What's new in Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Graph provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access data in Microsoft 365, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. This article provides information about what's new in Microsoft Graph APIs, documentation, SDKs, and more.

For more detailed API-level updates, see the Microsoft Graph API changelog.

For details about previous updates to Microsoft Graph, see Microsoft Graph what's new history.


Features in preview status are subject to change without notice, and might not be promoted to generally available (GA) status. Don't use preview features in production apps.

March 2025: New and generally available


Updated the Microsoft Entra built-in role required to perform a new bulk upload. Going forward, admin users can use the User Administrator role instead of the Global Administrator role to invoke this API.

Device and app management | Cloud PC

Use the autopatch property on cloudPcProvisioningPolicy to get or set specific settings for Windows Autopatch that enable its customers to experience it on Cloud PC.

Teamwork and communications | Calls and online meetings

Updated the throttling thresholds for the callRecord, participant, and session resources. The limit per call record changed from 10 requests to 40 requests per 20 seconds for all pages, and the limit for list call records changed from 15 requests to 40 requests per 20 seconds for all pages.

Teamwork and communications | Messaging

Use the firstChannelName property on a team to set the name of the first channel created in a team.

March 2025: New in preview only


Updated the Microsoft Entra built-in role required to perform a new bulk upload. Going forward, admin users can use the User Administrator role instead of the Global Administrator role to invoke this API.

Device and app management | Cloud PC

  • Removed the GET /deviceManagement/virtualEndpoint/snapshots/{cloudPcSnapshotId} method from the cloudPcSnapshot resource.
  • Use the new members australasia and europe in cloudPcRegionGroup to indicate the geographic group to which a region belongs.
  • Use the reportName parameter on the cloudPcReports: retrieveCrossRegionDisasterRecoveryReport method to get the name of the Cloud PC disaster recovery report.
  • Added the enabledDRType, dRHealthStatus, and backupCloudPcStatus as supported columns for the cloudPcReports: retrieveCrossRegionDisasterRecoveryReport method and removed the isCrossRegionEnabled and crossRegionHealthStatus columns from the report.

Teamwork and communications | Calls and online meetings

Use the isEndToEndEncryptionEnabled property on onlineMeeting and virtualEventSession to indicate whether end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is enabled for a meeting or virtual event session.

Teamwork and communications | Messaging

  • Reply with quote to a single chat message or multiple chat messages in a chat.
  • Forward a chat message, a channel message, or a channel message reply to a chat.

February 2025: New and generally available

Device and app management | Cloud printing

Use the printerDiscoverySettings property on printSettings to specify settings that affect printer discovery when using Universal Print.


Added teamsMessageEvidence as a supported alert evidence.

Security | eDiscovery

Sites and lists

Enabled the $filter query parameter for the list operation of the listItem resource. For more information, see Get filtered SharePoint list items with specific fields.

Teamwork and communications | Calls and online meetings

  • Fetch the recording of a Teams live event.
  • Enabled the allowRecording, allowTranscription, anonymizeIdentityForRoles, broadcastSettings, and watermarkProtection as supported properties in the update operation of the onlineMeeting.
  • Updated the latency information for callRecord. The average latency was changed from 15 to 30 minutes, and the maximum latency was changed from 60 to 150 minutes. For more information, see subscription.

Teamwork and communications | Messaging

  • Get all members from a channel, including direct and indirect members of a shared channel.
  • Create a one-on-one chat with installed apps.
  • Create a one-on-one chat with RSC-granted apps.
  • Get all members from a channel, including direct and indirect members of a shared channel.

February 2025: New in preview only

Backup storage

Security | eDiscovery

  • Added the itemsToInclude, cloudAttachmentVersion, documentVersion, additionalDataOptions, and statisticsOptions as supported properties and parameters across various resources and actions of the eDiscovery API.
  • Enabled contentQuery as a supported parameter for the update operation of the ediscoveryHoldPolicy resource.
  • List and delete a userSource or siteSource object.
  • Delete a unifiedGroupSource.

Device and app management | Cloud PC

Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

Replaced the following API operations for managing custom authentication extensions:

Old endpoint Recommended endpoint
GET /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension

GET /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension

GET /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.OnEmailOtpSendListener/handler/microsoft.graph.OnOtpSendCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension
GET /identity/customAuthenticationExtensions/{customAuthenticationExtensionId}
PUT /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension/$ref

PUT /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension/$ref

PUT /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onEmailOtpSendListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onOtpSendCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension/$ref
PATCH /identity/customAuthenticationExtensions/{customAuthenticationExtensionId}


Added teamsMessageEvidence as a supported alert evidence.

Sites and lists

Enabled the application permission Sites.Archive.All for the site: archive and site: unarchive methods. Enabled the $filter query parameter for the list operation of the listItem resource. For more information, see Get filtered SharePoint list items with specific fields.

Tasks and plans

  • List Planner plans owned by a shared channel in Teams.
  • Updated the request URL of the List businessScenarioTasks method to require the $filter query parameter to scope the request to an externalObjectId, externalContextId, or a groupId.

Teamwork and communications | Calls and online meetings

  • Enabled the allowRecording, allowTranscription, anonymizeIdentityForRoles, broadcastSettings, and watermarkProtection as supported properties in the update operation of the onlineMeeting.
  • Updated the latency information for callRecord. The average latency was changed from 15 to 30 minutes, and the maximum latency was changed from 60 to 150 minutes. For more information, see subscription.

Teamwork and communications | Messaging

  • Introduced the following more granular delegated and application permissions for retrieving all members of a channel:
    • Use the ChannelMember.Read.All delegated permission instead of the Group.Read.All delegated permission.
    • Use the ChannelMember.Read.Group and ChannelMember.ReadWrite.Group application permissions for resource-specific consent.
  • Create a one-on-one chat with RSC-granted apps.

Contribute to Microsoft Graph

Are there scenarios you'd like Microsoft Graph to support?

  • Suggest and vote for new features by using the Microsoft Graph Feedback Portal. Some new features originate as popular requests from the developer community. The Microsoft Graph team regularly evaluates customer needs and releases new features to the beta (https://graph.microsoft.com/beta) and v1.0 (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0) endpoints.

  • Join the weekly Microsoft 365 platform community call and become an active member of the Microsoft Graph community. To discover the full calendar of developer calls, visit the Microsoft 365 and Power Platform community page.

  • Join our research panel to provide your input on our developer experiences.