Aracılığıyla paylaş

Console.ForegroundColor Özellik


Konsolun ön plan rengini alır veya ayarlar.

 static property ConsoleColor ForegroundColor { ConsoleColor get(); void set(ConsoleColor value); };
public static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor { get; set; }
public static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor { get; set; }
public static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor { get; set; }
static member ForegroundColor : ConsoleColor with get, set
static member ForegroundColor : ConsoleColor with get, set
static member ForegroundColor : ConsoleColor with get, set
Public Shared Property ForegroundColor As ConsoleColor

Özellik Değeri

ConsoleColor Konsolun ön plan rengini, yani görüntülenen her karakterin rengini belirten bir. Varsayılan değer gridir.


Özel durumlar

Küme işleminde belirtilen renk öğesinin ConsoleColorgeçerli bir üyesi değil.

Kullanıcının bu eylemi gerçekleştirmek için izni yok.

G/ç hatası oluştu.


Aşağıdaki örnek, konsolun arka plan renginin siyah olup olmadığını denetler ve siyah ise arka plan rengini kırmızı, ön plan rengini de siyah olarak değiştirir.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      if (Console.BackgroundColor == ConsoleColor.Black) {
         Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
open System

if Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black then
    Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Red
    Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      If Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black Then
         Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black
      End If
   End Sub
End Module

Aşağıdaki örnek, sabit listesi değerlerini ConsoleColor bir diziye kaydeder ve ve ForegroundColor özelliklerinin geçerli değerlerini BackgroundColor değişkenlere depolar. Ardından, geçerli arka planla eşleşen renk dışında ön plan rengini numaralandırmadaki ConsoleColor her renkle değiştirir ve geçerli ön planla eşleşen renk dışında arka plan rengini numaralandırmadaki ConsoleColor her renkle değiştirir. (Ön plan rengi arka plan rengiyle aynıysa, metin görünmez.) Son olarak, özgün konsol renklerini geri yüklemek için yöntemini çağırır ResetColor .

using System;

class Example
   public static void Main()
      // Get an array with the values of ConsoleColor enumeration members.
      ConsoleColor[] colors = (ConsoleColor[]) ConsoleColor.GetValues(typeof(ConsoleColor));
      // Save the current background and foreground colors.
      ConsoleColor currentBackground = Console.BackgroundColor;
      ConsoleColor currentForeground = Console.ForegroundColor;

      // Display all foreground colors except the one that matches the background.
      Console.WriteLine("All the foreground colors except {0}, the background color:",
      foreach (var color in colors) {
         if (color == currentBackground) continue;

         Console.ForegroundColor = color;
         Console.WriteLine("   The foreground color is {0}.", color);
      // Restore the foreground color.
      Console.ForegroundColor = currentForeground;

      // Display each background color except the one that matches the current foreground color.
      Console.WriteLine("All the background colors except {0}, the foreground color:",
      foreach (var color in colors) {
         if (color == currentForeground) continue;

         Console.BackgroundColor = color;
         Console.WriteLine("   The background color is {0}.", color);

      // Restore the original console colors.
      Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal colors restored...");
//The example displays output like the following:
//    All the foreground colors except DarkCyan, the background color:
//       The foreground color is Black.
//       The foreground color is DarkBlue.
//       The foreground color is DarkGreen.
//       The foreground color is DarkRed.
//       The foreground color is DarkMagenta.
//       The foreground color is DarkYellow.
//       The foreground color is Gray.
//       The foreground color is DarkGray.
//       The foreground color is Blue.
//       The foreground color is Green.
//       The foreground color is Cyan.
//       The foreground color is Red.
//       The foreground color is Magenta.
//       The foreground color is Yellow.
//       The foreground color is White.
//    All the background colors except White, the foreground color:
//       The background color is Black.
//       The background color is DarkBlue.
//       The background color is DarkGreen.
//       The background color is DarkCyan.
//       The background color is DarkRed.
//       The background color is DarkMagenta.
//       The background color is DarkYellow.
//       The background color is Gray.
//       The background color is DarkGray.
//       The background color is Blue.
//       The background color is Green.
//       The background color is Cyan.
//       The background color is Red.
//       The background color is Magenta.
//       The background color is Yellow.
//    Original colors restored...
open System

// Get an array with the values of ConsoleColor enumeration members.
let colors = ConsoleColor.GetValues<ConsoleColor>()

// Save the current background and foreground colors.
let currentBackground = Console.BackgroundColor
let currentForeground = Console.ForegroundColor

// Display all foreground colors except the one that matches the background.
printfn $"All the foreground colors except {currentBackground}, the background color:"

for color in colors do
    if color <> currentBackground then
        Console.ForegroundColor <- color
        printfn $"   The foreground color is {color}."
printfn ""

// Restore the foreground color.
Console.ForegroundColor <- currentForeground;

// Display each background color except the one that matches the current foreground color.
printfn $"All the background colors except {currentForeground}, the foreground color:"

for color in colors do
    if color <> currentForeground then
        Console.BackgroundColor <- color
        printfn $"   The background color is {color}."

// Restore the original console colors.
printfn "\nOriginal colors restored..."

//The example displays output like the following:
//    All the foreground colors except DarkCyan, the background color:
//       The foreground color is Black.
//       The foreground color is DarkBlue.
//       The foreground color is DarkGreen.
//       The foreground color is DarkRed.
//       The foreground color is DarkMagenta.
//       The foreground color is DarkYellow.
//       The foreground color is Gray.
//       The foreground color is DarkGray.
//       The foreground color is Blue.
//       The foreground color is Green.
//       The foreground color is Cyan.
//       The foreground color is Red.
//       The foreground color is Magenta.
//       The foreground color is Yellow.
//       The foreground color is White.
//    All the background colors except White, the foreground color:
//       The background color is Black.
//       The background color is DarkBlue.
//       The background color is DarkGreen.
//       The background color is DarkCyan.
//       The background color is DarkRed.
//       The background color is DarkMagenta.
//       The background color is DarkYellow.
//       The background color is Gray.
//       The background color is DarkGray.
//       The background color is Blue.
//       The background color is Green.
//       The background color is Cyan.
//       The background color is Red.
//       The background color is Magenta.
//       The background color is Yellow.
//    Original colors restored...
Public Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Get an array with the values of ConsoleColor enumeration members.
      Dim colors() As ConsoleColor = ConsoleColor.GetValues(GetType(ConsoleColor))
      ' Save the current background and foreground colors.
      Dim currentBackground As ConsoleColor = Console.BackgroundColor
      Dim currentForeground As ConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor
      ' Display all foreground colors except the one that matches the background.
      Console.WriteLine("All the foreground colors except {0}, the background color:",
      For Each color In colors
         If color = currentBackground Then Continue For
         Console.ForegroundColor = color
         Console.WriteLine("   The foreground color is {0}.", color)
      ' Restore the foreground color.
      Console.ForegroundColor = currentForeground
      ' Display each background color except the one that matches the current foreground color.
      Console.WriteLine("All the background colors except {0}, the foreground color:",
      For Each color In colors
         If color = currentForeground  then Continue For
         Console.BackgroundColor = color
         Console.WriteLine("   The background color is {0}.", color)
      ' Restore the original console colors.
      Console.WriteLine("Original colors restored...")
   End Sub
End Module
'The example displays output like the following:
'       The background color is DarkCyan.
'       The background color is DarkRed.
'       The background color is DarkMagenta.
'       The background color is DarkYellow.
'       The background color is Gray.
'       The background color is DarkGray.
'       The background color is Blue.
'       The background color is Green.
'       The background color is Cyan.
'       The background color is Red.
'       The background color is Magenta.
'       The background color is Yellow.
'    Original colors restored...


Bir konsolun mevcut olmadığı Windows tabanlı bir uygulama için get işlemi döndürür Gray. Unix sistemleri, geçerli konsol renklerini getirmek için genel bir mekanizma sağlamaz. Bu nedenle, ForegroundColor açık bir şekilde ayarlanana kadar döndürür (ConsoleColor)-1 (ayarlayıcı kullanılarak).

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