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Use command-line parameters to install SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics

SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview is a powerful tool for managing SQL Server instances, Azure SQL databases, and Azure SQL managed instances. This article provides detailed instructions on how to use command-line parameters to install SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview, allowing for a more customized and automated installation process. Whether you're installing SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview for the first time or updating an existing installation, these instructions provide the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

Command-line parameters

When you install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) programmatically or from a command prompt, you can use various command-line parameters to control or customize the installation to perform the following actions:

  • Start the installation on the client with certain options and behaviors preselected.
  • Automate the installation or update process.
  • Create or maintain a network layout of the product files for installing or updating client machines.

The following command-line verbs and parameters can be used with the following executables or programs:

  • The setup bootstrapper, which is the small (~1 MB) file (for example, vs_ssms.exe) that initiates the download process and the initial installation.
  • The Visual Studio installer that might already be installed on the machine and is located in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\setup.exe. You must initiate the installer programmatically from a different directory that the installer resides in. The installer is typically used for update or modify commands.

Not all commands or parameters work in each of these situations, and any special caveats or exceptions are documented. Furthermore, in some scenarios you might not have access to all of these executables described previously. For example, client machines might only have the installer available for programmatic execution if SSMS was installed via a layout.

To get the latest bootstrappers for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview that always install the latest version of the selected channel, download one of the files in the following table. Alternatively, to install a specific version or a specific channel of SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview, see Release history for SQL Server Management Studio. This page has links to the fixed version bootstrappers for each servicing release.

Channel Version Bootstrapper
Preview 21.0 SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview

The Release channel will be available when SQL Server Management Studio 21 is generally available (GA).


If you previously downloaded a bootstrapper file and want to verify what version it installs, here's how. In Windows, open File Explorer, right-click the bootstrapper file, choose Properties and then choose the Details tab. The Product version field describes the channel and version that the bootstrapper installs. The version number should always be read as "latest servicing version of what is specified", and the channel is Release unless explicitly specified. A bootstrapper with a product version that says SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview installs the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview on the Preview channel.

Install, update, modify, repair, uninstall, and export commands and command-line parameters

When the SSMS bootstrapper or the installer is invoked programmatically, to install the product or to maintain a layout:

  • The first parameter is the command (the verb) that describes the operation to perform.
  • The subsequent optional command line parameters, all prefixed by two dashes (--), further define how that operation is supposed to happen.

All SSMS command-line parameters are case-insensitive.

Syntax example: vs_ssms.exe [command] <optional parameters>...

Command Description
(blank) The default command both installs the product, and it's used for all layout maintenance operations.
modify Modifies an installed product.
update Updates an installed product.
updateall Updates all of the installed products in sequential order. Works with --quiet and --passive parameters.
repair Repairs an installed product.
uninstall Uninstalls an installed product.
export Exports installation configuration into a *.vsconfig file.


When specifying multiple distinct workloads, components, or languages, you must repeat the --add or --remove command-line switch for each item.

Parameters Description
--installPath <dir> For the default install command, this parameter is Optional and describes where the instance is installed on the client machine. For other commands like update or modify, this parameter is Required and denotes the installation directory for the instance to act upon.
--productId <id> Optional: The ID of the product instance that is modified, and used with --channelId. The productId is Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.SSMS.
--channelUri Optional: During an update command, you can pass in a new --channelUri to change the update settings location. Recommend to pair with --installPath parameter so that it's explicit which instance of SSMS you're configuring. See syntax examples of --channelUri
--channelId <id> The ID of the channel, for example, SSMS.21.SSMS.Preview. channelId is required for modify operations, alongside either --productId or --installPath.
--add <one or more workload or component IDs> Optional: During an install or modify command, this repeatable parameter specifies one or more workload or component IDs to add. The required components of the artifact are installed, but not the recommended or optional components. You can control other components globally using --includeRecommended and/or --includeOptional parameters. To include multiple workloads or components, repeat the --add command (for example, --add Workload1 --add Workload2). For finer-grained control, you can append ;includeRecommended or ;includeOptional to the ID (for example, --add Workload1;includeRecommended or --add Workload2;includeRecommended;includeOptional).
--all Optional: During an install or modify command, this parameter causes all workloads and components for the product to be installed.
--allWorkloads Optional: During an install or modify command, this parameter installs all workloads and components, but no recommended or optional components.
--includeRecommended Optional: During an install or modify command, this parameter includes the recommended components for any workloads that are installed. It doesn't include the optional components. The workloads are specified either with --allWorkloads or --add. By using the --includeRecommended parameter, you enable your Update Settings dialog to "add recommended components for installed workloads on update". See Customize update settings to change this setting.
--includeOptional Optional: During an install or modify command, this parameter includes the optional components for any workloads that are installed. It doesn't include the recommended components. The workloads are specified either with --allWorkloads or --add.
--addProductLang <language-locale> Optional: During an install or modify command, this repeatable parameter specifies the UI language packs that should be installed with the product. If not present, the installation uses the language pack that corresponds to the machine locale. For more information, see the [List of language locales]
--remove <one or more workload or component IDs> Optional: During a modify command, this repeatable parameter specifies one or more workload or component IDs to remove. It complements and behaves similarly to the --add parameter.
--addProductLang <language-locale> Optional: During an install or modify command, this repeatable parameter specifies the UI language packs that should be installed with the product. If not present, the installation uses the language pack that corresponds to the machine locale. For more information, see the List of language locales section on this page.
--removeProductLang <language-locale> Optional: During an install or modify command, this repeatable parameter determines the UI language packs that should be removed from the product. It complements and behaves similarly to the --addProductLang parameter.
--in <path> Optional: The URI or path to a response file, which can contain configuration settings.
--quiet Optional: Used with any command, this parameter prevents any user interface from being displayed while the command is being executed. Not available to use programmatically by standard users regardless of how the AllowStandardUserControl policy is set.
--passive, -p Optional: This parameter causes the user interface to be displayed in a non-interactive manner. This parameter is mutually exclusive from (and in fact overrides) the --quiet parameter. Also not available to use programmatically by standard users regardless of how the AllowStandardUserControl policy is set.
--norestart Optional: This parameter must be paired with either the --passive or --quiet parameters. During an install, update, or modify command, adding the --norestart parameter delays any necessary reboot.
--force Optional: This parameter forces SSMS to close even if any SSMS process is in use. Forcing SSMS to close might cause loss of work, so use it with caution.
--installWhileDownloading Optional: During an install, update, or modify command, this parameter allows SSMS to both download and install the product in parallel. It's the default experience.
--downloadThenInstall Optional: During an install, update, or modify command, this parameter forces SSMS to download all files before installing them. It's mutually exclusive from the --installWhileDownloading parameter.
--nickname <name> Optional: During an install command, this parameter defines the nickname to assign to an installed product. The nickname can't be longer than 10 characters.
--removeOos true Optional: During an install, update, or modify command, this parameter, followed by true or false, tells the Visual Studio Installer whether to remove all installed components transitioned to an out-of-support state. This behavior is applicable for a single event. If you want to make this behavior persistent, apply this parameter to the modifySettings command, described later, or configure the removeOOS global policy. Useful for helping to keep the machine secure.
--config <path to *.vsconfig file> Optional: During an install or modify operation, you can pass in a configuration file using the --config parameter to specify the workloads, components, or extensions to add based on a previously saved installation configuration file. This operation is additive only; it doesn't remove anything not specified in the file. Also, items specified in the config file that don't apply to the product aren't added. Highly recommend you specify the fully qualified path to the config file. During an export operation, this parameter determines the location to save the installation configuration file.
--allowUnsignedExtensions Optional: During an install or modify operation run in a --passive or --quiet context using a --config file, if extensions are specified in the config file, then this parameter is necessary in order to load extensions without a digital signature.
--installerOnly Optional: During an install or update operation, this parameter tells the Visual Studio Installer to install just itself (the installer) and not the SSMS product. Its functionality is equivalent to the --update parameter, but more intuitive. Meant to be used when prepping and preconfiguring client machines.
--help, --?, -h, -? Displays an offline version of this page.

Layout command and command-line parameters

All layout management operations, such as creating or updating a layout, are run using the bootstrapper exe and assume that the command is the default Install (blank). All layout management operations should start with the required --layout initial parameter. The following table describes the other parameters you can use to create or update a layout using the command line.

Layout parameters Description
--layout <dir> Specifies a directory to create or update an offline install cache.
--lang <one or more language-locales> Optional: Used with --layout to prepare an offline install cache with resource packages with the specified one or more specified languages. For more information, see the List of language locales section on this page.
--add <one or more workload or component IDs> Optional: One or more workload or component IDs to add. The required components of the artifact are installed, but not the recommended or optional components. You can control more components globally using --includeRecommended and/or --includeOptional. For finer-grained control, you can append ;includeRecommended or ;includeOptional to the ID (for example, --add Workload1;includeRecommended or --add Workload2;includeOptional).

Note: If --add is used, only the specified workloads and components and their dependencies are downloaded. If --add isn't specified, all workloads and components are downloaded to the layout.
--includeRecommended Optional: Includes the recommended components for any workloads that are installed, but not the optional components. The workloads are specified either with --allWorkloads or --add.
--includeOptional Optional: Includes the recommended and optional components for any workloads being included in the layout. The workloads are specified with --add.
--wait Optional: The process waits until the install is completed before returning an exit code. wait is useful when automating installations where one needs to wait for the install to finish to handle the return code from that install. The --wait parameter can only be passed into the bootstrapper; the installer (setup.exe) doesn't support it. It's useful when updating layouts.
--config <path to *.vsconfig file> Optional: If present, SSMS uses the contents of the configuration file to configure your layout. Make sure you specify the fully qualified path to the config file.
--noWeb Optional: If present, SSMS setup uses the files in your layout directory to install SSMS, and it doesn't download any packages from the web. If a user tries to install components that aren't in the layout, setup fails. Don't use this parameter if you're trying to deploy a layout hosted on an internal intranet website.

Important: The --noWeb parameter doesn't stop the Visual Studio Installer on an internet-connected client machine from checking for updates if the client is configured to look at Microsoft hosted servers for updates. In this case, --noWeb simply prevents the client from downloading the product packages.
--verify Optional: Verify the contents of a layout. Any corrupt or missing files are listed.
--fix Optional: Verify the contents of a layout. If any files are corrupt or missing, they're redownloaded. Internet access is required to fix a layout.
--clean <one or more paths to catalogs> Optional: Removes old versions of components from a layout that is updated to a newer version.
Advanced layout parameters Description
--channelId <id> Optional: The ID of the channel for the instance to be installed, represented like SSMS.21.SSMS.Preview. channelId is required for the install command, and ignored for other commands if --installPath is specified. For more information, see syntax examples of --channelId.
--channelUri <uri> Optional: The URI of the channel manifest. This value governs the source location of updates and the initial value is configured in the layout's response.json file. If updates aren't wanted, --channelUri can point to a nonexistent file (for example, --channelUri C:\doesntExist.chman). This parameter can be used for the install command; other commands ignore it.
--installChannelUri <uri> Optional: The URI of the channel manifest to use for the installation. The URI specified by --channelUri (which must be specified when --installChannelUri is specified) is used to detect updates. This parameter can be used for the install command; other commands ignore it.
--installCatalogUri <uri> Optional: The URI of the catalog manifest to use for the installation. If specified, the channel manager attempts to download the catalog manifest from this URI before using the URI in the install channel manifest. This parameter is used to support offline install, where the layout cache is created with the product catalog already downloaded. This parameter can be used for the install command; other commands ignore it.
--productId <id> Optional: The ID of the product for the instance that is installed. This parameter is prepopulated in normal installation conditions. The productId is Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.SSMS.
--keepLayoutVersion Optional: Apply changes to the layout without updating the product version that's included in the layout.
--locale <language-locale> Optional: Change the display language of the user interface for the installer itself. The setting is persisted. For more information, see the List of language locales section on this page.
--cache Optional: If present, packages will be kept after being installed for subsequent repairs. This overrides the global policy setting to be used for subsequent installs, repairs, or modifications. The default policy is to cache packages. This is ignored for the uninstall command.
--nocache Optional: If present, packages will be deleted after being installed or repaired. They'll be downloaded again only if needed and deleted again after use. This overrides the global policy setting to be used for subsequent installs, repairs, or modifications. The default policy is to cache packages. This is ignored for the uninstall command.
--noUpdateInstaller Optional: If present, prevents the installer from updating itself when quiet is specified. The installer fails the command and returns a non-zero exit code if --noUpdateInstaller is specified with quiet when an installer update is required.
--path <name>=<path> Optional: Used to specify custom install paths for the installation. Supported path names are shared, cache, and install.
--path cache=<path> Optional: Uses the location you specify to download installation files. This location can only be set the first time that SSMS is installed. Example: --path cache="C:\SSMS\cache"
--path shared=<path> Optional: Contains shared files for side-by-side SSMS and Visual Studio installations. Some tools and SDKs install to a location on this drive, while some others might override this setting and install to another drive. Example: --path shared="C:\VS\shared"

Important: This can be set only once and on the first time that either SSMS or Visual Studio is installed.
--path install=<path> Optional: Equivalent to –-installPath. Specifically, --installPath "C:\SSMS" and --path install="C:\SSMS" are equivalent. Only one of these commands can be used at a time.

ModifySettings command and command-line parameters

You can modify the update settings and programmatically configure the source location of updates for a given instance of SSMS by using either the installer or the bootstrapper on the client machine, and passing in the modifySettings command and the desired update channel.

Command Description
modifySettings Verb used to modify the update settings of a particular instance of SSMS.
modifySettings parameters Description
--installPath <dir> Recommended to use to specify which instance of SSMS to act upon.
--newChannelUri Required: The URI of the channel manifest. This value specifies where the next source location of updates will be. If updates aren't wanted, --channelUri can point to a nonexistent file (for example, --channelUri C:\doesNotExist.chman).
--channelUri The URI of the old channel manifest. Can be used if the --installPath isn't known. Must be used with --productId to identify the right instance to act upon.
--productId <id> Must be used if --channelUri is specified and is used to identify the right instance to act upon. The productId is Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.SSMS.
--includeRecommended Optional: During a modifySettings command, this parameter (which must have the word true or false immediately after it) tells the SSMS installer to disable the "add recommended components for installed workloads on update" functionality in the Update Setting dialog.
--quiet Optional: This parameter prevents any user interface from being displayed while the command is being executed. Not available to use programmatically by standard users.
--removeOos true Optional: During a modifySettings command, this parameter (which must have the word true or false immediately after it) tells the SSMS installer to persistently remove (or not remove) all installed components that have transitioned to an out-of-support state. Useful for helping to keep the machine secure.

Syntax examples:

C:\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\setup.exe" modifySettings --installPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 21\Preview" --newChannelUri --removeOos true
 C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 21\Preview\vs_ssms.exe" modifySettings --channelUri --productId Microsoft.SSMS.Product.Community --newChannelUri \\layoutserver\share\path\channelmanifest.json --removeOos true --quiet

Remove channel command and command-line parameters

Channels that are available to update from, are cached on the client, and over time they can generate clutter. You can manually remove update channels by bringing up the Visual Studio Installer, switching to the Available tab, and selecting on the X in the top right corner of the product card. You can programmatically remove channels (for example, older layout locations) using the removeChannel command. You can run vswhere programmatically on the client machine to determine which channels are cached on the client machine.

Command Description
removeChannel Command to remove a channel from the client machine.
removeChannel parameters Description
--channelUri Required The URI of the old channel manifest.
--quiet Optional This parameter prevents any user interface from being displayed while the command is being executed.
--passive Optional This parameter overrides the --quiet parameter. It causes the UI to appear in a non-interactive manner.

Syntax example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\setup.exe" removeChannel --channelUri "\\\\server\\share\\layoutdirectory\\ChannelManifest.json"

List of language locales

The following table lists the language locales that can be used with the --addProductLang and --removeProductLang parameters.

Language-locale Language
cs-cz Czech
de-de German
en-us English
es-es Spanish
fr-fr French
it-it Italian
ja-jp Japanese
ko-kr Korean
pl-pl Polish
pt-br Portuguese - Brazil
ru-ru Russian
tr-tr Turkish
zh-cn Chinese - Simplified
zh-tw Chinese - Traditional

Error codes

Depending on the result of the operation, the %ERRORLEVEL% environment variable is set to one of the following values:

Value Result
0 Operation completed successfully
740 Elevation required
1001 Visual Studio installer process is running
1003 Visual Studio is in use
1602 Operation was canceled
1618 Another installation running
1641 Operation completed successfully, and reboot was initiated
3010 Operation completed successfully, but install requires reboot before it can be used
5003 Bootstrapper failed to download installer
5004 Operation was canceled
5005 Bootstrapper command-line parse error
5007 Operation was blocked - the computer doesn't meet the requirements
8001 Arm machine check failure
8002 Background download precheck failure
8003 Out of support selectable failure
8004 Target directory failure
8005 Verifying source payloads failure
8006 Visual Studio processes running
8010 Operating System not supported. Refer to the system requirements.
-1073720687 Connectivity failure
-1073741510 Microsoft Visual Studio Installer was terminated (by the user or external process)
(for example:
-1, 1, 1603)
Failure condition occurred - check the logs for more information

Each operation generates several log files in the %TEMP% directory that indicate the progress of the installation. Sort the folder by date and look for files that begin with ssms_bootstrapper, ssms_client, and ssms_setup for the bootstrapper, the installer app, and the setup engine, respectively.

Support or troubleshooting

Sometimes, things can go wrong. If your SSMS installation fails, see Troubleshoot installation and upgrade issues for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview for step-by-step guidance.

You can reference the SSMS Developer Community site for other known issues (filter on Tooling under Groups) and to provide feedback to the product team.