLine( "\nEvaluate these hyperbolic identities "
   "with selected values for X and Y:" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   sinh(X + Y) == sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)" );
   Console::WriteLine( "   cosh(X + Y) == cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)" );
   UseTwoArgs( 0.1, 1.2 );
   UseTwoArgs( 1.2, 4.9 );

This example of hyperbolic Math::Sinh( double ) and Math::Cosh( double )
generates the following output.

Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
   cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) == 1
   sinh(2 * X) == 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)
   cosh(2 * X) == cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)

                          Math::Sinh(0.1) == 1.0016675001984403E-001
                          Math::Cosh(0.1) == 1.0050041680558035E+000
(Math::Cosh(0.1))^2 - (Math::Sinh(0.1))^2 == 9.9999999999999989E-001
                          Math::Sinh(0.2) == 2.0133600254109399E-001
    2 * Math::Sinh(0.1) * Math::Cosh(0.1) == 2.0133600254109396E-001
                          Math::Cosh(0.2) == 1.0200667556190759E+000
(Math::Cosh(0.1))^2 + (Math::Sinh(0.1))^2 == 1.0200667556190757E+000

                          Math::Sinh(1.2) == 1.5094613554121725E+000
                          Math::Cosh(1.2) == 1.8106555673243747E+000
(Math::Cosh(1.2))^2 - (Math::Sinh(1.2))^2 == 1.0000000000000000E+000
                          Math::Sinh(2.4) == 5.4662292136760939E+000
    2 * Math::Sinh(1.2) * Math::Cosh(1.2) == 5.4662292136760939E+000
                          Math::Cosh(2.4) == 5.5569471669655064E+000
(Math::Cosh(1.2))^2 + (Math::Sinh(1.2))^2 == 5.5569471669655064E+000

                          Math::Sinh(4.9) == 6.7141166550932297E+001
                          Math::Cosh(4.9) == 6.7148613134003227E+001
(Math::Cosh(4.9))^2 - (Math::Sinh(4.9))^2 == 1.0000000000000000E+000
                          Math::Sinh(9.8) == 9.0168724361884615E+003
    2 * Math::Sinh(4.9) * Math::Cosh(4.9) == 9.0168724361884615E+003
                          Math::Cosh(9.8) == 9.0168724916400624E+003
(Math::Cosh(4.9))^2 + (Math::Sinh(4.9))^2 == 9.0168724916400606E+003

Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X and Y:
   sinh(X + Y) == sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)
   cosh(X + Y) == cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)

        Math::Sinh(0.1) * Math::Cosh(1.2) +
        Math::Cosh(0.1) * Math::Sinh(1.2) == 1.6983824372926155E+000
                          Math::Sinh(1.3) == 1.6983824372926160E+000
        Math::Cosh(0.1) * Math::Cosh(1.2) +
        Math::Sinh(0.1) * Math::Sinh(1.2) == 1.9709142303266281E+000
                          Math::Cosh(1.3) == 1.9709142303266285E+000

        Math::Sinh(1.2) * Math::Cosh(4.9) +
        Math::Cosh(1.2) * Math::Sinh(4.9) == 2.2292776360739879E+002
                          Math::Sinh(6.1) == 2.2292776360739885E+002
        Math::Cosh(1.2) * Math::Cosh(4.9) +
        Math::Sinh(1.2) * Math::Sinh(4.9) == 2.2293000647511826E+002
                          Math::Cosh(6.1) == 2.2293000647511832E+002
// Example for the hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double )
// and Math.Cosh( double ) methods.
using System;

class SinhCosh
    public static void Main()
            "This example of hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double ) " +
            "and Math.Cosh( double )\n" +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
            "Evaluate these hyperbolic identities " +
            "with selected values for X:" );
            "   cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) == 1\n" +
            "   sinh(2 * X) == 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)" );
        Console.WriteLine( "   cosh(2 * X) == cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)" );


            "\nEvaluate these hyperbolic identities " +
            "with selected values for X and Y:" );
            "   sinh(X + Y) == sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)" );
            "   cosh(X + Y) == cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)" );

        UseTwoArgs(0.1, 1.2);
        UseTwoArgs(1.2, 4.9);

    // Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
    static void UseSinhCosh(double arg)
        double sinhArg = Math.Sinh(arg);
        double coshArg = Math.Cosh(arg);

        // Evaluate cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) == 1.
            "\n                         Math.Sinh({0}) == {1:E16}\n" +
            "                         Math.Cosh({0}) == {2:E16}",
            arg, Math.Sinh(arg), Math.Cosh(arg) );
            "(Math.Cosh({0}))^2 - (Math.Sinh({0}))^2 == {1:E16}",
            arg, coshArg * coshArg - sinhArg * sinhArg );

        // Evaluate sinh(2 * X) == 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X).
            "                         Math.Sinh({0}) == {1:E16}",
            2.0 * arg, Math.Sinh(2.0 * arg) );
            "    2 * Math.Sinh({0}) * Math.Cosh({0}) == {1:E16}",
            arg, 2.0 * sinhArg * coshArg );

        // Evaluate cosh(2 * X) == cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X).
            "                         Math.Cosh({0}) == {1:E16}",
            2.0 * arg, Math.Cosh(2.0 * arg) );
            "(Math.Cosh({0}))^2 + (Math.Sinh({0}))^2 == {1:E16}",
            arg, coshArg * coshArg + sinhArg * sinhArg );

    // Evaluate hyperbolic identities that are functions of two arguments.
    static void UseTwoArgs(double argX, double argY)
        // Evaluate sinh(X + Y) == sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y).
            "\n        Math.Sinh({0}) * Math.Cosh({1}) +\n" +
            "        Math.Cosh({0}) * Math.Sinh({1}) == {2:E16}",
            argX, argY, Math.Sinh(argX) * Math.Cosh(argY) +
            Math.Cosh(argX) * Math.Sinh(argY));
            "                         Math.Sinh({0}) == {1:E16}",
            argX + argY, Math.Sinh(argX + argY));

        // Evaluate cosh(X + Y) == cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y).
            "        Math.Cosh({0}) * Math.Cosh({1}) +\n" +
            "        Math.Sinh({0}) * Math.Sinh({1}) == {2:E16}",
            argX, argY, Math.Cosh(argX) * Math.Cosh(argY) +
            Math.Sinh(argX) * Math.Sinh(argY));
            "                         Math.Cosh({0}) == {1:E16}",
            argX + argY, Math.Cosh(argX + argY));

This example of hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double ) and Math.Cosh( double )
generates the following output.

Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
   cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) == 1
   sinh(2 * X) == 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)
   cosh(2 * X) == cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)

                         Math.Sinh(0.1) == 1.0016675001984403E-001
                         Math.Cosh(0.1) == 1.0050041680558035E+000
(Math.Cosh(0.1))^2 - (Math.Sinh(0.1))^2 == 9.9999999999999989E-001
                         Math.Sinh(0.2) == 2.0133600254109399E-001
    2 * Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(0.1) == 2.0133600254109396E-001
                         Math.Cosh(0.2) == 1.0200667556190759E+000
(Math.Cosh(0.1))^2 + (Math.Sinh(0.1))^2 == 1.0200667556190757E+000

                         Math.Sinh(1.2) == 1.5094613554121725E+000
                         Math.Cosh(1.2) == 1.8106555673243747E+000
(Math.Cosh(1.2))^2 - (Math.Sinh(1.2))^2 == 1.0000000000000000E+000
                         Math.Sinh(2.4) == 5.4662292136760939E+000
    2 * Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(1.2) == 5.4662292136760939E+000
                         Math.Cosh(2.4) == 5.5569471669655064E+000
(Math.Cosh(1.2))^2 + (Math.Sinh(1.2))^2 == 5.5569471669655064E+000

                         Math.Sinh(4.9) == 6.7141166550932297E+001
                         Math.Cosh(4.9) == 6.7148613134003227E+001
(Math.Cosh(4.9))^2 - (Math.Sinh(4.9))^2 == 1.0000000000000000E+000
                         Math.Sinh(9.8) == 9.0168724361884615E+003
    2 * Math.Sinh(4.9) * Math.Cosh(4.9) == 9.0168724361884615E+003
                         Math.Cosh(9.8) == 9.0168724916400624E+003
(Math.Cosh(4.9))^2 + (Math.Sinh(4.9))^2 == 9.0168724916400606E+003

Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X and Y:
   sinh(X + Y) == sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)
   cosh(X + Y) == cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)

        Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(1.2) +
        Math.Cosh(0.1) * Math.Sinh(1.2) == 1.6983824372926155E+000
                         Math.Sinh(1.3) == 1.6983824372926160E+000
        Math.Cosh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(1.2) +
        Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Sinh(1.2) == 1.9709142303266281E+000
                         Math.Cosh(1.3) == 1.9709142303266285E+000

        Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(4.9) +
        Math.Cosh(1.2) * Math.Sinh(4.9) == 2.2292776360739879E+002
                         Math.Sinh(6.1) == 2.2292776360739885E+002
        Math.Cosh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(4.9) +
        Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Sinh(4.9) == 2.2293000647511826E+002
                         Math.Cosh(6.1) == 2.2293000647511832E+002
// Example for the hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double )
// and Math.Cosh( double ) methods.
// In F#, the sinh and coh functions may be used instead
open System

// Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
let useSinhCosh arg =
    let sinhArg = Math.Sinh arg
    let coshArg = Math.Cosh arg

    // Evaluate cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) = 1.
    printfn $"""
                         Math.Sinh({arg}) = {Math.Sinh arg:E16}
                         Math.Cosh({arg}) = {Math.Cosh arg:E16}"""
    printfn $"(Math.Cosh({arg}))^2 - (Math.Sinh({arg}))^2 = {coshArg * coshArg - sinhArg * sinhArg:E16}"

    // Evaluate sinh(2 * X) = 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X).
    printfn $"                         Math.Sinh({2. * arg}) = {Math.Sinh(2. * arg):E16}"
    printfn $"    2 * Math.Sinh({arg}) * Math.Cosh({arg}) = {2. * sinhArg * coshArg:E16}"

    // Evaluate cosh(2 * X) = cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X).
    printfn $"                         Math.Cosh({2. * arg}) = {Math.Cosh(2. * arg):E16}"
    printfn $"(Math.Cosh({arg}))^2 + (Math.Sinh({arg}))^2 = {coshArg * coshArg + sinhArg * sinhArg:E16}"

// Evaluate hyperbolic identities that are functions of two arguments.
let useTwoArgs argX argY =
    // Evaluate sinh(X + Y) = sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y).
    printfn $"""
        Math.Sinh({argX}) * Math.Cosh({argY})
        Math.Cosh({argX}) * Math.Sinh({argY}) = {Math.Sinh argX * Math.Cosh argY + Math.Cosh argX * Math.Sinh argY:E16}"""
    printfn $"                         Math.Sinh({argX + argY}) = {Math.Sinh(argX + argY):E16}"

    // Evaluate cosh(X + Y) = cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y).
        """Math.Cosh({argX}) * Math.Cosh({argY})
        Math.Sinh({argX}) * Math.Sinh({argY}) = {Math.Cosh argX * Math.Cosh argY + Math.Sinh argX * Math.Sinh argY:E16}"""
    printfn $"                         Math.Cosh({argX + argY}) = {Math.Cosh(argX + argY):E16}"

    """This example of hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double )
and Math.Cosh( double )
generates the following output.

Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
   cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) = 1
   sinh(2 * X) = 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)
   cosh(2 * X) = cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)"""

useSinhCosh 0.1
useSinhCosh 1.2
useSinhCosh 4.9

printfn "\nEvaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X and Y:"
printfn "   sinh(X + Y) = sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)"
printfn "   cosh(X + Y) = cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)"

useTwoArgs 0.1 1.2
useTwoArgs 1.2 4.9

// This example of hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double ) and Math.Cosh( double )
// generates the following output.

// Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
//    cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) = 1
//    sinh(2 * X) = 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)
//    cosh(2 * X) = cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)

//                          Math.Sinh(0.1) = 1.0016675001984403E-001
//                          Math.Cosh(0.1) = 1.0050041680558035E+000
// (Math.Cosh(0.1))^2 - (Math.Sinh(0.1))^2 = 9.9999999999999989E-001
//                          Math.Sinh(0.2) = 2.0133600254109399E-001
//     2 * Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(0.1) = 2.0133600254109396E-001
//                          Math.Cosh(0.2) = 1.0200667556190759E+000
// (Math.Cosh(0.1))^2 + (Math.Sinh(0.1))^2 = 1.0200667556190757E+000

//                          Math.Sinh(1.2) = 1.5094613554121725E+000
//                          Math.Cosh(1.2) = 1.8106555673243747E+000
// (Math.Cosh(1.2))^2 - (Math.Sinh(1.2))^2 = 1.0000000000000000E+000
//                          Math.Sinh(2.4) = 5.4662292136760939E+000
//     2 * Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(1.2) = 5.4662292136760939E+000
//                          Math.Cosh(2.4) = 5.5569471669655064E+000
// (Math.Cosh(1.2))^2 + (Math.Sinh(1.2))^2 = 5.5569471669655064E+000

//                          Math.Sinh(4.9) = 6.7141166550932297E+001
//                          Math.Cosh(4.9) = 6.7148613134003227E+001
// (Math.Cosh(4.9))^2 - (Math.Sinh(4.9))^2 = 1.0000000000000000E+000
//                          Math.Sinh(9.8) = 9.0168724361884615E+003
//     2 * Math.Sinh(4.9) * Math.Cosh(4.9) = 9.0168724361884615E+003
//                          Math.Cosh(9.8) = 9.0168724916400624E+003
// (Math.Cosh(4.9))^2 + (Math.Sinh(4.9))^2 = 9.0168724916400606E+003

// Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X and Y:
//    sinh(X + Y) = sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)
//    cosh(X + Y) = cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)

//         Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(1.2) +
//         Math.Cosh(0.1) * Math.Sinh(1.2) = 1.6983824372926155E+000
//                          Math.Sinh(1.3) = 1.6983824372926160E+000
//         Math.Cosh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(1.2) +
//         Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Sinh(1.2) = 1.9709142303266281E+000
//                          Math.Cosh(1.3) = 1.9709142303266285E+000

//         Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(4.9) +
//         Math.Cosh(1.2) * Math.Sinh(4.9) = 2.2292776360739879E+002
//                          Math.Sinh(6.1) = 2.2292776360739885E+002
//         Math.Cosh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(4.9) +
//         Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Sinh(4.9) = 2.2293000647511826E+002
//                          Math.Cosh(6.1) = 2.2293000647511832E+002
' Example for the hyperbolic Math.Sinh( Double ) and Math.Cosh( Double ) methods.
Module SinhCosh
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of hyperbolic " & _
            "Math.Sinh( Double ) and Math.Cosh( Double )" & vbCrLf & _
            "generates the following output." & vbCrLf)
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "Evaluate these hyperbolic identities " & _
            "with selected values for X:")
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "   cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) = 1" & vbCrLf & _
            "   sinh(2 * X) = 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)")
        Console.WriteLine("   cosh(2 * X) = cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)")
        Console.WriteLine( _
            vbCrLf & "Evaluate these hyperbolic " & _
            "identities with selected values for X and Y:")
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "   sinh(X + Y) = sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)")
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "   cosh(X + Y) = cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)")

        UseTwoArgs(0.1, 1.2)
        UseTwoArgs(1.2, 4.9)
    End Sub
    ' Evaluate hyperbolic identities with a given argument.
    Sub UseSinhCosh(arg As Double)
        Dim sinhArg As Double = Math.Sinh(arg)
        Dim coshArg As Double = Math.Cosh(arg)
        ' Evaluate cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) = 1.
        Console.WriteLine( _
            vbCrLf & "                         Math.Sinh({0}) = {1:E16}" + _
            vbCrLf & "                         Math.Cosh({0}) = {2:E16}", _
            arg, Math.Sinh(arg), Math.Cosh(arg))
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "(Math.Cosh({0}))^2 - (Math.Sinh({0}))^2 = {1:E16}", _
            arg, coshArg * coshArg - sinhArg * sinhArg)
        ' Evaluate sinh(2 * X) = 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X).
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "                         Math.Sinh({0}) = {1:E16}", _
            2.0 * arg, Math.Sinh((2.0 * arg)))
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "    2 * Math.Sinh({0}) * Math.Cosh({0}) = {1:E16}", _
            arg, 2.0 * sinhArg * coshArg)
        ' Evaluate cosh(2 * X) = cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X).
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "                         Math.Cosh({0}) = {1:E16}", _
            2.0 * arg, Math.Cosh((2.0 * arg)))
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "(Math.Cosh({0}))^2 + (Math.Sinh({0}))^2 = {1:E16}", _
            arg, coshArg * coshArg + sinhArg * sinhArg)

    End Sub
    ' Evaluate hyperbolic identities that are functions of two arguments.
    Sub UseTwoArgs(argX As Double, argY As Double)

        ' Evaluate sinh(X + Y) = sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y).
        Console.WriteLine( _
            vbCrLf & "        Math.Sinh({0}) * Math.Cosh({1}) +" + _
            vbCrLf & "        Math.Cosh({0}) * Math.Sinh({1}) = {2:E16}", _
            argX, argY, Math.Sinh(argX) * Math.Cosh(argY) + _
            Math.Cosh(argX) * Math.Sinh(argY))
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "                         Math.Sinh({0}) = {1:E16}", _
            argX + argY, Math.Sinh((argX + argY)))
        ' Evaluate cosh(X + Y) = cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y).
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "        Math.Cosh({0}) * Math.Cosh({1}) +" + _
            vbCrLf & "        Math.Sinh({0}) * Math.Sinh({1}) = {2:E16}", _
            argX, argY, Math.Cosh(argX) * Math.Cosh(argY) + _
            Math.Sinh(argX) * Math.Sinh(argY))
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "                         Math.Cosh({0}) = {1:E16}", _
            argX + argY, Math.Cosh((argX + argY)))

    End Sub
End Module 'SinhCosh

' This example of hyperbolic Math.Sinh( Double ) and Math.Cosh( Double )
' generates the following output.
' Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X:
'    cosh^2(X) - sinh^2(X) = 1
'    sinh(2 * X) = 2 * sinh(X) * cosh(X)
'    cosh(2 * X) = cosh^2(X) + sinh^2(X)
'                          Math.Sinh(0.1) = 1.0016675001984403E-001
'                          Math.Cosh(0.1) = 1.0050041680558035E+000
' (Math.Cosh(0.1))^2 - (Math.Sinh(0.1))^2 = 9.9999999999999989E-001
'                          Math.Sinh(0.2) = 2.0133600254109399E-001
'     2 * Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(0.1) = 2.0133600254109396E-001
'                          Math.Cosh(0.2) = 1.0200667556190759E+000
' (Math.Cosh(0.1))^2 + (Math.Sinh(0.1))^2 = 1.0200667556190757E+000
'                          Math.Sinh(1.2) = 1.5094613554121725E+000
'                          Math.Cosh(1.2) = 1.8106555673243747E+000
' (Math.Cosh(1.2))^2 - (Math.Sinh(1.2))^2 = 1.0000000000000000E+000
'                          Math.Sinh(2.4) = 5.4662292136760939E+000
'     2 * Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(1.2) = 5.4662292136760939E+000
'                          Math.Cosh(2.4) = 5.5569471669655064E+000
' (Math.Cosh(1.2))^2 + (Math.Sinh(1.2))^2 = 5.5569471669655064E+000
'                          Math.Sinh(4.9) = 6.7141166550932297E+001
'                          Math.Cosh(4.9) = 6.7148613134003227E+001
' (Math.Cosh(4.9))^2 - (Math.Sinh(4.9))^2 = 1.0000000000000000E+000
'                          Math.Sinh(9.8) = 9.0168724361884615E+003
'     2 * Math.Sinh(4.9) * Math.Cosh(4.9) = 9.0168724361884615E+003
'                          Math.Cosh(9.8) = 9.0168724916400624E+003
' (Math.Cosh(4.9))^2 + (Math.Sinh(4.9))^2 = 9.0168724916400606E+003
' Evaluate these hyperbolic identities with selected values for X and Y:
'    sinh(X + Y) = sinh(X) * cosh(Y) + cosh(X) * sinh(Y)
'    cosh(X + Y) = cosh(X) * cosh(Y) + sinh(X) * sinh(Y)
'         Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(1.2) +
'         Math.Cosh(0.1) * Math.Sinh(1.2) = 1.6983824372926155E+000
'                          Math.Sinh(1.3) = 1.6983824372926160E+000
'         Math.Cosh(0.1) * Math.Cosh(1.2) +
'         Math.Sinh(0.1) * Math.Sinh(1.2) = 1.9709142303266281E+000
'                          Math.Cosh(1.3) = 1.9709142303266285E+000
'         Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(4.9) +
'         Math.Cosh(1.2) * Math.Sinh(4.9) = 2.2292776360739879E+002
'                          Math.Sinh(6.1) = 2.2292776360739885E+002
'         Math.Cosh(1.2) * Math.Cosh(4.9) +
'         Math.Sinh(1.2) * Math.Sinh(4.9) = 2.2293000647511826E+002
'                          Math.Cosh(6.1) = 2.2293000647511832E+002


açısı, valueradyan cinsinden olmalıdır. Dereceleri radyana dönüştürmek için /180 ile Math.PIçarpın.

Bu yöntem, temel alınan C çalışma zamanını çağırır ve tam sonuç veya geçerli giriş aralığı farklı işletim sistemleri veya mimariler arasında farklılık gösterebilir.

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